Friday, October 21, 2016

Announcements for October 23

Annual Pledge Campaign
Fall stewardship materials have been mailed. Please give them careful and prayerful attention. Pledge Sunday is November 13 or you may return your pledge cards any time before then.

Vestry Update
The Vestry met on Monday, October 17. The Columbarium project is ongoing, however construction will not begin until spring. This is due in part by a delay in getting drawings from the landscape architect, and partly due to the fact that many masonry contractors' schedules fill up quickly in the summer and fall. However, we are awaiting bids from a number of companies, and expect the project to go quickly in the spring. The Vestry approved moving the celebration of the Feast of St. John the Evangelist to one week later than it has been in the past. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, January 14, 2017. We hope that the change in date will allow more people to come who might have missed due to travel right after the Holidays.

All Souls Day Remembrance
If you have names of the faithful departed that you wish to have remembered in the service, please submit them to the parish office.

Parish Dinner Groups
Sign up for the 2017 Parish Dinner Groups continues through Sunday, November 13, 2016. Information and forms for signing up will be found on a table in the undercroft. Please join us even if you are not a “couple” or you can’t host a dinner in your home. If you have any questions regarding this unique opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners a little bit better, please talk to Gale Michael or Pastor Orr.

Happy Socktober! 
(Yes, it's a real thing--a wonderful thing). Come on, St. John's, let's get involved in this easy and great service project! What started in Tennessee five years ago with just a few dozen people has grown to an effort of more than a million people worldwide, all helping to ease the suffering of homelessness at their local level. How can we help? By donating new socks (tube socks are always a good choice but any type is great) and toiletry items (travel size is perfect). We'll collect items at St. John's through the month of October before delivering our collection to South Suburban PADS. Encourage friends, family and neighbors to get involved. Please contact Dee McManamy or Margi Strombeck with any questions or service project ideas.

Practicing our Faith Book Club
Calling all animal lovers! The November book for the Practicing Our Faith Book Club is Two Dogs and a Parrot: What Our Animal Friends Can Teach Us About Life by Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B. Read the book, and then join us on Nov. 17 at 7pm in the Guild Room for our next meeting. New members are always welcome.

Vegetable Abundance
This week:  Kale, Sweet Potatoes, Leeks, Butternut Squash.

Reflection for October 23

What do young people look for in church? In research done in 250 congregations among people ages 15-29, respondents repeatedly said they were looking for congregations that were “welcoming, accepting, belonging, authentic, hospitable, and caring.” The researchers began to call this set of concerns the “warmth cluster.” Worship bands and ministry programs are not a priority, nor is busyness. Even “niceness” doesn’t work with young people. What they apparently seek at church is a sense of family, which calls for intergenerational relationships (Washington Post, September 6, cited in Christian Century, October 12, 2016).

Minutes of the Vestry Meeting - September 19, 2016


Evening Prayer and Thanksgiving & Prayer Requests
The vestry met in the church at 7:00 PM for Evening Prayer and then reconvened in the undercroft meeting room where everyone offered prayers of intercession and thanksgiving.

Present: the rector Kristin Orr; the senior warden Anne Edwards; the junior warden Steve Hofer; vestry members Bob Burgwald, Rob Carrier, Alice Creason, Nichole Dailor, Cynthia Turnquest and Hans Zigmund; the treasurer Debbi Huggett; and the clerk Susan Marquis Absent: vestry members Randy Oyster, Ted Stone, and Zoltan Sziky

Parish Stewardship

Anne Edwards moved to accept the minutes from the August vestry meeting, and Rob Carrier seconded. Following a vote, the motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Debbi Huggett reported that we still are falling behind in collections; however, over the past month five pledging units have caught up with their pledge payments. Expenses are slightly lower than budgeted with lower utility bills and a small amount saved due to the office manager vacancy. Hans Zigmund moved to accept the August Treasurer’s Report. Steve Hofer seconded, and the motion passed.


Rector’s Report
— Pastor Orr thanked everyone who took part in the recent ministry Jubilation, including those who decorated, provided food, and ran information booths.
— We have a new office manager, Betsy Sloan, who has an education degree, but her experience has been mostly in office work. The rector has spent a lot of time recently on the hiring and training aspects associated with this position.
— The regular Christian education classes begin next Sunday, September 25th. Last Sunday the children painted the atrium window using the theme of the seven days of creation. This year our high school students will teach the pre-K to grade 1 Sunday School class. Diane Walsh-Madden and Patti Pohrte will lead the 5th and 6th graders, and Cyndie Knoll is instructing the 7th and 8th graders in a curriculum called “Making It Real and Relevant.” Pastor Orr will hold classes on the lectionary three weeks per month with a multi-generational class held approximately once per month, which will be focused on giving tools to practice, nurture, and grow faith at home.
— St. John’s will host the Joliet Deanery’s Breakfast with the Bishop on November 12, 2017.

Reports from Wardens and Other Parish Organizations
There were no reports.

Upcoming Events
September 25th: First day of regular Sunday School classes
October 2nd: Annual Blessing of the Animals at the outdoor altar. The Blessing will be held in conjunction with Faith Lutheran Church, as has been the case for some years, as well as, for the first time, First Presbyterian Church of Homewood.

Discussion and Decisions

Columbarium Project
Pastor Orr said that there is very little to report. She has had problems getting phone calls returned from masonry construction leads. So far, we have only one bid for the work. The landscape architect, Scott Mehaffey, has submitted construction drawings. Ted Stone recommended a concrete contractor. Cynthia Turnquest and Bob Burgwald volunteered to make phone calls to try to find stone masons.

Parish Godparents
— Nichole Dailor presented a poster that she had made to increase awareness of the acolyte program. She will hang it on the new bulletin board in the undercroft.
— Rob Carrier reported that he attended a Daughters of the King meeting as their godparent.
— There was a discussion about how godparents can help to increase membership in the organizations they are supporting.

Church Sign
Rob Carrier and Ted Stone repaired the metal church sign located on Flossmoor Road and Leavitt Avenue.

— Pastor Orr reviewed the standard components of the annual stewardship appeal, which includes a mailing containing a letter from the senior warden, a financial page, and a pledge card. In addition, we typically have vestry speakers at both services for several Sundays prior to Pledge Sunday, which this year is on November 13th. The vestry voiced approval of this stewardship plan for this year. Volunteers, who will speak about why the parish is important to them and invite parishioners to join them in pledging time and talent, include:

for October 23rd:  at 8:00 AM (to be determined)
      at 10:00 AM possibly Matthew and/or Benjamin Turnquest
for October 30th:  at 8:00 AM (to be determined)
       at 10:00 AM Hans Zigmund
for November 6:  at 8:00 AM Alice Creason
       at 10:00 AM Alice Creason

Convention Delegates
Pastor Orr presented a slate of delegates to attend the annual diocesan convention in November. The proposed delegates are Steve Hofer, Sue O’Brien, and Shirley Reilly; and alternates are Gale Michael, Don Rubins, and Doris Sheffer. After a motion from Rob Carrier and a second from Nichole Dailor, the slate was approved.

The Feast
The vestry held an initial discussion about the annual Feast of St. John the Evangelist, which has been scheduled for January 7th. There was general support for moving the date one week later to January 14th in order to avoid some of the scheduling conflicts from the end of the Christmas and New Year holidays. A Disco Night theme was suggested with more discussion occurring next month.

The meeting ended at 8:30 PM with prayer. The next vestry meeting is scheduled for October 17th.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis
Clerk of the Vestry

Approved:  October 17, 2016

Friday, October 14, 2016

Announcements for October 16

Vestry Meeting
The vestry meets Monday, October 17, beginning in the church at 7:00 PM.

Practicing Our Faith Book Club
The Practicing Our Faith Book Club meets on Thursday, October 20, at 7:00 PM in the Guild Room to discuss the novel Jabbok by Kee Sloan. New members are always welcome!

All Souls Day Remembrance
On November 2 the church remembers “that vast body of the faithful” who share in the company of the redeemed with the well-known saints, but are “unknown to the wider fellowship of the church.” It is a day to remember, in particular, family and friends who have died during the last year. St. John’s will commemorate All Souls Day with a service at 7:00 PM on November 2. We will name all of the faithful departed who have been buried from St. John’s during the last year or have been remembered in the Prayers of the People. If you have additional names you would like added to the commemoration, please submit them to the parish office.

United Thank Offering Information
The United Thank Offering was begun in 1889 by the Women’s Auxiliary to the Board of Mission of the Episcopal Church. Every penny contributed goes to grants that support the mission and outreach projects of the church. Handouts with more information about UTO are located on the information tables. We will organize an “ingathering” of St. John’s contributions for sometime in early November so that our contributions can be offered and combined with others presented at Diocesan Convention.

Visit the Holy Land with Bishop Lee
Bishop Jeffrey Lee and the Very Rev. Dominic Barrington, Dean of St. James Cathedral, will lead a pilgrimage to the Holy Land May 9-20, 2017. Participation in the trip is open; a deposit is due by October 31. Read more HERE.

Vegetable Abundance
No delivery this week.

Reflection for October 16

Kalanithi had abandoned the Christian faith of his devout family during his schooling but had returned to faith after realizing that if there was no God, then the best parts of living – love, honor, redemption, sacrifice, forgiveness – were also false. He refused atheism because he could not build a meaningful life on the idea of blind determinism. His need to believe in love and redemption led him back to Jesus, in whom he saw the highest value of all: “The main message of Jesus… is that mercy trumps justice every time” (Shirley Hershey Showalter, reviewing Paul Kalanithi’s book, When Breath Becomes Air; Christian Century, October 12, 2016).

Friday, October 7, 2016

Responding to Hurricane Matthew

Episcopal Relief and Development is one way to help people impacted by the ongoing devastation caused by Hurricane Matthew.  ERD works with local partners in the areas affected to get meaningful aid to those in need.  More information, and a link to donate, HERE.

Announcements for October 9

Blessing of the Animals Recap
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Blessing of the Animals last Sunday. It was wonderful to share this celebration with pets and people from Faith Lutheran and First Presbyterian Churches in Homewood. A list of contest winners and photos are posted in the undercroft.

All Souls Day Remembrance
On November 2 the church remembers “that vast body of the faithful” who share in the company of the redeemed with the well-known saints, but are “unknown to the wider fellowship of the church.” It is a day to remember, in particular, family and friends who have died during the last year. St. John’s will commemorate All Souls Day with a service at 7:00 PM on November 2. We will name all of the faithful departed who have been buried from St. John’s during the last year or have been remembered  in the Prayers of the People. If you have additional names you would like added to the commemoration, please submit them to the parish office.

United Thank Offering Information
The United Thank Offering was begun in 1889 by the Women’s Auxiliary to the Board of Mission of the Episcopal Church. Every penny contributed goes to grants that support the mission and outreach projects of the church. Handouts with more information about UTO are located on the information tables. We will organize an “ingathering” of St. John’s contributions for sometime in early November so that our contributions can be offered and combined with others presented at Diocesan Convention.

Visit the Holy Land with Bishop Lee
Bishop Jeffrey Lee and the Very Rev. Dominic Barrington, Dean of St. James Cathedral, will lead a pilgrimage to the Holy Land May 9-20, 2017. Participation in the trip is open; a deposit is due by October 31. Read more HERE.

Episcopal Men's Group BBQ set for Saturday, Oct. 15
The prayerful males of St. John's in Flossmoor and Church of the Holy Family in Park Forest gathered at SJE on Saturday, Oct. 1, for a kickoff fellowship breakfast to start their fall ministry season. (Our thanks to Deacon John Whennen for leading our discussion.) Those who missed missed out, though, are still in luck >> The E-Men's group will hold a 2nd, more casual, October event on Saturday, October 15, 7 pm, at Mike Madden's house. (The start time is a little later to accommodate those at Holy Family attending their weekly 5:30 pm Saturday service.) All men of both churches are encouraged to attend -- and to help us decide on a new name, among other charitable endeavors. Who said spirituality can't be fun? Or delicious? RSVP to Mike by Thursday, Oct. 13, and please plan to bring a side or dessert.

Vegetable Abundance
Sweet Potatoes, Cooking Pumpkin, Onions.

Reflection for October 9

The International Geological Conference suggested last month that in about 1950 the earth entered a new epoch, the Anthropocene epoch, marked by a human impact on the earth so profound that humans are not likely to survive it. The previous epoch, the Holocene, with 12,000 years of stable climate since the last ice age, was the period when human civilization developed. Among the first marks of this new epoch were the radioactive elements from nuclear bomb tests that were blown into the stratosphere before settling down into the earth. Another sign is the emission of carbon gases that are causing global warming, the rise of sea levels, and the extinction of some plant and animal life (Guardian, August 29, cited in the Christian Century, September 28, 2016).