Thursday, November 21, 2013

Minutes of Vestry Meeting - October 21, 2013


After Evening Prayer, vestry members shared individual prayers of thanksgiving and prayer requests.

Present were the rector, Kristin Orr; the senior warden, Audrey Ongman; the junior warden, Bill Bestow; vestry members Anne Edwards, Steve Hofer, Greg Lawrence, Gale Michael, Mark Moxley, and Patti Pohrte; treasurer, Debbi Huggett; and clerk, Susan Marquis. Vestry members Candice Barrera and Jim Whitfield were absent.

Parish Stewardship

Approval of Minutes
Bill Bestow moved that the minutes from the vestry meeting of September 16th be approved. Gale Michael seconded, and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report
Debbi Huggett reported that expenses are running under budget due to the open Christian Education Director’s position, but some of the staff position savings have been offset by bulk buying of supplies such as printer ink and candles. Revenues are behind. Debbi estimates that we usually collect about 92-93% of what is pledged for the year. The lag is not alarming, and there still is some time to catch up. A $3,000 gift to the church is being used to update the tile flooring in two of the rooms of the education wing. Gale Michael moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted. After a second by Anne Edwards, the motion passed.

Rector’s Discretionary Account Report
Greg Lawrence moved, and Bill Bestow seconded, that the Rector’s Discretionary Fund report for the third quarter of 2013 be accepted. The motion carried.

Brotherhood Account
The Brotherhood of St. Andrew has an independent bank account. Pastor Orr proposed that we close it as a separate account and add the balance to the church’s special purpose fund. Audrey Ongman moved to follow this proposal. Steve Hofer seconded. The motion was approved.


Rector’s Report
-Pastor Orr announced that Bob Berner resigned from the vestry due to his conflicting travel schedule and suggested that the vestry follow the procedure that has been used in the past for resignations, that being that, when the vacancy occurs near the end of the year, the position will remain open until a new member is voted in at the annual meeting to fill the remainder of the term. There was vestry agreement to this plan.
-St. John’s will offer an All Souls Day service on Saturday, November 2nd. While this service will be new to the parish, it is not new to the broader church. The idea arose as Pastor Orr looked for something liturgical that would be especially comforting for people living with grief.
-The new acolyte photo collage is ready and will be hung on the hall wall during the upcoming week.
-The rector reported on accessibility news. Steve Hofer has found another lift company, but the quote from this company is higher than the first quote we received. Architect Dan Pohrte has offered to talk with us. Barry Berg has communicated with Pastor Orr by e-mail. He hopes to get some drawings to us soon.
-Pastor Orr will attend two days of a diocesan clergy conference on Monday and Tuesday at Techny Towers.
-After a two-year search, Holy Family in Park Forest has called a rector, Rachael Gregory. She will begin next month.
-Pastor Orr thanked the vestry for its presence when Bishop Lee visited our parish.

Wardens’ Reports and/or Other Reports from Parish Organizations
The senior warden announced that the kitchen has been professionally cleaned. The oven has been repaired (i.e. the pilot light was re-lit). Audrey also noted that donations during coffee hour have been covering only about half of expenses. The conclusion of the discussion that followed was that people just need to be reminded to donate. Greg Lawrence will make a reminder announcement in church.

Upcoming Parish Events
November 2 at 5 PM – All Souls Day service
November 3 from 4-6 PM – rector’s open house
November 27 at 7:30 PM at Infant Jesus of Prague – Community Thanksgiving service
November 28 at 10 AM – St. John’s Thanksgiving service 

Discussion and Decisions

Fall Pledge Campaign
The rector wants to encourage generosity and asked the vestry how to help people really think about it. It was noted that when the cost of living increases were made explicit to the parish by letter some few years ago, people added to their pledges.
Pastor Orr suggested adding an outreach ministry option to the pledge card this year so that parishioners could pledge to support specific ministries in addition to their general pledges. Ministries suggested by the vestry included: Night Ministry, Respond Now (food pantry), a community garden on church grounds, education (tutoring or helping in schools), local conservation, PADS, and South Suburban Family Shelter.
Mark Moxley and Bill Bestow offered to spearhead the garden project. Audrey Ongman and Gale Michael volunteered to organize the Night Ministry outreach, and Patti Pohrte the Sauk Village food pantry ministry.
The vestry was in favor of once again doing spoken presentations in church at both services. Greg Lawrence volunteered to speak on November 3rd, Mark Moxley on November 10th, and Patti Pohrte on November 17th. Pledge Sunday is November 24th.

Diocesan Capital Campaign
Pastor Orr reminded vestry members to read the document on the diocesan Grace and Gladness Campaign that was e-mailed with vestry materials. The campaign is raising funds for ministries throughout the diocese and for programs in the renovated St. James Commons.


Following prayer, the meeting ended at 9:15 PM. The next vestry meeting is scheduled for November18th.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis
Clerk of the Vestry

Approved:  November 18, 2013