Friday, November 29, 2013

Announcements for December 1

Stewardship: Annual Pledge Drive
Thank you to everyone who has turned in pledge cards. If you have not yet done so, please turn them in as soon as possible to the parish office or place them in the alms basin on Sunday.

Cathedral Shelter Christmas Baskets
Pick up date is this Friday, December 6. Please bring your boxed and labeled gifts to the parish office by 9:00 a.m. on Friday.

Advent Wreath Making This Sunday
Come make your own Advent wreath this Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent. In the undercroft during the 9:00 education hour. All materials, along with information on Advent, will be provided. (If you already have a ring, bring it.) Regular Sunday School classes are on vacation this week.

Holiday Cookie Walk, December 7
Please bring your goodies to the undercroft next Friday, December 6. Cookies should be brought in disposable containers and candies bagged or wrapped in small quantities. Thank you for taking the time and effort to bake cookies and make candies! The sale begins the following day, December 7, from 9:00 am until 11:30 am. Be sure to bring your families, neighbors and friends.

Courtney Reid Visits St. John’s, Sunday, December 8
Courtney Reid, Director of Operations on Bishop Lee’s staff, will visit St. John’s next Sunday, December 8. She will preach at both services and present a forum during the 9:00 a.m. education hour.

Caroling for Canned Goods: Everyone’s Invited
St. John’s high school youth group invites all of St John’s (plus friends and neighbors of all ages) to join us in “Caroling for Canned Goods” in our parish neighborhood on Sunday, December 8th at 3:30 pm (we’ll meet in the undercroft). Help us help the hungry served by the Rich Township Food Pantry. And what caroling party would be complete without homemade cocoa? Please join us for the fun, and bring a wagon if you have one. Remember, musical talent is totally optional: it’s the spirit that counts! Questions or contributions? Please call Dee McManamy.

Grande Prairie Singers Season Opener
“Winterlude 2013,” will feature holiday music of many genres. The concert will be at 4:00 p.m., Sunday, December 8, at Faith United Protestant Church, Park Forest. Highlights include the Grande Prairie Children's Choir and the Singers' new accompanist, our own Michael Soto! Advance-sale tickets are $15; $20 at the door; $10 for students at all times. Or consider a $40 season subscription for this concert and those in March and May. For more information or tickets, see Bob or Betsy Burgwald.