Bishop Lee Visits St. John’s This Sunday, September 29
The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey D. Lee, Bishop of Chicago, will visit St. John’s this Sunday. He will preside and preach at both services, meet with the children of the parish during the 9:00 hour, and meet with the vestry following the 10:00 a.m. service.
Children and Youth of the Parish Meet with Bishop Lee at 9:00 a.m.
Bishop Lee will meet with the children and young people of the parish during the 9:00 a.m. “Sunday School hour.” Gather in the Youth Worship chapel in the education wing.
No Regular Sunday School Classes This Week
Because of the Bishop’s visit, regular Sunday School classes for children and adults will not meet this week. During the regular Sunday School hour, the children will be meeting with the Bishop. Regular classes for all ages will resume next Sunday.
Yarn Ministry
The yarn ministry will meet Monday, October 7, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Guild Room. All knitters and crocheters are welcome.
Youth Worship Begins Next Sunday, October 6
Youth worship, an alternative, age-appropriate worship experience for children and young people, begins next Sunday, October 6. Children gather in the Youth Worship chapel at 10:00 a.m. for music, prayers, Scripture and a reflection. They join their families in church at the peace. Children are also always welcome in church for the entire service if they, or their parents, prefer.
Blessing of the Animals – October 6
The annual celebration and blessing of all of our companion animals will take place next Sunday, October 6, beginning at 4:30 p.m. at the Outdoor Altar.
Congratulations to St. Paul’s, Kankakee
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Kankakee is celebrating 150 years of mission and ministry. Bishop Lee and Pastor Orr (as Dean of the Joliet Deanery) will participate in the festivities this Sunday afternoon, September 29.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Reflection for September 29
The scriptural word “angel” (Greek: angelos) means, literally, a messenger. Messengers from God can be visible or invisible, and may assume human or non-human forms. Christians have always felt themselves to be attended by healthful spirits—swift, powerful and enlightening. Those beneficent spirits are often depicted in Christian art in human form, with wings to signify their swiftness and spacelessness, with swords to signify their power, and with dazzling raiment to signify their ability to enlighten (Holy Women, Holy Men: Saint Michael and All Angels, September 29).
Friday, September 20, 2013
Announcements for September 22
Children’s Sunday School Classes Begin This Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
The Primary class (grades K-3) meets in the Atrium; the Intermediate class (grades 4-6) meets in the education wing. Classes begin at 9:00 a.m.
Youth Confirmation Classes Begin This Sunday
The seventh and eighth grade Sunday School class, taught by Cyndie Knoll, will spend this year preparing for Confirmation. Any seventh or eighth grader interested in confirmation should participate in this class. The first class is this Sunday at 9:00 a.m., meeting in the Small Conference Room near the parish office.
High School Students: St. John’s Needs You!
(And maybe you need St. John’s.) Come be a part of and help create a new high school youth group at St. John’s. Come this Sunday evening, September 22, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Dinner and fun will be served. Questions or ideas? Talk to Dee McManamy or Shirley Reilly.
Adult Education on Sunday Morning
For much of this year, the adult class will use the adult curriculum, Confirm not Conform. It covers the breadth of the Christian tradition, encouraging and prodding adults to explore an authentic faith. The class should be helpful and interesting to all adults, no matter where they are in their faith journey. Parents of young people pursuing confirmation are particularly urged to participate. Classes begin this Sunday, September 22, at 9:00 a.m. in the Education wing.
What Did You Do This Summer?
It’s not too late to post some memento of your summer on the bulletin board in the undercroft.
Bishop Lee Visits St. John’s Next Sunday, September 29
The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Lee, Bishop of Chicago, will visit St. John’s on Sunday, September 29. He will preach and preside at both services and will meet with the children and young people of the parish during the 9:00 hour.
Blessing of the Animals – October 6
The annual celebration and blessing of all of our companion animals will take place Sunday, October 6, beginning at 4:30 p.m. at the Outdoor Altar.
The Primary class (grades K-3) meets in the Atrium; the Intermediate class (grades 4-6) meets in the education wing. Classes begin at 9:00 a.m.
Youth Confirmation Classes Begin This Sunday
The seventh and eighth grade Sunday School class, taught by Cyndie Knoll, will spend this year preparing for Confirmation. Any seventh or eighth grader interested in confirmation should participate in this class. The first class is this Sunday at 9:00 a.m., meeting in the Small Conference Room near the parish office.
High School Students: St. John’s Needs You!
(And maybe you need St. John’s.) Come be a part of and help create a new high school youth group at St. John’s. Come this Sunday evening, September 22, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Dinner and fun will be served. Questions or ideas? Talk to Dee McManamy or Shirley Reilly.
Adult Education on Sunday Morning
For much of this year, the adult class will use the adult curriculum, Confirm not Conform. It covers the breadth of the Christian tradition, encouraging and prodding adults to explore an authentic faith. The class should be helpful and interesting to all adults, no matter where they are in their faith journey. Parents of young people pursuing confirmation are particularly urged to participate. Classes begin this Sunday, September 22, at 9:00 a.m. in the Education wing.
What Did You Do This Summer?
It’s not too late to post some memento of your summer on the bulletin board in the undercroft.
Bishop Lee Visits St. John’s Next Sunday, September 29
The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Lee, Bishop of Chicago, will visit St. John’s on Sunday, September 29. He will preach and preside at both services and will meet with the children and young people of the parish during the 9:00 hour.
Blessing of the Animals – October 6
The annual celebration and blessing of all of our companion animals will take place Sunday, October 6, beginning at 4:30 p.m. at the Outdoor Altar.
Reflection for September 22
In an act of sheer courage, or of Spirit-filled faith, King left his prepared speech when Mahalia Jackson, standing behind him, said, “Tell ‘em about the dream, Martin.” What followed was both a rhetorical tour de force and an illustration of the power of the Spirit, particularly for those of us who wouldn’t think of leaving our manuscripts even if Mahalia Jackson told us to. It was, in fact, a sermon. It convinced me that Christian faith led to involvement in the world not retreat from it, that the security, welfare and equal opportunity of all people were priorities for the God revealed in the Bible—and therefore priorities for the church (John M. Buchanan, “Converted in 1963,” Christian Century, September 18, 2013).
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Minutes of Vestry Meeting - August 19, 2013
Evening Prayer and Thanksgivings & Prayer Requests
The vestry assembled in the church for evening prayer at 7:00 PM followed by offered prayers of thanksgiving and intercession.
Present at the meeting were: the rector, Kristin Orr; the senior warden, Audrey Ongman; the junior warden, Bill Bestow; vestry members Candice Barrera, Anne Edwards, Steve Hofer, Gale Michael, Mark Moxley, and Jim Whitfield; the treasurer, Debbi Huggett; and the clerk, Susan Marquis. Vestry members Greg Lawrence, Patti Pohrte and Bob Berner were absent.
Parish Stewardship
Approval of Minutes from the June Meeting
Anne Edwards moved that the June minutes be approved. A vote was taken after a second from Gale Michael, and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report for June and July
Debbi Huggett reported that collections always slow down in the summer, and this summer is no exception. They will be picking up again. There was a large office expense for toner. We made money on the Ice Cream Social in spite of buying two new tents. Nothing in the financial report is particularly out of line. Gale Michael made a motion to accept the report. Jim Whitfield seconded, and the motion passed.
The rector distributed copies of the second quarter Rector’s Discretionary Fund Report. There have been more contributions since Pastor Orr’s explanation of/appeal for funds. Audrey Ongman moved to accept the report and Mark Moxley seconded. The motion passed.
Rector’s Report
Nursery Director Marilyn Enright has not been well, but her strength seems to be returning. It is unclear at present whether or not she will be returning to her position at St. John’s.
Pastor Orr continues in leadership positions for the Joliet Deanery and the South Suburban Ministerial Association.
Both independent diocesan conventions approved the reunion of the dioceses of Quincy and Chicago.
A diocesan block party is scheduled on Sunday afternoon, September 15th to celebrate the newly renovated diocesan center. Pastor Orr will put out sign-up sheets for those interested in attending and car-pooling.
The rector has ramped up ads in the diocesan website for our Christian Education Director position. She also has sent ads to seminaries.
Pastor Orr is tentatively scheduling her fourth week of vacation near Thanksgiving. She thanked everyone who helped keep St. John’s running during her summer vacation.
Wardens’ Reports and/or Reports from Parish Organizations
There were no reports.
Upcoming Parish Events
The annual back-to-school blessing of the backpacks will be held during the 10:00 AM service on August 25th.
The Jubilation and Ministry Fair is planned for coffee hour on September 8th.
Bishop Lee will visit St. John’s on September 29th and will hold a forum at 9:00 AM. There will be a vestry event after the 10:00 AM service.
Discussion and Decisions
Pastor Orr received an estimate from Care of Trees to remove a dead spruce, a dying apple tree, and an infected ash from church property and to prune a sugar maple and a Norway maple at a total cost of $1,520. Steve Hofer moved that the proposal be accepted. Mark Moxley seconded, and the motion carried.
Preliminary Stewardship Conversation
Pastor Orr reminded members of the vestry that they are stewards of the parish.
Update on Outreach Conversations with Parishioners
Two suggestions were reported:
We should be giving more to the Rich Township food pantry, and We could contact a woman from Trinity Wall Street who runs a program that helps parishes connect with schools in need.
Review of Parish Calendar
The vestry received draft copies of the parish calendar. Pastor Orr drew attention to St. John’s Feast on January 4th and reminded everyone that this is a vestry-hosted event, and all should plan to help.
Update on Columbarium Expansion and Accessibility Work
There is no news on architectural plans. Steve Hofer has done some research on a simple vertical lift system to provide access to all three levels of the church. The cost is a fraction of what an elevator would cost. The system itself is less than $30,000. Another $40,000 to $50,000 would be needed for construction, electric, and plumbing work. Steve will attend the next Accessibility Sub-Committee meeting.
Following prayer, the meeting ended at 8:25 PM.
The next meeting will be held on September 16th.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis
Clerk of the Vestry
Approved: September 16, 2013
Evening Prayer and Thanksgivings & Prayer Requests
The vestry assembled in the church for evening prayer at 7:00 PM followed by offered prayers of thanksgiving and intercession.
Present at the meeting were: the rector, Kristin Orr; the senior warden, Audrey Ongman; the junior warden, Bill Bestow; vestry members Candice Barrera, Anne Edwards, Steve Hofer, Gale Michael, Mark Moxley, and Jim Whitfield; the treasurer, Debbi Huggett; and the clerk, Susan Marquis. Vestry members Greg Lawrence, Patti Pohrte and Bob Berner were absent.
Parish Stewardship
Approval of Minutes from the June Meeting
Anne Edwards moved that the June minutes be approved. A vote was taken after a second from Gale Michael, and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report for June and July
Debbi Huggett reported that collections always slow down in the summer, and this summer is no exception. They will be picking up again. There was a large office expense for toner. We made money on the Ice Cream Social in spite of buying two new tents. Nothing in the financial report is particularly out of line. Gale Michael made a motion to accept the report. Jim Whitfield seconded, and the motion passed.
The rector distributed copies of the second quarter Rector’s Discretionary Fund Report. There have been more contributions since Pastor Orr’s explanation of/appeal for funds. Audrey Ongman moved to accept the report and Mark Moxley seconded. The motion passed.
Rector’s Report
Nursery Director Marilyn Enright has not been well, but her strength seems to be returning. It is unclear at present whether or not she will be returning to her position at St. John’s.
Pastor Orr continues in leadership positions for the Joliet Deanery and the South Suburban Ministerial Association.
Both independent diocesan conventions approved the reunion of the dioceses of Quincy and Chicago.
A diocesan block party is scheduled on Sunday afternoon, September 15th to celebrate the newly renovated diocesan center. Pastor Orr will put out sign-up sheets for those interested in attending and car-pooling.
The rector has ramped up ads in the diocesan website for our Christian Education Director position. She also has sent ads to seminaries.
Pastor Orr is tentatively scheduling her fourth week of vacation near Thanksgiving. She thanked everyone who helped keep St. John’s running during her summer vacation.
Wardens’ Reports and/or Reports from Parish Organizations
There were no reports.
Upcoming Parish Events
The annual back-to-school blessing of the backpacks will be held during the 10:00 AM service on August 25th.
The Jubilation and Ministry Fair is planned for coffee hour on September 8th.
Bishop Lee will visit St. John’s on September 29th and will hold a forum at 9:00 AM. There will be a vestry event after the 10:00 AM service.
Discussion and Decisions
Pastor Orr received an estimate from Care of Trees to remove a dead spruce, a dying apple tree, and an infected ash from church property and to prune a sugar maple and a Norway maple at a total cost of $1,520. Steve Hofer moved that the proposal be accepted. Mark Moxley seconded, and the motion carried.
Preliminary Stewardship Conversation
Pastor Orr reminded members of the vestry that they are stewards of the parish.
Update on Outreach Conversations with Parishioners
Two suggestions were reported:
We should be giving more to the Rich Township food pantry, and We could contact a woman from Trinity Wall Street who runs a program that helps parishes connect with schools in need.
Review of Parish Calendar
The vestry received draft copies of the parish calendar. Pastor Orr drew attention to St. John’s Feast on January 4th and reminded everyone that this is a vestry-hosted event, and all should plan to help.
Update on Columbarium Expansion and Accessibility Work
There is no news on architectural plans. Steve Hofer has done some research on a simple vertical lift system to provide access to all three levels of the church. The cost is a fraction of what an elevator would cost. The system itself is less than $30,000. Another $40,000 to $50,000 would be needed for construction, electric, and plumbing work. Steve will attend the next Accessibility Sub-Committee meeting.
Following prayer, the meeting ended at 8:25 PM.
The next meeting will be held on September 16th.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis
Clerk of the Vestry
Approved: September 16, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
Announcements for September 15
Vestry Meeting
The vestry meets Monday, September 16, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the church.
Children’s Window Painting This Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School children of all age are invited to gather in the Atrium this Sunday at 9:00 a.m. to paint this year’s window mural. Regular Sunday School Classes begin next week, September 22.
Youth Confirmation Classes
The seventh and eighth grade Sunday School class, taught by Cyndie Knoll, will spend this year preparing for Confirmation. Any seventh or eighth grader interested in confirmation should participate in this class.
High School Students: St. John’s Needs You!
(And maybe you need St. John’s.) Come be a part of and help create a new high school youth group at St. John’s. Sunday, September 22, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Dinner and fun will be served. Questions or ideas? Talk to Dee McManamy or Shirley Reilly.
Adult Education on Sunday Morning
For much of this year, the adult class will use the adult curriculum, Confirm not Conform. It covers the breadth of the Christian tradition, encouraging and prodding adults to explore an authentic faith. The class should be helpful and interesting to all adults, no matter where they are in their faith journey. Parents of young people pursuing confirmation are particularly urged to participate. Sign up this Sunday in the undercroft. Classes begin September 22.
What Did You Do This Summer?
It’s not too late to post some memento of your summer on the bulletin board in the undercroft.
Bishop Lee Visits St. John’s September 29
The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Lee, Bishop of Chicago, will visit St. John’s on Sunday, September 29. He will preach and preside at both services and will meet with the children and young people of the parish during the 9:00 hour.
The vestry meets Monday, September 16, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the church.
Children’s Window Painting This Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School children of all age are invited to gather in the Atrium this Sunday at 9:00 a.m. to paint this year’s window mural. Regular Sunday School Classes begin next week, September 22.
Youth Confirmation Classes
The seventh and eighth grade Sunday School class, taught by Cyndie Knoll, will spend this year preparing for Confirmation. Any seventh or eighth grader interested in confirmation should participate in this class.
High School Students: St. John’s Needs You!
(And maybe you need St. John’s.) Come be a part of and help create a new high school youth group at St. John’s. Sunday, September 22, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Dinner and fun will be served. Questions or ideas? Talk to Dee McManamy or Shirley Reilly.
Adult Education on Sunday Morning
For much of this year, the adult class will use the adult curriculum, Confirm not Conform. It covers the breadth of the Christian tradition, encouraging and prodding adults to explore an authentic faith. The class should be helpful and interesting to all adults, no matter where they are in their faith journey. Parents of young people pursuing confirmation are particularly urged to participate. Sign up this Sunday in the undercroft. Classes begin September 22.
What Did You Do This Summer?
It’s not too late to post some memento of your summer on the bulletin board in the undercroft.
Bishop Lee Visits St. John’s September 29
The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Lee, Bishop of Chicago, will visit St. John’s on Sunday, September 29. He will preach and preside at both services and will meet with the children and young people of the parish during the 9:00 hour.
Reflection for September 15
What put me off about church was that it was so like me – feeding me a steady diet of myself: my wants, my preferences, my music. It was quite “relevant.” I came to realize that I actually needed church to be UN-like me: to be transcendent. The Church is unconcerned with “relevance.” It cares not for my preferences. When I ask it to change it grins quietly and asks me to change instead. When one panics about something and accosts the clergy at the door, the chances are good the priest will say, “We have been in God’s presence in the liturgy. How about we enjoy that for a bit? Call me on Tuesday.”
The Church is maddeningly un-fearful. It is not subject to politics or fads. It does not do focus groups and market research. It is not trying to impress me, win me or woo me. Instead of bending to my whims, it seeks to conform me to the image of Christ through immersion in patterns: daily in the Scriptures, weekly in Sacramental feeding of the Thanksgiving meal of the family of God, and living out God-time in the Christian Year. As a man of flesh, these patterns marinate me in the Gospel, bringing forth flavors in my life I never imagined (Matt Marino, “Why I dropped church and joined The Church,
The Church is maddeningly un-fearful. It is not subject to politics or fads. It does not do focus groups and market research. It is not trying to impress me, win me or woo me. Instead of bending to my whims, it seeks to conform me to the image of Christ through immersion in patterns: daily in the Scriptures, weekly in Sacramental feeding of the Thanksgiving meal of the family of God, and living out God-time in the Christian Year. As a man of flesh, these patterns marinate me in the Gospel, bringing forth flavors in my life I never imagined (Matt Marino, “Why I dropped church and joined The Church,
Friday, September 6, 2013
Announcements for September 8
St. John’s Jubilation – September 8: Brunch, Ministry Fair, and Sunday School Registration
St. John’s annual fall ministry fair and Sunday School registration takes place following the 10:00 a.m. service this Sunday, September 8. Loaves and Fishes will be serving lunch. Everyone is invited to come and browse opportunities for study and ministry.
What Did You Do This Summer?
Everyone, young and old, is invited to bring in a photo or flyer or (pinnable) memento from your summer activities and pin it on the bulletin board in the undercroft. Whether you went to camp or spent time on long-standing interests; had a staycation or an overseas adventure; planted a garden; went to the movies; read War and Peace; or spent time with friends and family; please share your experiences.
Sign Up to Attend the Diocesan Block Party (Revised Announcement)
The newly-renovated St. James Commons is now open for all to enjoy and on September 15 from 3 – 6 p.m. they’re throwing a big block party to celebrate. There will be great music, food trucks, fun for kids and tours of the new diocesan center. Look for light blue flyers with more information. If you register online, you’ll receive a coupon for tickets to the food trucks. The diocese is organizing free bus transportation. For more information, or to register for the south suburbs bus, contact Ann Ryba.
From First Presbyterian in Homewood
The Women’s Association of the First Presbyterian Church of Homewood invites you to their annual “Fall Fantasy” dinner and fashion show. Location: 17929 Gottschalk Avenue, Homewood. Friday, September 27, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $18 for adults; children under age 12 are $9.00. Fashions from the “Dress Barn” of Homewood. For tickets, please contact the church office at 708/798-0490.
St. John’s annual fall ministry fair and Sunday School registration takes place following the 10:00 a.m. service this Sunday, September 8. Loaves and Fishes will be serving lunch. Everyone is invited to come and browse opportunities for study and ministry.
What Did You Do This Summer?
Everyone, young and old, is invited to bring in a photo or flyer or (pinnable) memento from your summer activities and pin it on the bulletin board in the undercroft. Whether you went to camp or spent time on long-standing interests; had a staycation or an overseas adventure; planted a garden; went to the movies; read War and Peace; or spent time with friends and family; please share your experiences.
Sign Up to Attend the Diocesan Block Party (Revised Announcement)
The newly-renovated St. James Commons is now open for all to enjoy and on September 15 from 3 – 6 p.m. they’re throwing a big block party to celebrate. There will be great music, food trucks, fun for kids and tours of the new diocesan center. Look for light blue flyers with more information. If you register online, you’ll receive a coupon for tickets to the food trucks. The diocese is organizing free bus transportation. For more information, or to register for the south suburbs bus, contact Ann Ryba.
From First Presbyterian in Homewood
The Women’s Association of the First Presbyterian Church of Homewood invites you to their annual “Fall Fantasy” dinner and fashion show. Location: 17929 Gottschalk Avenue, Homewood. Friday, September 27, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $18 for adults; children under age 12 are $9.00. Fashions from the “Dress Barn” of Homewood. For tickets, please contact the church office at 708/798-0490.
Reflection for September 8
There is a long and often ridiculous history of comparing baseball to a religion. Rule-bound, slow to change, cyclic, and timeless; an assembly of people presided over by men in funny outfits, who say what is safe and what is out; a space sealed-off from the rest of society, yet definitional to a national culture: the comparisons aren’t too difficult to make….
Religious phenomena have plenty of overlaps with other products of human culture, but the whole game of “but is it a religion?” is obnoxious at best. None of which changes the fact that, when Major League Baseball announced last week that it was planning to introduce instant replay to games, thereby allowing umpires to stop play after a difficult call and watch the whole thing again in slow-motion, all I could think, with a tinge of sadness, was that a new, especially virulent kind of fundamentalism had arrived in America’s First Church (Michael Schulson, “Baseball Literalism,” Killing the Buddha).
Religious phenomena have plenty of overlaps with other products of human culture, but the whole game of “but is it a religion?” is obnoxious at best. None of which changes the fact that, when Major League Baseball announced last week that it was planning to introduce instant replay to games, thereby allowing umpires to stop play after a difficult call and watch the whole thing again in slow-motion, all I could think, with a tinge of sadness, was that a new, especially virulent kind of fundamentalism had arrived in America’s First Church (Michael Schulson, “Baseball Literalism,” Killing the Buddha).
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