Friday, April 27, 2012

Announcements for April 29

  • Fish Fry Recap
    Proceeds from the Brotherhood of St Andrew’s Lenten fish fry totaled $907. The money will be dedicated to support the Brotherhood and St. John’s longstanding commitment to PADS, a homeless ministry here in the south suburbs. Thanks again to Bill Bestow and the many others who made it all happen.

  • Radical Welcome: Workshops with Stephanie Spellers
    Want to do some hands-on work on how remixing our Anglican tradition can help us serve the mission of God? Stephanie Spellers, whose diocesan convention keynote address last November sparked energy around the diocese, returns for two workshops this spring. This first is May 5 at St. Paul’s DeKalb; the second is June 16 at Christ Church, Waukegan. Anyone is welcome to attend. More information and registration are available on the diocesan website.

  • Bluegrass Concert May 20
    On Sunday, May 20, the Grande Prairie Singers present “Grande Prairie: My Old Mountain Home,” featuring the bluegrass mass A World Beloved, at 4:00 p.m. at Faith United Protestant Church, Park Forest. The concert includes a gen-yoo-wine bluegrass band, “What Wondrous Love,” and Charles Wesley's unforgettable “Come, O Thou Traveler Unknown.” Tickets are available now from Betsy Burgwald for only $10 each.

  • Adult Literacy: You Can Make a Difference
    The Adult Literacy Institute at Prairie State College needs volunteers for rewarding jobs and the chance to give back to the community. If you decide to volunteer, you will receive training, and you won’t be paired with anyone who is beyond your ability help. You can work as little as one hour a week to mentor one student or you can choose to work with more students. Tutors are needed in reading, writing and math. Most of the students are very motivated adults who work hard, but have had few opportunities for education. For more information talk to Bill Moser or call Ms. Dora Ivory at (708) 709-3724.

Reflection for April 29

Gifts of the Desert
Author Sara Maitland writes about her annual sojourn into the Sinai Desert: [There] are particular experiences in the desert that act like a pressure cooker for the soul. Among these are: Vulnerability—the desert is perilous, life is stretched thin, you learn you are vulnerable and dependent both on other people and on grace. Scale—the brightness of light and the huge open spaces make you, as an individual, very tiny. Simplicity—stripped of so many things (cell phones, hot showers, refrigerators, mirrors), you realize these should be delights, not necessities.... And above all, silence itself—changing the way we see and judge others, stripping off the social protection of chatter, leaving us naked and surprisingly tender (“In pursuit of silence,” Christian Century, April 18, 2012).

Friday, April 20, 2012

Announcements for April 22

  • Easter Flower Acknowledgments
    An updated listing of those who made contributions for Easter flowers will be printed as part of this week’s service leaflet. Thank you for contributing to the beauty of the church at Easter time.
  • Daughters of the King Meet Saturday
    The Daughters of the King will be having their monthly meeting this Saturday, April 21, from 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.  We will be discussing one in a DVD series of meditations, entitled "The Four Acts of Prayer" by Walter Wangerin.  The Rev. Wangerin was formerly writer in residence at Valparaiso University.  All women of the parish are welcome.
  • Episcopal Relief and Development Has Distributed 8.5 Million Mosquito Nets
    Since its inception in 2006, Episcopal Relief and Development’s NetsforLife® program has distributed a total of 8.5 million mosquito nets as part of its campaign to fight malaria. Combined with the community education and net monitoring work of nearly 74,000 trained Malaria Control Agents, these nets have saved the lives of over 100,000 children under five and reduced the overall malaria-related death rate by 45% in communities where NetsforLife® is active. (You can read the full story here.
  • The Altar Guild’s Music Video
    St. John’s Altar Guild video on You Tube has had 112 views! Check out the fun (and prayerful...) video on the construction of the garden and altar of repose for Maundy Thursday. It stars Sue Buckman and Harold Keene, with cameo appearances by Susan Marquis, Alison Deniston and Lynn Ruschhaupt.  View it here.
  • Recycle and Reuse your Plastic Easter Eggs
    Remember to bring in your now empty plastic Easter eggs to the church, and we will reuse them in next year’s children’s Easter egg hunt. Look for the pastel lavender collection box near the parish office.
  • Vestry Minutes On-line
    The minutes from the March meeting of the vestry (approved at the recent April meeting) are now on-line on this blog.  Click the Vestry Minutes label.
  • Thank You for Yarn Donations
    Thank you to everyone for your generous donations of yarn to help the knitters in Japan affected by last year’s earthquake and tsunami. We are no longer collecting yarn. And thank you to Mary Agnes Long for spearheading this effort and to the St. John’s yarn ministry for coordinating the collection.

Reflection for April 22

For Earth Day
A reflection on Job 40:19b (God speaking to Job and us about the creation of Behemoth, thought to be a present-day hippopotamus) – Only, I, its Maker can approach it with the sword. Only I have the authority to destroy this work of art—I alone. I say this to you not to tell you I am going to destroy it. I say this to tell you: Put down your arrow and gun. Don’t be so foolish as to think that you are powerful because you are able to destroy what I have created. Real power, after all, belongs to the Maker, not the destroyer. This living work of art—this grand expression of my creativity—belongs to me, its Creator, alone (Calvin B. DeWitt, “Behold the hippo,” Christian Century, April 18, 2012).

Minutes of the Vestry Meeting - March 19, 2012


Evening Prayer
At 7:00 PM the vestry met for evening prayer, which included a lesson on St. Joseph. Present at the meeting were: the rector, Kristin Orr; senior warden, Frank So; junior warden, Audrey Ongman; vestry members Candice Barrera, Anne Edwards, Stephen Hofer, Bev Keene, Gale Michael, Mark Moxley, and R.J. VanSwol; treasurer, Clay Denton; and clerk, Susan Marquis. John Huntoon and Greg Lawrence were absent.

Thanksgiving and Prayer Requests
Worship time was devoted to prayers of thanksgiving and intercession.

Parish Stewardship

Approval of Minutes from February Meeting
Mark Moxley made a motion to approve the minutes from February 20th. Anne Edwards seconded, and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report
Clay Denton reported that the balance in the checking account looks large because he has moved money into that account in anticipation of a bill from the architects. The copier machine fee has been renegotiated downward, and the savings should be reflected in next month’s bills. We have saved a lot this year on snow removal due to the mild winter. R.J. VanSwol moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Gale Michael seconded, and the motion passed.

Review and Approve 2011 Parochial Report
The national church requires all parishes to file a parochial report annually. The highlights of this year’s report include a steady parish membership and the fact that St. John’s collected and gave away over $11,000 to charitable causes. Anne Edwards moved, and Bev Keene seconded the motion that the parochial report be approved as presented. The motion passed.


Rector’s Report
The rector noted that two new families have joined the parish.
 Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has announced his retirement. The weekly Lent class on the Ten Commandments has been going well. Pastor Orr just returned from Wisconsin where she attended a mandatory, multi-day, EfM mentor recertification event.

Wardens’ Reports and/or Reports from Parish Organizations
There were no reports.

Upcoming Parish Events
Bill Bestow is in charge of the annual fish fry to be held on Friday, March 25th. The profits will be donated to PADS. Holy Week is approaching, and there will be worship services every day. Tyler Matula will be baptized at the Easter Vigil.

Discussion and Decisions
Accessibility Project Updates Anne Edwards reported on the work she has done since the last vestry meeting on identifying grant sources. Partners for Sacred Places does not give grants but does do training on how to use an old building. Accessible Faith Program is part of the Retirement Research Foundation and gives grants up to $30,000. Pathways to Worship gives smaller grants of $1,000. Almost every major company has a foundation that gives grants to various organizations. The United Thank Offering of the Episcopal Church allows each diocese to ask for one grant per year.
 Mark Moxley reported on his research about running a capital campaign. Mark contacted the Diocese of Chicago and spoke with Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, who emphasized the importance of the capital campaign process and said that every ten to fifteen years a capital campaign is a part of a healthy parish. She also suggested that we look into working with the Episcopal Church Foundation, which provides leadership in capital campaigns. Mark found, according to the website of the Episcopal Church Foundation, that with a good campaign, a church can raise three to five times its annual giving amount.

Vestry Retreat Scheduling
Pastor Orr suggested that the vestry retreat be rescheduled to June 2nd, which would allow the diocesan Director of Ministry, Jim Steen, to serve as leader. This time seemed workable for most vestry members.

The meeting closed with prayer.
The next vestry meeting will be held on Monday, April 16th.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Marquis Clerk of the Vestry

Approved:  April 16, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

Announcements for April 15

  • Vestry Meeting
    The vestry meets this Monday, April 16, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

  • Easter Flower Acknowledgments
    A listing of those who made contributions for Easter flowers will be printed as part of this week’s service leaflet. Thank you for contributing to the beauty of the church at Easter time.

  • The Altar Guild’s Music Video
    St. John’s Altar Guild is on You Tube! Check out the fun (and prayerful...) video on the construction of the garden and altar of repose for Maundy Thursday. It's posted here.

  • Recycle and Reuse your Plastic Easter Eggs
    Bring your now empty plastic Easter eggs to the church, and we will reuse them in next year’s children’s Easter egg hunt. Look for the pastel lavender collection box near the parish office.

  • Youth Confirmation Classes Begin This Sunday
    Confirmation classes for young people begin this Sunday, April 15, at 9:00 in the 7th/8th Grade Sunday School Room (the small conference room across from the parish office). If you have questions, please speak with Cyndie Knoll or Pastor Orr.

  • Christian Formation Classes Resume
    Following the Easter break Christian formation classes for children and adults resume this Sunday, April 15, at 9:00 a.m. Youth worship will also be held this Sunday, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

  • Faith in Films is Taking a Break
    Faith in films is taking a break for the rest of this spring. They will not meet April 13 (as had been previously announced). If you’d like to be part of a conversation about the shape of Faith in Films for the future, please be in touch with Mary Jean Bond or Gale Michael.

  • Yarn Donations Still Welcome
    If you have extra yarn to donate to the knitters in Japan, please bring it to the box in the undercroft by April 29. For more information, see the Wall Street Journal article on the table near the box.

  • Program on the 1940 Census
    The South Suburban Genealogical & Historical Society is hosting a panel discussion on the 1940 US census. The meeting is in the undercroft at St. John’s on Saturday, April 21, beginning at 10:00 a.m. It is free and open to parishioners. See Peter Irvine for more details.

Reflection for April 15

Did you miss Easter? It happens.... Lots of people miss Easter. Indeed, some of the best people miss Easter.... The evidence suggests that very few people actually were around for the first Easter. There were the curiosity-seekers who lined the route to Golgotha, but then, who’s to say they were there for the sake of Jesus? He wasn’t the only one being executed and curiosity being what it is we dare not confuse it with conviction.... That we know of Easter at all is probably not because of those who were present. It’s not because they went to Easter, but rather because Easter came to them (Sam Portaro, “Missing Easter”, on his Blog, Veni).

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Worship Schedule

  • Easter Eve, April 7
    3:00 p.m. - Liturgy of Light for Children (with the raising of the A******* banner.)
    8:00 p.m. - The Great Vigil of Easter with Holy Baptism

  • Easter Day, April 8
    7:40 a.m. - Morning Prayer
    8:00 a.m. - The Holy Eucharist
    10:00 a.m. - Choral Holy Eucharist, followed by the children's Easter egg hunt

    Christian Formation classes will not meet on Easter Day.
    Youth worship (at 10:00 a.m.) will not meet on Easter Day.

Announcements for April 8

  • Easter Egg Hunt
    The traditional children’s Easter egg hunt will take place on the front lawn following the 10:00 a.m. service. Please bring your own basket or bag for collecting.

  • Youth Confirmation Classes Begin
    In the Episcopal Church confirmation is the time when children who were baptized as infants reaffirm their baptismal vows in their own voice. It is also the rite in which individuals specifically affiliate with the Episcopal Church as a denomination. Classes will be offered during the 9:00 a.m. Sunday education hour beginning next Sunday, April 15, for young people seventh grade or older. Confirmation will be Saturday, June 9, at St. James’ Cathedral. If you are interested or have questions, please speak to Cyndie Knoll or Pastor Kristin Orr.

  • Good Friday Donations for Jerusalem
    Since 1922 Episcopalians in the United States have supported the ministries of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East through the Good Friday offering. If you would like to be a part of this effort but were not able to make a donation at St. John’s Good Friday service, you may still contribute. Please place your donation in the Sunday collection plate or send it to the parish office— clearly marked “Good Friday.”

  • Faith in Films: Amish Grace on April 13
    The story of the strength of a community and their powerful commitment to forgiveness after a gunman kills five children in the Amish community of Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania. The film will be shown in the Guild Room, Friday, April 13, beginning at 7:00 p.m.

  • Yarn Donations Still Welcome
    If you have extra yarn to donate to the knitters in Japan, please bring it to the box in the undercroft by April 29. For more information, see the Wall Street Journal article on the table near the box.

Reflection for April 8 - Easter Day

Many people think they have no faith because they feel they haven’t. They do not realize that they must make a choice to believe, take the risk of believing, of committing themselves and setting themselves to live out the commitment. Never mind that they continue to feel that they do not believe. Under cover of being “authentic” we can spend our lives waiting for the kind of certainty we cannot have (Ruth Burrows, Carmelite sister, “Prayer is God’s work,” Christian Century, April 4, 2012).