Friday, June 29, 2012

Announcements for July 1

  • Fourth of July Ice Cream Social
    St. John’s Old Time Community Fourth of July Ice Cream Social begins after the Flossmoor Children’s Parade, Wednesday, July 4. The parade lines up at Parker Junior High beginning at 9:30 a.m. and steps off at 10:00 a.m. We begin serving soon after 10:00. Come enjoy free ice cream and cool drinks. Children’s activities, including balloon twisters will be provided. Hot dogs and dessert are available for purchase. (Financial contributions to help underwrite the event are still welcome.)
  • General Convention Begins July 5
    General Convention is the primary legislative body of the Episcopal Church. It is also a gathering for prayer, discernment, education and celebration. General Convention meets every three years. The 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church meets this summer in Indianapolis from July 5-12. The Diocese of Chicago will be represented by our Bishop and by clergy and lay delegates elected at our Diocesan Convention in 2010. Worship services, press briefings and other events will be streamed live over the internet. You may access these web events and a wealth of other information about General Convention at the media hub website, here.
  • Parish Office Closed for Independence Day
    The parish office will be closed July 4 in observance of the Independence Day holiday.
  • Worship on July 4
    The Wednesday celebration of the Holy Eucharist WILL be held as usual at 9:00 a.m. on July 4.

Reflection for July 1

A Prayer for General Convention

Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in the 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Book of Common Prayer, p. 818)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Announcements for June 24

  • The Fourth of July is Almost Here!
    You can help us offer this event to the community. Donations of time and money are both welcome. Look for the red, white and blue donation envelopes around the church or speak to Gale Michael.
  • St. John’s is on Facebook
    If you use Facebook, search for “St. John the Evangelist, Flossmoor.” In addition to updates and announcements, photos of parish events are posted. Photos of St. John’s participation in the recent diocesan confirmation service have recently been added.

Reflection for June 24

That’s what Jesus offers, the dangerous hope that God’s kingdom is coming and while we certainly cannot control or even summon it... we can actively anticipate it by looking for and even aiding its unexpected growth.

So what if we sent people out this week with a mission? What if we sent them out to look for those places where God’s kingdom is sneaking in, or spreading out, or taking over little corners of our world? What if we sent people out to look for hope, the dangerous hope that changes lives in ways small and large? And what if we didn’t just send them out to look for these things, but to aid and assist them however they can and even to capture and share them (David Lose, posted on

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Vestry Minutes for May 21, 2012


Evening Prayer and Thanksgiving and Prayer Requests
Evening Prayer began at 7:00 PM. The vestry then met in the undercroft meeting room where the meeting began with each person offering prayers of thanksgiving and intercession.

Present at the meeting were the rector, Kristin Orr; senior warden, Frank So; junior warden, Audrey Ongman; vestry members Candice Barrera, Anne Edwards, Steve Hofer, Bev Keene, Greg Lawrence, Gale Michael, Mark Moxley, and R.J. VanSwol; the treasurer, Clay Denton, and the clerk, Susan Marquis. John Huntoon was absent.

Parish Stewardship

Approval of Minutes from the April Meeting
Audrey Ongman moved that the minutes from the April meeting be approved, and Steve Hofer seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report
Clay Denton reported that the financial news has been all good for the past month. There were no surprise expenses, and the regular expenses have been reasonable. There was an unusually high Easter offering this year. Anne Edwards made a motion to accept the report, and following a second by Gale Michael, the motion passed.


Rector’s Report
Pastor Orr thanked those who taught this year at all levels. She noted the good participation and discussion in the Sunday morning group, and she offered congratulations to Nadia Kemp, who completed the four-year Education for Ministry program.
The rector will be on vacation from July 10th through 31st, a period that includes three Sundays. The names of the supply priests covering these dates will be announced later.
We will begin a search for a new music director soon. Coverage has been set through June so far.

Wardens’ Reports and/or Reports from Parish Organizations
Although last month he thought he could do so, Frank So reported that he would be unable to participate in May’s webinar on endowments. [See further discussion below.] Audrey Ongman expressed thanks to all who use the kitchen and take such good care of it. She also thanked the parishioner who donates paper goods to the kitchen every year. She noted that the new sexton has been doing a good job.

Upcoming Parish Events
Pentecost is next Sunday, May 27th. Ted VanSwol will be baptized, and the service will include a special anthem that Ted’s father, R.J., composed for the event.
On Saturday, June 2nd, the vestry will gather for the annual retreat at St. John’s. Coffee and snacks will be served from 8:30 until 9:00 AM. The program, focusing on lay leadership, will follow from 9:00 AM until approximately 12:30 PM.
High school graduates will be acknowledged during the 10:00 AM service on June 3rd, and the annual parish picnic on the south lawn will follow the service.
Bishop Lee will confirm/receive several of our parishioners on Saturday, June 9th at 10:00 AM at the cathedral. All are welcome to attend.

Discussion and Decisions

Reports on Capital Campaigns Webinar
The April webinar, an interactive online seminar produced by the Episcopal Church Foundation on April 26th, dealt with the topic, “Basics of a Parish Capital Campaign.” Gale Michael was the only vestry member able to participate. She reported several highlights:
   --- The presenters favored hiring a consultant to help organize the project. --- A congregation is ready to start asking for money when 70 to 80% of the congregation knows what the project is about and can talk about it.
    --- The giving potential within a parish is approximately three to five times the annual pledging and plate collection amount. For a parish of our size, the best estimate would be five times the annual amount.
   --- Fund raising can take three to four years, with three years being preferable.
This Wednesday, May 23rd, the second of the pair of capital campaign webinars will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. The topic for this installment is “Spending Rules for Endowments.” Pastor Orr, Audrey Ongman, and Mark Moxley plan to participate.

Reports on Foundation Research re: Accessibility Project
Last month Anne Edwards compiled a list of foundations that may be able to provide grant money to St. John’s for our accessibility project. She divided the list among vestry members for further research. While the majority of the foundations did not contribute to our particular type of project, there were a few that warrant a further look. Candice Barrera reported that the Beatrice P. Delaney Charitable Trust has a history of donating to churches, and Candice will look into this further. Bev Keene found the Retirement Research Foundation to be a possible match. Gale Michael discovered the Helen Brach Foundation and the Helen M. Galvin Charitable Trust could be good sources.
When the time comes, Stephen Russell has offered to write grant proposals for us.

Discussion of Next Steps in Accessibility Improvements
The June vestry meeting will focus on a timeline or strategy for the accessibility project.

The meeting closed at 8:40 PM following prayer. The next meeting will be on June 18th. As always, there will not be a July vestry meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis
Clerk of the Vestry

Approved June 18, 2012

Director of Music Position Description

Effective September 20, 2012, this position has been filled.


The Church of St. John the Evangelist is an Episcopal congregation with approximately 350 members, located in suburban Flossmoor, 25 miles south of downtown Chicago. Music is an important component in the mission and ministry of the parish. Within that mission and ministry, music is offered to the Glory of God by, and on behalf of, the assembled congregation within the context of worship. Music unites us as a community at worship, draws our spirits towards God and enables to offer God our praise. The Director of Music is a ministry staff position, responsible for the vitality of music as a component of the parish’s worship. In the Episcopal Church, the Rector (priest in charge of the congregation) has primary authority for all aspects of worship. At St. John’s, the Director of Music works collaboratively with the Rector to achieve: high quality of instrumental and choral musical presentation, interaction and complementarity of music with other elements of liturgy, personal, professional and spiritual nurture and growth of the choir, and the support and increase of the congregation’s appreciation and participation in music of worship.

St. John’s has an enthusiastic and talented volunteer choir, currently composed of twelve to fifteen voices. The music in worship draws primarily upon the historic music traditions of the Episcopal (Anglican) Church, utilizing the Hymnal 1982. The parish and choir do enjoy occasionally supplementing the more traditional hymnody and anthems of the church with a wide diversity of musical offerings. In 2003 a new digital three manual Ahlborn-Galanti Organ was installed in the church. A Baldwin spinet piano is also located in the church.

The choir currently rehearses on Sunday mornings before and after the principal worship service. The Director of Music position is considered a quarter time position (approximately 10 hours per week). Salary and vacation time are negotiable and dependent upon qualifications and experience. Salary will conform to AGO guidelines for a quarter time position (approximately $10,000 – 17,000 annually). Benefits are not provided.

Qualifications and Skills

• An active faith and passion for music as an act of worship.

• At least a bachelor’s degree in music performance, church music or a related degree.

• Proficiency on the organ and piano as soloist and accompanist.

• Experience and competency rehearsing and directing a choir, specifically from the bench.

• Interest and experience in motivating and encouraging singers of various proficiencies. Experience in vocal pedagogy or coaching is particularly desirable.

• Demonstrated knowledge or experience with liturgical worship. Familiarity and interest in Episcopal liturgy and theology are highly preferred.

• Broad knowledge of historical and contemporary church music and other music appropriate for use in worship.

Specific Job Expectations

• In collaboration with the Rector, seek to nurture joy, reverence and participation in music as part of the congregation’s life and worship.

• Select and perform instrumental music at the principal Sunday worship service.

• Rehearse, direct and accompany the choir at the principal Sunday worship services during the “choir season” from September through May. Select liturgically appropriate choral music for one or two anthems each Sunday.

• Foster collegiality, motivate the highest possible musical quality, and nurture spiritual growth within the choir.

• Select and accompany liturgically appropriate hymns for congregational singing throughout the year.

• Provide instrumental and choral music (subject to choir availability) for the following special holy days throughout the year: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil (Easter Eve), Easter Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the Feast of St. John the Evangelist.

• Subject to availability, provide organ music for parish weddings and funerals.

• Meet with the Rector at least monthly for planning and consultation.

• Arrange for a substitute organist when needed.

Application Process

Applications will be received through July 31, 2012. As needed, the application process may be extended. Applicants should send a cover letter and resume with the names of at least two references. Application may be made via postal mail or e-mail.

The Rev. Kristin E. Orr, Rector
The Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist
P. O. Box 25
Flossmoor, IL 60422
708.798.3050 (FAX)

The application process will also include:

• An interview with the Rector.

• An interview with a small group of parishioners and choir members. • An audition on organ.

• An audition leading a choir rehearsal.

• In accordance with the policy of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, the successful candidate will be required to undergo a background check and participate in “Safe Church” training on the recognition and prevention of sexual misconduct and abuse.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Announcements for June 17

  • Vestry Meeting
    The vestry meets Monday, June 18, beginning with Evening Prayer at 7:00 p.m. in the church.
  • Looking Ahead: Fourth of July Ice Cream Social
    Every year individuals and families from the broader Flossmoor community attend St. John’s Fourth of July ice cream social. We always offer special entertainment for kids. This year, the highly popular balloon twisters will be back again with their wonderful creations. We seek donations from parishioners to help defray the costs of providing this entertainment. Look for red, white and blue donation envelopes around the church. You may place your donation in the offering plate or drop it off at the parish office.
  • Pot Luck Brunch with Julians
    The Julian year, part of the Episcopal Service Corps, offers young adults the time and the space to live by faith and work for justice in the city of Chicago. Participants in the Julian year, “Julians,” work four days each week in community service or advocacy organizations. They spend one day per week developing the leadership skills, spiritual depth, and supportive relationships that help form them into courageous and compassionate agents of change. For the last several years, St. John’s ECW has offered financial support to the Julian Year program. This Wednesday, June 20, several Julians will join the ECW for a pot luck lunch, beginning at 11:30 a.m. in the undercroft. Anyone in the parish who is interested is invited to attend. If you can, please bring a dish to share.
  • St. John’s is on Facebook
    If you use Facebook, search for “St. John the Evangelist, Flossmoor.” In addition to updates and announcements, photos of parish events are posted. Photos of St. John’s participation in the recent diocesan confirmation service have recently been added.

Reflection for June 17

If I were to ask my parents whether “church worked for them,” they would likely not understand the question. They didn’t expect church to work. Or, more accurately, they went to church out of a sense of faithfulness. That’s just what you did on Sunday morning. Sure, sometimes it was more uplifting and inspiring than others, but that wasn’t the point. They didn’t go with the primary expectation that church would “meet their needs,” but rather attended out of a mixture of faith, habit, and duty…. Like it or not, the days when people go to church in large numbers just because “they’re supposed to” are over. And, to be honest, I’m not sure that’s a bad thing. My heart is strangely warmed by the idea that people may someday go to church because they actually want to (David Lose, “Will Churches Go the Way of Bookstores?” on his blog …in the Meantime).

Friday, June 8, 2012

Announcements for June 10

  • Thank You to Vestry Members
    Thank you to members of the vestry for taking time away from families and other activities to participate in the vestry retreat last Saturday. It was an interesting and informative event, facilitated by the Rev. Jim Steen, Director of Ministries on the Bishop’s staff at the Diocese of Chicago.
  • Looking Ahead: Fourth of July Ice Cream Social
    July 4 is only 31⁄2 weeks away. St. John’s ice cream social is our gift to the people, young and old, of Flossmoor. Financial contributions are needed to help cover the cost of the children’s entertainment. And many volunteers are needed to run the event. Contact Gale Michael to volunteer. Look for the red, white and blue donation envelopes around the church.
  • Don’t Forget Pets in Need
    Some pets are abandoned or turned into shelters every summer simply because they cannot be accommodated on the family vacation. The Little Hands Donation box for the South Suburban Humane Society is still available. Donations are sought of dog or cat food, kitty litter (non-clumping), old blankets or towels, bleach, or dog and cat toys.

Reflection for June 10

Prayer for the Good Use of Leisure:

O God, in the course of this busy life, give us times of refreshment and peace; and grant that we may so use our leisure to rebuild our bodies and renew our minds, that our spirits may be opened to the goodness of your creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Book of Common Prayer, p. 825)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Minutes of the Vestry Meeting - April 16, 2012


Evening Prayer and Thanksgiving and Prayer Requests
After Evening Prayer in the Church, which began at 7:00 PM, vestry members met in the undercroft meeting room where each person offered prayers of thanksgiving and intercession.

Present at the meeting were the rector, Kristin Orr; senior warden, Frank So; junior warden, Audrey Ongman; vestry members Candice Barrera, Steve Hofer, John Huntoon, Bev Keene, Gale Michael, Mark Moxley, and R.J. VanSwol as well as the clerk, Susan Marquis. Those absent were the treasurer Clay Denton and vestry members Anne Edwards and Greg Lawrence.

Parish Stewardship

Approval of Minutes from March Meeting
Audrey Ongman moved that the March minutes be approved, and after a second by Gale Michael, the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report
There were no unusual expenses over the last month, and income has been pretty good. Frank So made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, and Bev Keene seconded. The motion was approved.

Acceptance of Rector’s Discretionary Account Report
Pastor Orr distributed copies of the quarterly Rector’s Discretionary Account Report. Gale Michael moved that the report be accepted, and R.J. VanSwol seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Discussion of CD Renewal
One of our certificates of deposit is maturing. Following discussion, Audrey Ongman moved that we roll over the CD for 12 months at the current interest rate of 3/10 of one percent. Steve Hofer seconded. The motion carried.


Rector’s Report
Pastor Orr gave thanks for all of the people who were involved in Holy Week. Two parishioners, Janet Dehn and Leslie McBride, died during the past month. Cyndie Knoll is instructing four or five young people in preparation for confirmation. The Church of St. John the Evangelist in Lockport installed a new vicar, the Rev. Matthew Humm, on April 11th. The Church of the Transfiguration in Palos Park will install their new rector, the Rev. Nicholas Romans, in June.
The Diocese of Quincy will meet with the Diocese of Chicago in Chicago in the near future. This will be part of ongoing conversations about the possibility of Quincy joining our diocese.
The Rev. Jim Steen will lead our parish vestry retreat on June 2nd from 9:00 AM until approximately 12:30 PM at St. John’s. Pastor Orr has suggested that lay leadership may be a topic of interest, and she requested that vestry members submit to her suggestions of other topics of interest.

Wardens’ Reports and/or Reports from Parish Organizations
Junior warden Audrey Ongman reported that we need new people to volunteer to be coffee hour hosts. She also noted that she is working on finding some toilet paper dispenser replacements.
Pastor Orr expressed thanks to Harold Keene for his ongoing work on sidewalk lighting by the columbarium.
Senior warden Frank So thanked Bill Bestow and his crew for all of their work on another successful Friday Fish Fry during Lent.

Upcoming Parish Events
There was no report.

Discussion and Decisions

Accessibility Project
Anne Edwards has a list of resources to explore.
Pastor Orr asked for volunteers to take part in two Capital Campaign Webinars that will be offered by the Episcopal Church Foundation.
Frank, Gale, Mark, and Audrey volunteered to participate in “Basics of a Parish Capital Campaign” on April 26th from 5:00 to 6:00 PM.
Frank, Mark, and Audrey will participate in “Spending Rules for Endowments” on May 23rd from 5:30 to 6:30 PM.
Kristin and Bev will try to join both webinars as well.


At 8:10 PM, after prayer, the meeting concluded. The next vestry meeting will be on May 21st.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Marquis Clerk of the Vestry

Approved:  May 21, 2012

Announcements for June 3

  • Parish Picnic This Sunday
    Everyone is invited to the parish picnic, beginning after the 10:00 a.m. service (around 11:15) this Sunday, June 3. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided. Bring a side or dessert if you can, but definitely come join in the fun and fellowship.
  • Honoring Graduates
    We will offer special prayers for graduates this Sunday, June 3, during the 10:00 a.m. service.
  • Looking Ahead: Fourth of July Ice Cream Social
    St. John’s ice cream social is a wonderful part of the Fourth of July tradition in Flossmoor. Can you contribute time to help set up, host, or clean up for the event or money to help cover costs? Contact Gale Michael to volunteer. Look for donation envelopes around the church.
  • Diocesan Confirmation Service – June 9
    The Diocesan Confirmation Service is Saturday, June 9, beginning at 11:00 a.m. at St. James Cathedral, located at the corner of Huron and Wabash downtown. Bishop Lee will confirm and preach. Everyone is invited. St. John’s will be presenting candidates for confirmation and reception.

Reflection for June 3

Reverence has more to do with politics than with religion. We can easily imagine religion without reverence; we see it, for example, wherever religion leads people into aggressive war or violence. But power without reverence—that is a catastrophe for all concerned. Power without reverence is aflame with arrogance, while service without reverence is smoldering toward rebellion. Politics without reverence is blind to the general good and deaf to advice from people who are powerless. And life without reverence? Entirely without reverence? That would be brutish and selfish, and it had best be lived alone (Paul Woodruff, Reverence: Renewing a Forgotten Virtue).