Monday, February 27, 2017

Ash Wednesday Services - March 1

The Imposition of Ashes with Holy Communion will be offered at 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM.

The Observance of a Holy Lent (Lent for Dummies)

As Christians in the tradition of the Episcopal Church, we are all called, in the name of the Church “to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.”

·      Lent is a time of spiritual preparation for the great celebration of Easter.
·      Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (March 1 this year).  It lasts 40 days, not counting Sundays, and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter.
·      The liturgical color for Lent is purple, a royal color, signifying Jesus’ reign in the Kingdom of God.  Purple has also been called “mitigated black,” signifying the somber, penitential character of Lent.

·      Attending corporate worship on Ash Wednesday, every Sunday in Lent, and every day in Holy Week, especially Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
·      Keeping the fasts of Ash Wednesday and Good Friday (for all who are medically able).  Eat simply, avoiding red meat.  A more rigorous fast avoids all meat. A strict fast permits only juice and clear liquids until after sundown.
·      The adoption of some intentional Lenten discipline to help focus awareness on our dependence on God.  “Give up” or “take on” something for Lent.


These suggestions in bold might be particularly appropriate for children and families.

+ Pray daily.
·      If you are new to daily prayer, try all or part of the Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families (Book of Common Prayer, p. 136-140).
·      Pray the Daily Office (Morning and/or Evening Prayer).  Anglicans have been praying these prayers since the Reformation.  They are in the BCP or you can find entire services on-line, including music (if you wish) and the appropriate Scripture readings for the day at Mission St. Clare.
·      Pray the Psalms.  In the Book of Common Prayer  (p. 585) they are labeled so that the entire Psalter can be prayed in a month:  First Day: Morning Prayer, First Day: Evening Prayer, Second Day: Morning Prayer, etc.

+ Use the daily thoughts, practices and prompts from the Rev. Stephen Rozzelle provided in the “Daily Inspiration for Lent” handout (available at church).

+ Stations of the Cross is a worship service particularly appropriate during Lent.  Stations will be offered at the Church of the Holy Family in Park Forest at 6:30 PM on Fridays.

+ Make a personal, private confession.  (Yes, we do that.  Speak to the priest.)

+ Give up something or some practice in your life that squanders life’s goodness or wastes life’s giftedness.  Give up whatever you do to “kill time.”

+ Give up a luxury…  dessert, alcohol, “gourmet” coffee, television.

+ Attend the Lenten study series on Wednesday nights at 7:00 PM at St. John’s.  This year’s series is titled “Cloud of Witnesses” and will present some of the rich stories of Episcopal saints.

+ Participate in Lent Madness, a fun way to learn about the lives of exemplary Christians.  Saints are arranged in a competitive bracket, posted in the undercroft.  Read about the saints and vote daily online at

+ Use one of many resources to maintain a daily practice of reflection.
·      Episcopal Relief and Development 2017 Lenten Meditations booklets are available at the church.  You may also sign up to receive daily reflections via e-mail HERE.
·      Living Well Through Lent 2017 pamphlets are available at the church.  Another daily meditation booklet, these are from a new Episcopal ministry called Living Compass.  This year’s meditations focus on “Listening With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind.”
·      The website offers daily meditations focused on inspirational and relevant reflections on scripture for young people.  During Lent the focus will be on the journey to the cross.

+ This Lent the “Cowley Fathers,” the brothers of the Society of St. John the Evangelist, have partnered with Virginia Seminary to develop a Lenten resource on “Five Marks of Love”.  If we are “marked as Christ’s own,” what are the “marks of love” that characterize the Divine Life abiding and at work within us? Each week will explore the Anglican Marks of Mission (Tell, Teach, Tend, Transform and Treasure) through videos, questions and exercises so we can speak more clearly and act truthfully, motivated always by hearts marked by God’s love.  More information and downloadable resources are available HERE.

+ Participate in the online Diocesan Lenten Book Study on dismantling racism.  Beginning Ash Wednesday.  Look for more information on the diocesan Facebook page or website.

+ Resolve to do one thing each day that benefits someone else.

+ De-clutter and simplify.  Each day in Lent sort and clean out one area.  One drawer, one shelf in the linen closet, one box, one mug full of dead ballpoint pens.  Throw out or donate everything that is not useful or enriching for your life.

+ Keep any of the fasts described above for Ash Wednesday and Good Friday on all of the Fridays in Lent.

+ Keep a carbon fast.  Information and instructions HERE.

+ Read the Litany of Penitence (p. 267 in the Book of Common Prayer) daily and identify one (one is enough) specific sin you have committed in the activities of each day.  Avoid noting vague or general sins. In corporate worship on Sunday, (silently) ask God’s forgiveness for these specific sins at the time of the General Confession.

+ Read the General Thanksgiving (p. 836 in the Book of Common Prayer) daily and identify one (or more if you just can’t stop) specific things you are thankful for each day.  In corporate worship on Sunday, give thanks to God.

+ Every time you mess up or fail with your Lenten discipline, put aside a set amount of money and, at the end of Lent, give it to the church or another organization that does God’s work.  Or simply put aside money daily as a Lenten discipline.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Announcements for January 26

Ash Wednesday Services
Ash Wednesday is March 1. The Imposition of Ashes with Holy Communion will be offered at St. John’s at 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Come for the traditional pre-Lent pancake supper Tuesday, February 28, from 5:00 – 6:30 PM in the undercroft. Pancakes, bacon and sausage. Tickets at the door: $5/adults, $3/children. All proceeds benefit the youth group service projects.

This Sunday: Intergenerational Sunday School -- Prayer
This Sunday, February 26, all ages are invited to a class with Pastor Orr on the practice of daily (or at least regular) prayer at home. Tools and suggestions. Meet in the adult classroom in the education wing.

The Observance of a Holy Lent
We are asked by the church to observe the season of Lent not only in our worship but throughout our daily lives. A handout, “Lent for Dummies,” with suggestions for observing Lent is available on the information tables. Several booklets with daily devotions are also available.

New Parish Directories Available
Pick up your copy from the information tables.

Yarn Ministry
The knitting and crocheting group sill meet Monday, March 6th at 7:00 PM in the Guild Room.

Men's Group Meeting on March 4 and Open House at the American Islamic Association
The Men's Group will be meeting Saturday, March 4 from 7:30AM to 9:00AM at Church of the Holy Family in Park Forest. Afterwards, the Men's Group invites the men of the group and anyone else who is interested to join us as we visit the Frankfort Mosque for their open house and for coffee, tea, and snacks at 10:00AM. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested in learning more about our Muslim neighbors. If anyone has any questions about the event, please ask Rob McManamy.

Grande Prairie Singers Times Three
“Hoorah for Handel!” is the next Grande Prairie Singers concert, held at 4 PM, Sunday, March 12, Trinity Lutheran Church, 6850 W 159th St., Tinley Park. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door, and $10 for students with ID. On Sunday, March 26, the Singers will be part of the Southwest Symphony Orchestra's Rodgers & Hammerstein concert at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights (phone 800.838.3006 for tickets). Finally, $5 raffle tickets are available (1st prize, $1,000) from the Singers for the May 21st drawing (winners need not be present). See Michael Soto, Bob Burgwald, or Betsy Elliot for tickets for March 12 and the raffle.

Reflection for February 26

But this is what I would like to leave with you. To set a time in each day to list all of the things that you consider to be most difficult, most embarrassing, the worst challenge to your own happiness, and not only ask God to alleviate it but preferably thank God for it. It might sound strange, but I guarantee you it works.... And you might say, ‘Why in the world should I ask God for thanks — give thanks, for something that seems to me so bad or so damaging?’ Well, growth in a person’s life, growth for a nation, growth spiritually, all depend on our relationship with God. And the basis for that growth is an understanding of God’s purpose, and a sharing of difficult responsibilities with God through prayer (President Jimmy Carter, 1980).

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Minutes of the Vestry Budget Meeting - January 8, 2017

The vestry convened for a special meeting after church on January 8, 2017 in order to pass a budget for the year 2017. All were present for the meeting including the rector Kristin Orr, the senior warden Anne Edwards, the junior warden Steve Hofer, vestry members Bob Burgwald, Rob Carrier, Alice Creason, Nichole Dailor, Randy Oyster, Ted Stone, Zoltan Sziky, Cynthia Turnquest, and Hans Zigmund, as well as the treasurer Debbi Huggett, and the clerk Susan Marquis.

Information for Consideration

Prior to the meeting, the treasurer electronically distributed to the vestry detailed financial spread-sheets with income and expense projections.

Debbi Huggett reported financial numbers as the vestry labored to finalize the 2017 budget.

The following information was presented for consideration:
—Many of the budget lines have been pared down over the years or reflect set costs (e.g. insurance, lawn care, etc.). Budget decisions can be made in some categories (e.g. salary increases, diocesan pledge, etc.)
—The current amount pledged for 2017 is $178,518.
— A few regular donors have not yet pledged for 2017, although they most likely will. The vestry decided to add $5,000 to non-pledge income as an estimate of late pledges with the hope that this revenue will materialize. This brings the non-pledge estimate to $27,600.
— Historically, we have realized 90-98% of what was pledged. The vestry must decide whether to base the budget on the amount pledged or an average percentage of the amount typically realized.
—Additional income, including estimated loose offerings, special offerings, space use, gifts, and earned interest brings the total estimated revenue to $215,443.
—Total estimated expenses for the year are $225,645, which leaves a deficit of about $10,000.
—This number reflects no increase in our diocesan pledge, salaries and benefits, or other expenses over which the vestry has some control.

Budget Decisions

—The vestry decided to budget what parishioners have pledged with the realization that it is likely a few percentage points of those pledges will not be realized.
—There are some parishioners who have not yet pledged, but it is likely that they will.
—Our contribution to the diocese will remain the same as in 2016.
—Before discussing staff salaries, Pastor Orr excused herself, and the senior warden led the discussion. Given that there is no cost-of-living increase projected and that parish income is limited, the vestry decided to keep salaries at 2016 levels.
—The contribution to the rector’s sabbatical fund was increased from $250 last year to $750 in 2017.
—The rector re-joined the group as Bob Burgwald made a motion to accept the (~$10,000 deficit) budget that the vestry compiled. Rob Carrier seconded the motion, and it was passed unanimously. The vestry will explore ideas to raise funds during the year to overcome the projected deficit.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis
Clerk of the Vestry

Approved by the vestry:  February 20, 2017

Minutes of the Vestry Meeting - December 19, 2016


Evening Prayer and Thanksgiving & Prayer Requests
The vestry met in the church at 7:00 PM for Evening Prayer and then reconvened in the undercroft meeting room where everyone offered prayers of intercession and thanksgiving.

Present were the rector Kristin Orr; the senior warden Anne Edwards; the junior warden Steve Hofer; vestry members Bob Burgwald, Rob Carrier, Alice Creason, Nichole Dailor, Randy Oyster, Ted Stone, Zoltan Sziky, and Hans Zigmund; the treasurer Debbi Huggett; and the clerk Susan Marquis. Absent was vestry member Cynthia Turnquest.

Parish Stewardship

Rob Carrier moved to accept the minutes from the November vestry meeting, and Hans Zigmund seconded. Following a vote, the motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report
—Debbi Huggett corrected a formula error in the report that was distributed to the vestry. For the first eleven months of the year, the non-pledge payments should have been $28,000 rather than $42,000.
—Collections are off with 93% of year-to-date pledges collected in contrast to 2015 where 98% of year-to-date pledges were collected.
—A shortfall of $2,000 was predicted when the budget was approved, but because of lower spending, we will not end the year in the red. [Addendum 2/20/17: When the final numbers were calculated for 2016, reduced revenue resulted in a budget shortfall of approximately $3,000.]
—Overall, our finances are OK.
—Hans Zigmund moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report with the correction as noted. Bob Burgwald seconded, and the motion was approved. 

Parsonage Allowance
Steve Hofer made the following motion:
Whereas the Rev. Kristin Orr is employed as a minister of the Gospel by the Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist in Flossmoor, IL, which, although providing a residence does not provide the full cost of maintaining and furnishing such a residence, the Vestry resolves that of the total compensation to be paid to the Rev. Orr during 2017, that $3,000.00 be designated a parsonage allowance within the meaning of that term as used in Section 107 of the IRS Code of 1986. This housing allowance will apply to year 2017 and all future years unless otherwise provided. Rob Carrier seconded the motion, and it passed on a vote.


Rector’s Report
—Pastor Orr expressed thanks to senior warden Anne Edwards, to supply priest Shawn Schreiner, and to others who covered for her during her recent vacation.
—This year’s Christmas pageant will be a little different with the kids reading in the voices of those who were at the nativity.
—In the weeks after Christmas and before Lent, Sunday School teachers Diane Walsh-Madden and Patti Pohrte will present a 4-week curriculum on Bible awareness. Upon completion, the students will be presented with personal bibles.

Reports from Wardens and Other Parish Organizations
Anne Edwards thanked those who hand-addressed invitations to St. John’s Feast. She described tasks to be done in January and passed around a sign-up list for volunteers.

Upcoming Events
—December 24th - Christmas Eve services at 4:00 PM (pageant), 10:30 PM (music at 10:00 PM)
—December 25th - Christmas Day service at 10:00 AM
—January 6th - Epiphany service at 7:00 PM
—January 14th - Feast of St. John the Evangelist with prayer service at 4:00 PM
—January 22nd - Annual meeting in the undercroft at approximately 11:30 AM 

Discussion and Decisions

Update on Pledge Campaign
Pastor Orr commented that Anne Edwards has done a good job on “e-vangelist” pledge updates. So far, we have received 59 pledges for a total of $177,918, which is about 10 fewer pledges than at this point last year and about $10,000 less pledged than at this point last year.

Review of Budget Guidelines for 2017
Pastor Orr and Debbi Huggett prepared hand-outs to help the vestry prepare for the vestry budget meeting, which is scheduled for January 8th after the 10:00 AM service.


Following prayer, the meeting ended at 8:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis
Clerk of the Vestry

Approved by the vestry:  February 20, 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017

Announcements for February 19

Vestry Meeting
The February meeting of the vestry will be Monday, February 20, beginning in the church at 7:00 PM.

Next Sunday: Intergenerational Sunday School 
Sunday, February 26, all ages are invited to a class with Pastor Orr on the practice of daily (or at least regular) prayer at home. Tools and suggestions. Meet in the adult classroom in the education wing.

Practicing Our Faith Book Club
The Practicing Our Faith Book Club is meeting on Thursday, Feb. 23 at 7pm in the Guild Room to discuss To Bless the Space Between Us by John O'Donohue, a collection of blessings and poems. New members are always welcome.

Book Study with Bishop Lee for Lent
During Lent, which begins March 1, Bishop Lee and other diocesan leaders will hold an online book discussion of Living into God's Dream: Dismantling Racism in America, a collection of essays edited by Catherine Meeks. Living into God's Dream combines personal stories and theological reflection with real-world examples of new conversations about race. The book is available online from Church Publishing, Amazon (book and Kindle formats), and other retailers.

Looking Ahead to Shrove Tuesday & Ash Wednesday
Shrove Tuesday is February 28. The traditional pancake supper will be held that evening. Ash Wednesday is March 1. Services will be held at 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM.

Grande Prairie Singers Times Three
“Hoorah for Handel!” is the next Grande Prairie Singers concert, held at 4 PM, Sunday, March 12, Trinity Lutheran Church, 6850 W 159th St., Tinley Park. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door, and $10 for students with ID. On Sunday, March 26, the Singers will be part of the Southwest Symphony Orchestra's Rodgers & Hammerstein concert at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights (phone 800.838.3006 for tickets). Finally, $5 raffle tickets are available (1st prize, $1,000) from the Singers for the May 21st drawing (winners need not be present). See Michael Soto, Bob Burgwald, or Betsy Elliot for tickets for March 12 and the raffle.

Reflection for February 19

I was a mediocre Sunday-school student, who generally failed to win the little perfect-attendance pin in May. But I was impressed by the saying that to lust after a woman in your heart is as bad as actual adultery and deserving of self-mutilation, because it posited a world, coexistent with that of trees and automobiles and living people around me, in which a motion of the mind, of the soul, was an actual deed, as important as a physical act. And I took in the concept that God watches the sparrow’s fall—that our world is everywhere, at all times, in every detail watched by God, like a fourth dimension…The parable of the talents bore a clear lesson for me: Live your life. Live it as if there is a blessing on it. Dare to take chances… (John Updike, “The Gospel According to Saint Matthew,” Incarnation, ed. Alfred Corn).

Friday, February 10, 2017

Announcements for February 12

Draft of New Parish Directory
We are working on updating the parish directory. DRAFTS are located on the information tables. Please check the accuracy of your information and add cell phone or email information if we don’t have it and you wish to share it. Thanks! The new directories will be available in a few weeks.

Know Your Bible
The Grades 2-6 Sunday School class has just completed a unit on “Knowing Your Bible.” During the 10 AM service this Sunday students Ruby Moxley, Oliver Zigmund, Owen Zigmund, Catherine Madden and Lola Pohrte will receive Bibles as a gift from the parish. And thank you to teachers Diane Walsh-Madden and Patti Pohrte for their ongoing work with this class.

Book Study with Bishop Lee for Lent
During Lent, which begins March 1, Bishop Lee and other diocesan leaders will hold an online book discussion of Living into God's Dream: Dismantling Racism in America, a collection of essays edited by Catherine Meeks. Living into God's Dream combines personal stories and theological reflection with real-world examples of new conversations about race. The book is available online from Church Publishing, Amazon (book and Kindle formats), and other retailers.

Black History Month: Annual Absalom Jones Celebration
The Union of Black Episcopalians Chicago will celebrate the annual Feast Day of Absalom Jones at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Chicago on Sunday, February 19 at 3 pm. This year's speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Walton, Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Pusey Minister in the Memorial Church at Harvard University. All members of the diocese are invited to attend.

Reflection for February 12

Do not think that saintliness comes from occupation; it depends rather on what one is. The kind of work we do does not make us holy, but we may make it holy (Meister Eckhart).

Friday, February 3, 2017

Announcements for February 5

Draft of New Parish Directory
We are working on updating the parish directory. DRAFTS are located on the information tables. Please check the accuracy of your information and add cell phone or email information if we don’t have it and you wish to share it. Thanks! The new directories will be available in a few weeks.

Embracing Forgiveness
The Daughters of the King invite all women of the parish to attend a five-part program “Embracing Forgiveness” by Barbara Cawthorne Crafton. We will meet the first and third Saturdays at 9:30am in the Guild Room. The first session is this Saturday, February 4. Call Cyndie Knoll with any questions.

Yarn Ministry
Knitting and Crocheting Group will meet Monday, February 6th at 7:00 PM in the Guild Room.

Black History Month: Annual Absalom Jones Celebration
The Union of Black Episcopalians Chicago will celebrate the annual Feast Day of Absalom Jones at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Chicago on Sunday, February 19 at 3 pm. This year's speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Jonathan L. Walton, Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Pusey Minister in the Memorial Church at Harvard University. All members of the diocese are invited to attend.

Book Study with Bishop Lee for Lent
During Lent, which begins March 1, Bishop Lee and other diocesan leaders will hold an online book discussion of Living into God's Dream: Dismantling Racism in America, a collection of essays edited by Catherine Meeks. Living into God's Dream combines personal stories and theological reflection with real-world examples of new conversations about race. The book is available online from Church Publishing, Amazon (book and Kindle formats), and other retailers.

Reminders from Last Week
1) Remember to check out the photos from the feast posted in the undercroft. 2) If you haven’t already, pick up a copy of the vestry introductions from any of the information tables. 3) And, if you’re interested in getting involved in public policy advocacy, one way is through the Episcopal Public Policy Network.

Reflection for February 5

Our public discussion is overpoliticized and undermoralized. We don’t have conversations of the sort that Reinhold Niebuhr or Billy Graham or Abraham Joshua Heschel were leading—at least not in the secular conversation—and therefore we use politics as a sort of symbol for what are actually moral disagreements and moral panics. As a result, our politics turns into a war of all against all, and we can’t face the underlying moral issues (David Brooks, in an interview with Christian Century, “Chasing beauty, finding grace,” February 1, 2017).