Thursday, June 29, 2017

Announcements for July 2, 2017

Thank You from Pastor Orr

My deepest thanks are for the privilege of sharing so many experiences of your lives and spiritual journeys.  Thank you also for the many heartfelt notes.  A huge thank you to everyone who was a part of the farewell brunch:  the planners and workers, the senior wardens, and everyone who attended.  (To everyone who took photos, I’d love to see them!)  And, finally, thank you for the generous purse.  I pray for God’s presence and guidance with you all, as individuals and as a parish, as you journey forward.  –Kristin+

Fourth of July Ice Cream Social                                                                                 
St. John’s Old Time Community Fourth of July Ice Cream Social begins after the Flossmoor Children’s Parade, Monday, July 4.  The parade begins at 10:00 a.m.; we begin serving around 10:15 a.m.  Skiddles and Twistina will be twisting balloons into all sorts of fun shapes.  Come enjoy free ice cream and cool drinks.  Hot dogs will be available for purchase.  (Financial contributions to help underwrite the event are still welcome.)

SWIFT Annual Picnic                                                                                                                    South West Interfaith Team (SWIFT) will be hosting its annual picnic on Sunday, July 23rd at Peace Memorial Church, 10300 W 131st St. Palos Park from 1pm – 5pm.  The picnic is only open to members of the 15 congregations that make up SWIFT (including St. John’s), but you are welcome to bring a friend or two if you would like.  There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, and lots of other food as well as a bounce house, a piñata, and a clown.  It should be lots of fun and a great opportunity to share fellowship with our Christian, Muslim, and Jewish neighbors.  If you have any questions please ask or e-mail Rob McManamy or Bryan Burke.

 Search Committee
The Vestry wants to make sure all members of St John’s who are interested in being considered for the search committee to select our new Rector have an opportunity to do so. If you would like to be considered, please let us know by emailing or calling the parish office. 

You can also contact the Wardens, Greg Lawrence or Steve Hofer if you would like more information.

Please contact us by Thursday, July 13, 2017. We will be making the selections for the search committee at our Vestry meeting on Monday, July 17, 2017. 

Usher Pins                                                                                                                     
One of our usher pins seems to have wandered off.  If found, please return to the basket at the back of the church.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Announcements for June 25

       The Fourth of July is Almost Here!                                                                             

Every year individuals and families from the broader Flossmoor community attend St. John’s Fourth of July Ice Cream Social.  We always offer special entertainment for kids.  This year, our balloon twisters Skiddles and Twistina, will be back.  We seek donations from parishioners to help defray the costs of providing this entertainment.  You can help us offer this event to the community.  Look for red, white and blue donation envelopes around the church.  You may place your donation in the offering plate or drop it off at the parish office.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Announcements for June 18

Intercessory Prayer
Anyone who has a prayer request next week, please call the church office. Betsy Sloan will be in the office on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, or contact Betsy Elliot who will activate the prayer chain.

Wednesday Bible Study Class
St. John's Wednesday bible study class is on hiatus for the summer, but we will be joining Holy Family's rector and parishioners for a study of Isaiah on Tuesdays from 6:30 PM until approximately 8:00 PM at Holy Family in Park Forest. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Looking Ahead: Fourth of July Ice Cream Social
July 4th is only two weeks away. St. John’s Ice Cream Social is our gift to the people, young and old, of Flossmoor. Financial contributions are needed to help cover the cost of the children’s entertainment and many volunteers are needed to run the event. Contact Gale Michael to volunteer. Look for the red, white and blue donation envelopes around the church.

SWIFT Annual Picnic
South West Interfaith Team (SWIFT) will be hosting its annual picnic on Sunday, July 23rd at Peace Memorial Church, 10300 W 131st St, Palos Park from 1pm – 5pm. The picnic is only open to members of the 15 congregations that make up SWIFT (including St. John’s), but you are welcome to bring a friend or two if you would like. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, and lots of other food as well as a bounce house, a piñata, and a clown. It should be lots of fun and a great opportunity to share fellowship with our Christian, Muslim, and Jewish neighbors. If you have any questions please ask or e-mail Rob McManamy or Bryan Burke.

Reflection for June 18

O God, you have bound us together for a time as priest and people to work for the advancement of your kingdom in this place: We give you humble and hearty thanks for the ministry which we have shared in these years now past.

We thank you for your patience with us despite our blindness and slowness of heart. We thank you for your forgiveness and mercy in the face of our many failures.

Especially we thank you for your never-failing presence with us through these years, and for the deeper knowledge of you and of each other which we have attained....

Now, we pray, be with those who leave and with us who stay; and grant that all of us, by drawing ever nearer to you, may always be close to each other in the communion of your saints. All this we ask for the sake of Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen. (From The Ending of a Pastoral Relationship in the Book of Occasional Services)

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Announcements for June 11

Farewell Brunch
The Vestry looks forward to seeing everybody at the farewell brunch for Kristin on Sunday, June 18, which is her final Sunday with us. Festivities will take place in the undercroft after the 10 AM service. Please make certain to turn in your RSVP, notify Betsy or any Vestry member by tomorrow, June 12, so we have an accurate headcount. BUT even if you haven’t responded, please join us. All are welcome.

Wednesday Bible Study Class
St. John's Wednesday bible study class is on hiatus for the summer, but we will be joining Holy Family's rector and parishioners for a study of Isaiah on the next few Tuesdays from 6:30 PM until approximately 8:00 PM at Holy Family in Park Forest. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Ice Cream Social
We’re gearing up for the St. John’s Annual Community Ice Cream Social scheduled for Tuesday, July 4th. Skiddles and Twistina will entertain us with their balloon creations. We will have ice cream, cold drinks, and hot dogs. All of this happens immediately following the 10 a.m. Flossmoor Children’s Parade and runs through about 12:15 p.m. Your participation is what makes this event a success. Are you able to bring in some wildflowers or flowers from your garden? Can you put up flyers around town? Can you help move tables and tents outside? Can you meet and greet our guests? Can you scoop ice cream or cut watermelon on July 3rd? Do you have a card table or two that we can borrow? How about (and this is for everyone) praying for glorious weather? Contact Gale Michael with offers to help and/or questions.

SWIFT Annual Picnic
South West Interfaith Team (SWIFT) will be hosting its annual picnic on Sunday, July 23rd at Peace Memorial Church, 10300 W 131st St, Palos Park from 1pm – 5pm. The picnic is only open to members of the 15 congregations that make up SWIFT (including St. John’s), but you are welcome to bring a friend or two if you would like. There will be hot dogs, hamburgers, and lots of other food as well as a bounce house, a piñata, and a clown. It should be lots of fun and a great opportunity to share fellowship with our Christian, Muslim, and Jewish neighbors. If you have any questions please contact Rob McManamy or Bryan Burke.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Announcements for June 4

Wear Red for Pentecost
This Sunday is the Day of Pentecost. It is an informal custom in the church for everyone to wear red symbolizing the tongues, as of fire, in the Pentecost story.

Parish Office Summer Hours
The parish office is now on summer hours. The office will be open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon.

New E-vangelist Schedule
Beginning next week, the e-vangelist will be distributed electronically midday on Thursday. ALL submissions must be received in the parish office by 9:00 a.m. on Thursday. Please email or phone the office with submissions.

Wednesday Bible Study Class
St. John's Wednesday bible study class is on hiatus for the summer, but we will be joining Holy Family's rector and parishioners for a study of Isaiah on the next few Tuesdays from 6:30 PM until approximately 8:00 PM at Holy Family in Park Forest. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Ice Cream Social
We’re gearing up for the St. John’s Annual Community Ice Cream Social scheduled for Monday, July 4th. Skiddles and Twistina will entertain us with their balloon creations. We will have ice cream, cold drinks, and hot dogs. All of this happens immediately following the 10 a.m. Flossmoor Children’s Parade and runs through about 12:15 p.m. Your participation is what makes this event a success. Are you able to bring in some wildflowers or flowers from your garden? Can you put up flyers around town? Can you help move tables and tents outside? Can you meet and greet our guests? Can you scoop ice cream or cut watermelon on July 3rd? Do you have a card table or two that we can borrow? How about (and this is for everyone) praying for glorious weather? Contact Gale Michael with offers to help and/or questions.

Reflection for June 4

When the day of Pentecost had come, the disciples were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability (Acts 2:1-4).