Friday, November 29, 2013

Announcements for December 1

Stewardship: Annual Pledge Drive
Thank you to everyone who has turned in pledge cards. If you have not yet done so, please turn them in as soon as possible to the parish office or place them in the alms basin on Sunday.

Cathedral Shelter Christmas Baskets
Pick up date is this Friday, December 6. Please bring your boxed and labeled gifts to the parish office by 9:00 a.m. on Friday.

Advent Wreath Making This Sunday
Come make your own Advent wreath this Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent. In the undercroft during the 9:00 education hour. All materials, along with information on Advent, will be provided. (If you already have a ring, bring it.) Regular Sunday School classes are on vacation this week.

Holiday Cookie Walk, December 7
Please bring your goodies to the undercroft next Friday, December 6. Cookies should be brought in disposable containers and candies bagged or wrapped in small quantities. Thank you for taking the time and effort to bake cookies and make candies! The sale begins the following day, December 7, from 9:00 am until 11:30 am. Be sure to bring your families, neighbors and friends.

Courtney Reid Visits St. John’s, Sunday, December 8
Courtney Reid, Director of Operations on Bishop Lee’s staff, will visit St. John’s next Sunday, December 8. She will preach at both services and present a forum during the 9:00 a.m. education hour.

Caroling for Canned Goods: Everyone’s Invited
St. John’s high school youth group invites all of St John’s (plus friends and neighbors of all ages) to join us in “Caroling for Canned Goods” in our parish neighborhood on Sunday, December 8th at 3:30 pm (we’ll meet in the undercroft). Help us help the hungry served by the Rich Township Food Pantry. And what caroling party would be complete without homemade cocoa? Please join us for the fun, and bring a wagon if you have one. Remember, musical talent is totally optional: it’s the spirit that counts! Questions or contributions? Please call Dee McManamy.

Grande Prairie Singers Season Opener
“Winterlude 2013,” will feature holiday music of many genres. The concert will be at 4:00 p.m., Sunday, December 8, at Faith United Protestant Church, Park Forest. Highlights include the Grande Prairie Children's Choir and the Singers' new accompanist, our own Michael Soto! Advance-sale tickets are $15; $20 at the door; $10 for students at all times. Or consider a $40 season subscription for this concert and those in March and May. For more information or tickets, see Bob or Betsy Burgwald.

Reflection for December 1

The Advent Collect

Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen (Book of Common Prayer, p. 211).

Friday, November 22, 2013

Announcements for November 24

Stewardship: This Sunday is Pledge Sunday
Please bring your pledge cards to be offered during worship this Sunday, November 24.

Cathedral Shelter Christmas Baskets
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to participate in the Christmas basket program. All families and seniors have been adopted, but cash contributions are still needed to support the Little Hands participation. Look for donation envelopes in the undercroft. Pick up date is December 6.

Little Hands Cathedral Shelter Christmas Basket Shopping
Children of all ages are invited to participate in the Little Hands outreach ministry. This Sunday, November 24, we will shop for a family in the Cathedral Shelter Christmas Basket program. Gather at the church at 3:00 p.m. After shopping we will return to the church to wrap the presents.

Holiday Cookie Walk, December 7
There are many ways to help: Bake, volunteer, shop, or all three! Most of the proceeds go to local outreach and service agencies. For information, be in touch with Alison Deniston.

Blue Jeans Sunday – This Sunday, November 24
Help out with fall clean up of our parish grounds. Wear your gardening clothes to church this Sunday, November 24, and stay a little while after church to do landscape work.

Thanksgiving Services
The community interfaith Thanksgiving service (featuring the Viking Choir) will be held Wednesday, November 27, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at Infant Jesus of Prague. St. John’s Thanksgiving celebration of the Holy Eucharist will be Thursday, November 28, at 10:00 a.m.

Advent Wreath Making Sunday, December 1
Come make your own Advent wreath on the First Sunday of Advent, December 1. In the undercroft during the 9:00 education hour. All materials, along with information on Advent, will be provided. (If you already have a ring, bring it.)

Parish Office Closed for Thanksgiving
The parish office will be closed November 28 & 29.

Caroling for Canned Goods: Everyone’s Invited
St. John’s high school youth group invites all of St John’s (plus friends and neighbors of all ages) to join us in “Caroling for Canned Goods” in our parish neighborhood on Sunday, December 8th at 3:30 pm (we’ll meet in the undercroft). Help us help the hungry served by the Rich Township Food Pantry. And what caroling party would be complete without homemade cocoa? Please join us for the fun, and bring a wagon if you have one. Remember, musical talent is totally optional: it’s the spirit that counts! Questions or contributions? Please call Dee McManamy.

Grande Prairie Singers Season Opener
“Winterlude 2013,” will feature holiday music of many genres. The concert will be at 4:00 p.m., Sunday, December 8, at Faith United Protestant Church, Park Forest. Highlights include the Grande Prairie Children's Choir and the Singers' new accompanist, our own Michael Soto! Advance-sale tickets are $15; $20 at the door; $10 for students at all times. Or consider a $40 season subscription for this concert and those in March and May. For more information or tickets, see Bob or Betsy Burgwald.

Reflection for November 24

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
(T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Minutes of Vestry Meeting - October 21, 2013


After Evening Prayer, vestry members shared individual prayers of thanksgiving and prayer requests.

Present were the rector, Kristin Orr; the senior warden, Audrey Ongman; the junior warden, Bill Bestow; vestry members Anne Edwards, Steve Hofer, Greg Lawrence, Gale Michael, Mark Moxley, and Patti Pohrte; treasurer, Debbi Huggett; and clerk, Susan Marquis. Vestry members Candice Barrera and Jim Whitfield were absent.

Parish Stewardship

Approval of Minutes
Bill Bestow moved that the minutes from the vestry meeting of September 16th be approved. Gale Michael seconded, and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report
Debbi Huggett reported that expenses are running under budget due to the open Christian Education Director’s position, but some of the staff position savings have been offset by bulk buying of supplies such as printer ink and candles. Revenues are behind. Debbi estimates that we usually collect about 92-93% of what is pledged for the year. The lag is not alarming, and there still is some time to catch up. A $3,000 gift to the church is being used to update the tile flooring in two of the rooms of the education wing. Gale Michael moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted. After a second by Anne Edwards, the motion passed.

Rector’s Discretionary Account Report
Greg Lawrence moved, and Bill Bestow seconded, that the Rector’s Discretionary Fund report for the third quarter of 2013 be accepted. The motion carried.

Brotherhood Account
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew has an independent bank account. Pastor Orr proposed that we close it as a separate account and add the balance to the church’s special purpose fund. Audrey Ongman moved to follow this proposal. Steve Hofer seconded. The motion was approved.


Rector’s Report
-Pastor Orr announced that Bob Berner resigned from the vestry due to his conflicting travel schedule and suggested that the vestry follow the procedure that has been used in the past for resignations, that being that, when the vacancy occurs near the end of the year, the position will remain open until a new member is voted in at the annual meeting to fill the remainder of the term. There was vestry agreement to this plan.
-St. John’s will offer an All Souls Day service on Saturday, November 2nd. While this service will be new to the parish, it is not new to the broader church. The idea arose as Pastor Orr looked for something liturgical that would be especially comforting for people living with grief.
-The new acolyte photo collage is ready and will be hung on the hall wall during the upcoming week.
-The rector reported on accessibility news. Steve Hofer has found another lift company, but the quote from this company is higher than the first quote we received. Architect Dan Pohrte has offered to talk with us. Barry Berg has communicated with Pastor Orr by e-mail. He hopes to get some drawings to us soon.
-Pastor Orr will attend two days of a diocesan clergy conference on Monday and Tuesday at Techny Towers.
-After a two-year search, Holy Family in Park Forest has called a rector, Rachael Gregory. She will begin next month.
-Pastor Orr thanked the vestry for its presence when Bishop Lee visited our parish.

Wardens’ Reports and/or Other Reports from Parish Organizations
The senior warden announced that the kitchen has been professionally cleaned. The oven has been repaired (i.e. the pilot light was re-lit). Audrey also noted that donations during coffee hour have been covering only about half of expenses. The conclusion of the discussion that followed was that people just need to be reminded to donate. Greg Lawrence will make a reminder announcement in church.

Upcoming Parish Events
November 2 at 5 PM – All Souls Day service
November 3 from 4-6 PM – rector’s open house
November 27 at 7:30 PM at Infant Jesus of Prague – Community Thanksgiving service
November 28 at 10 AM – St. John’s Thanksgiving service 

Discussion and Decisions

Fall Pledge Campaign
The rector wants to encourage generosity and asked the vestry how to help people really think about it. It was noted that when the cost of living increases were made explicit to the parish by letter some few years ago, people added to their pledges.
Pastor Orr suggested adding an outreach ministry option to the pledge card this year so that parishioners could pledge to support specific ministries in addition to their general pledges. Ministries suggested by the vestry included: Night Ministry, Respond Now (food pantry), a community garden on church grounds, education (tutoring or helping in schools), local conservation, PADS, and South Suburban Family Shelter.
Mark Moxley and Bill Bestow offered to spearhead the garden project. Audrey Ongman and Gale Michael volunteered to organize the Night Ministry outreach, and Patti Pohrte the Sauk Village food pantry ministry.
The vestry was in favor of once again doing spoken presentations in church at both services. Greg Lawrence volunteered to speak on November 3rd, Mark Moxley on November 10th, and Patti Pohrte on November 17th. Pledge Sunday is November 24th.

Diocesan Capital Campaign
Pastor Orr reminded vestry members to read the document on the diocesan Grace and Gladness Campaign that was e-mailed with vestry materials. The campaign is raising funds for ministries throughout the diocese and for programs in the renovated St. James Commons.


Following prayer, the meeting ended at 9:15 PM. The next vestry meeting is scheduled for November18th.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis
Clerk of the Vestry

Approved:  November 18, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

Announcements for November 17

Vestry Meeting
The vestry meets Monday, November 18, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the church.

Stewardship: Next Sunday is Pledge Sunday
This year you received three pledge cards: one for your pledge of financial support, one to pledge time and talent to programs and ministries at St. John’s, and one to pledge your efforts to outreach ministries. Please prayerfully consider what you can offer. Pledge Sunday is November 24. You may offer your pledge cards during worship on that day or return them to the parish office at any time before November 24.

High School Youth Group
The teen group will meet this Sunday, November 17, at 5:30 p.m. We will be studying the Living Compass curriculum (please bring the books with you). In addition, we will discuss our December service project. Pulled pork sandwiches will be served for dinner. All high school aged teens are welcome. See you Sunday!

Cathedral Shelter Christmas Baskets
Cathedral Shelter is one of the Episcopal Charities of the Diocese of Chicago. It provides a wide range of services to homeless individuals and families and to people struggling with addiction. The Christmas Basket program provides gifts to families and seniors who otherwise would not be able to afford them. Information is available in the undercroft on how you can help by adopting a senior or a family. You may also contribute cash towards the family adopted by Little Hands. Pick up date is December 6.

Little Hands Cathedral Shelter Christmas Basket Shopping
Children of all ages are invited to participate in the Little Hands outreach ministry. Sunday, November 24, we will shop for a family in the Cathedral Shelter Christmas Basket program. Gather at the church at 3:00 p.m. After shopping we will return to the church to wrap the presents.

Holiday Cookie Walk
St. John’s annual Holiday Cookie Walk is December 7. Most of the money raised at the Cookie Walk goes to benefit local outreach and service agencies. Please say “yes” when we ask you to bake.

Blue Jeans Sunday – Next Sunday, November 24
Help out with fall clean up of our parish grounds. Wear your gardening clothes to church next Sunday, November 24, and stay a little while after church to do landscape work.

Thanksgiving Services
The community interfaith Thanksgiving service (featuring the Viking Choir) will be held Wednesday, November 27, beginning at 7:30 p.m. at Infant Jesus of Prague. St. John’s Thanksgiving celebration of the Holy Eucharist will be Thursday, November 28, at 10:00 a.m.

Grande Prairie Singers Season Opener
“Winterlude 2013,” will feature holiday music of many genres. The concert will be at 4:00 p.m., Sunday, December 8, at Faith United Protestant Church, Park Forest. Highlights include the Grande Prairie Children's Choir and the Singers' new accompanist, our own Michael Soto! Advance-sale tickets are $15; $20 at the door; $10 for students at all times. Or consider a $40 season subscription for this concert and those in March and May. For more information or tickets, see Bob or Betsy Burgwald.

Reflection for November 17

As online worship becomes more common in some churches, leaders within the United Methodist Church are debating whether the denomination should condone online communion…. The majority of the leaders agreed with the statement that communion “entails the actual tactile sharing of bread and wine in a service that involves people corporeally together in the same place.” Not everyone, however, agreed that congregants must be in the same place. The debate raises fundamental questions at the heart of the church experience: the definition of community, individual participation, the role of tradition and basic theological understandings of the meaning of communion (Christian Century, November 13, 2013).

Friday, November 8, 2013

Announcements for November 10

Stewardship: Annual Pledge Campaign
This year you received three pledge cards: one for your pledge of financial support, one to pledge time and talent to programs and ministries at St. John’s, and one to pledge your efforts to outreach ministries. Please prayerfully consider what you can offer. Pledge Sunday is November 24. You may offer your pledge cards during worship on that day or return them to the parish office at any time before November 24.

Loaves & Fishes This Sunday
Following the 10:00 a.m. service this Sunday, November 10, Loaves and Fishes is offering the traditional turkey and dressing brunch. Everyone is invited! If you can, bring a side or dessert to share. If it is not convenient to bring a dish, you are still welcome to share the feast and fellowship.

Parish Dinner Groups Sign Up Ends This Sunday
Sunday, November 10, is the last day to sign up for Parish Dinner Groups. Information and forms for signing up will be found on a table in the undercroft. If you have any questions regarding this unique opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners a little bit better, please talk to Gale Michael or Pastor Orr. Please turn in your forms to Gale, Pastor Orr or the Parish office.

Cathedral Shelter Christmas Baskets
Cathedral Shelter is one of the Episcopal Charities of the Diocese of Chicago. It provides a wide range of services to homeless individuals and families and to people struggling with addiction. The Christmas Basket program provides gifts to families and seniors who otherwise would not be able to afford them. Information is available in the undercroft on how you can help by adopting a senior or a family.

Coffee Hour Contributions
Thank you to all who have contributed over the last two weeks to support coffee hour expenses. In the weeks and months ahead please continue to be mindful of the need to support this ministry.

Holiday Cookie Walk
St. John’s annual Holiday Cookie Walk is December 7. Most of the money raised at the Cookie Walk goes to benefit local outreach and service agencies. Please say “yes” when we ask you to bake.

Blue Jeans Sunday – November 24
Help out with fall clean up of our parish grounds. Wear your gardening clothes to church Sunday, November 24, and stay a little while after church to do landscape work.

Reflection for November 10

Life is driven by renewal, the persistent energy of rebirth that makes all things new. Pain and loss and death are inevitable, but each and every time they happen, there will be new life. Death happens, but it is never the final answer. Everything that begins ends, and every ending contains the promise of a new beginning (New Life, Edward Stone Gleason).

Friday, November 1, 2013

Announcements for November 3

Stewardship: Annual Pledge Drive 
The mission and ministry of St. John’s depend upon your financial support and participation. Pledge cards can be returned to the parish office at any time or you will have the opportunity to offer them within worship on Sunday, November 24.

All Saints Open House at the Rectory
Everyone is invited to the annual All Saints Open House at the Rectory this Sunday, November 3, from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

High School Youth Group
The high school youth group meets this Sunday, November 3, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Parish Dinner Groups
Sign up for the 2013-2014 Parish Dinner Groups continues through Sunday, November 10. Information and forms for signing up will be found on a table in the undercroft. Please join us even if you are not a “couple” or you can’t host a dinner in your home. If you have any questions regarding this unique opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners a little bit better, please talk to Gale Michael or Pastor Orr.

Loaves & Fishes Next Sunday
Everyone is invited to stay for brunch following the 10:00 a.m. service next Sunday, November 10. More details in next week’s e-vangelist.

Yarn Ministry
The yarn ministry will meet Monday, November 4, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Guild Room. All knitters and crocheters are welcome.

Blue Jeans Sunday – November 24
Help out with fall clean up of our parish grounds. Wear your gardening clothes to church Sunday, November 24, and stay a little while after church to do landscape work.

Daylight Saving Time Ends
Daylight Saving Time ends this Sunday, November 3. Remember to set your clocks back one hour.

Reflection for All Saints Sunday - November 3

The Church is “the communion of Saints,” that is, a people made holy through their mutual participation in the mystery of Christ. This communion exists through history, continues in the present, and endures beyond the grave and gate of death into heaven, for God is not a God of the dead but of the living, and those still on their earthly pilgrimage continue to have fellowship with those whose work is done. The pilgrim Church and the Church at rest join in watching and praying for that great day when Christ shall come again to change and make perfect our common humanity in the image of Christ’s risen glory. (Holy Women, Holy Men, p. 742).