Friday, April 17, 2015

Announcements for April 19

Blue Jeans Sunday is This Sunday
Wear casual clothes to church, bring a rake, and stay after church to help prepare the church grounds for spring glory.

Milkweed for Monarchs
Over the past 20 years the monarch butterfly populations has decreased by over 80%, primarily due to lack of habitat, specifically the milkweed plant, which is essential in the monarch life cycle. Several organizations are spearheading efforts to plant milkweed wherever possible. Milkweed seed packets are available in the undercroft. Take as many as you like to plant and share. (More information from the Xerces Society and the Save Our Monarchs Organization.)

Vestry Meeting
The vestry meets Monday, April 20, beginning at 7:00 PM in the church.

High School Youth Group
Raking for beauty: Let's pitch in after church on 4/19 & help clean up St. John's for spring (garden gloves always fashionable). Baking for hunger: Make your favorite baked treats to sell at coffee hour after church on 4/26. All proceeds to benefit CROP Hunger Walk. More details to follow. High School Youth & Their Parents: Watch the mail for a letter outlining our Youth Group's final activities before the summer break, including details about our upcoming bake sale. Our youth have given so much of their time and talent to benefit others this year... now it's their turn to receive. Our gatherings in May will be entirely for fun and fellowship. Be sure to mark your calendars now for the long-anticipated overnight lock-in on Friday, May 29th!

Recycle Plastic Easter Eggs
If you have left over plastic Easter eggs, please place them in the lavender-colored box near the church office. We can reuse them in next year’s Easter egg hunt.

Grande Prairie Singers Feature Mozart… and Michael! 
Sunday, May 17, is the final concert of the Grande Prairie Singers’ season, “Haydn and Mozart: Composers and Friends.” Selections include Mozart's “Ave Verum” (a St. John’s Choir favorite) and “Te Deum in C” and Haydn’s “Great Organ Solo Mass” featuring our own Michael Soto. The concert is at 4:00 p.m. at Flossmoor Community Church. Tickets are $15 in advance ($20 at the door) and $10 for students and are available from Bob or Betsy Burgwald.

Reflection for April 19

Life and its possibilities is a wonder. That anything should exist at all is a wonder. And that such goodness and beauty and light can come into the world through human endeavor, a still greater wonder: Light can shine in the darkness, grace and truth can come into the world (Br. Mark Brown, Society of St. John the Evangelist, “Brother, Give us a Word”).

Friday, April 10, 2015

Announcements for April 12

Easter Flowers
Thank you and blessings to everyone who contributed to the Easter flowers this year. A complete list will be included with this Sunday’s leaflet.

Sunday School Classes Back from Vacation
Sunday School classes for all ages, children and adults, resume this Sunday, April 12, following the Easter break.

Blue Jeans Sunday is Next Sunday
Mark your calendars for the spring clean-up landscape work day, coming next Sunday, April 19. Wear casual clothes and stay after church to help prepare the church grounds for spring glory.

High School Youth Group
Raking for beauty: Let's pitch in after church on 4/19 & help clean up St. John's for spring (garden gloves always fashionable). Baking for hunger: Make your favorite baked treats to sell at coffee hour after church on 4/26. All proceeds to benefit CROP Hunger Walk. More details to follow. High School Youth & Their Parents: Watch the mail for a letter outlining our Youth Group's final activities before the summer break, including details about our upcoming bake sale. Our youth have given so much of their time and talent to benefit others this year... now it's their turn to receive. Our gatherings in May will be entirely for fun and fellowship. Be sure to mark your calendars now for the long-anticipated overnight lock-in on Friday, May 29th!

Grande Prairie Singers Feature Mozart… and Michael! 
Sunday, May 17, is the final concert of the Grande Prairie Singers’ season, “Haydn and Mozart: Composers and Friends.” Selections include Mozart's “Ave Verum” (a St. John’s Choir favorite) and “Te Deum in C” and Haydn’s “Great Organ Solo Mass” featuring our own Michael Soto. The concert is at 4:00 p.m. at Flossmoor Community Church. Tickets are $15 in advance ($20 at the door) and $10 for students and are available from Bob or Betsy Burgwald.

Reflection for April 12

Thomas’ honest questioning and doubt, and Jesus’ assuring response to him, have given many modern Christians courage to persist in faith, even when they are still doubting and questioning (Holy Women, Holy Men, “St. Thomas the Apostle”).

Friday, April 3, 2015

Announcements for April 5

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
An Easter egg hunt for children follows the 10:00 AM service on Easter. Please bring your own bag or basket for collection.

Sunday School Classes on Vacation
Sunday School classes for all ages, children and adults, are on vacation this Sunday. They will resume after Easter on April 12.

Thank You
Thank you to the Altar Guild, Choir, and all of the liturgical ministers whose extra efforts do, indeed, make holy our parish observance of Holy Week.

Easter Flower Contributions
If you would like to contribute to the lilies and special flowers that adorn the church at Easter time, please look for special flower envelopes in the pews.

Yarn Ministry
The knitting group will meet Tuesday this week, instead of Monday. April 7, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Guild Room.

Blue Jeans Sunday
Mark your calendars for the spring clean-up landscape work day, coming Sunday, April 19. Wear casual clothes and stay after church to help prepare the church grounds for spring glory.

Reflection for April 5, Easter Day

The risen one still offers life to those who will look for evidence of his gardening – hope, friendship, healing, reunion, restoration – to all who have been uprooted, cut off, to those who are parched and withered, to those who lie wasting in the desert. Why do we weep or run away when that promise abides? (The Most Rev. Katherine Jefferts Schori, “Presiding Bishop’s Easter Message”  The full message is HERE).