Friday, May 29, 2015

Announcements for May 31

Parish Picnic and Planting the Garden this Sunday
The annual beginning of summer parish picnic will be this Sunday, May 31, following the 10:00 AM service. As usual hot dogs and hamburgers will be served. Bring a side or dessert if you wish. And wear gardening clothes and bring a trowel if you can. We have over 100 plants to plant in the parish food garden. Throughout the summer the produce from these plants will be donated to a local food pantry.

The Bishop is Coming
The Rt. Rev. C. Christopher Epting, assisting bishop in the Diocese of Chicago, will visit St. John’s on Sunday, June 7. Please plan to be present to welcome him to the parish. Read more about Bishop Epting HERE.

Michael Soto Recital at St. John’s
You are invited to an exploration of musical influences and inspirations, featuring works of J.S. Bach, Alan Hovhaness, Jean Langlais, and Maurice DuruflĂ©. The recital will take place at St. John's on Saturday, June 13 at 7:00 pm. A free-will offering will benefit the Grande Prairie Children’s Choir.

Ice Cream Social
We’re gearing up for the St. John’s Annual Community Ice Cream Social scheduled for Saturday, July 4th. Skiddles and Twistina will entertain us with their balloon creations. We will have ice cream, cold drinks, hot dogs and cookies. All of this happens immediately following the 10 a.m. Flossmoor Children’s Parade and runs through about 12:30 p.m. Your participation is what makes this event a success. Are you able to bring in some wildflowers or flowers from your garden? Can you put up flyers around town? Can you help move tables and tents outside? Can you meet and greet our guests? Can you scoop ice cream or cut watermelon on July 3rd? Do you have a card table or two that we can borrow? How about (and this is for everyone) praying for glorious weather? Contact Gale Michael with offers to help and/or questions.

Reflection for May 31

The much-maligned doctrine of the Trinity is an assertion that, appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, there is only one God (Frederick Buechner, Wishful Thinking).

Friday, May 22, 2015

Announcements for May 24

The Picnic is Coming
The annual beginning of summer parish picnic will be next Sunday, May 31, following the 10:00 AM service. (This is a week earlier than originally published.) As usual hot dogs and hamburgers will be served. Bring a side or dessert if you wish. We will also plant and bless the parish food garden.

The Bishop is Coming
The Rt. Rev. C. Christopher Epting, assisting bishop in the Diocese of Chicago, will visit St. John’s on Sunday, June 7. Please plan to be present to welcome him to the parish. Read more about Bishop Epting HERE.

Calling All Graduates
If you, or someone in your family, is graduating this spring (at any level) please email or phone the parish office. A couple of sentences with graduation details and future plans, if known, would be great. We will celebrate all parish graduates on May 31.

Michael Soto Recital at St. John’s
You are invited to an exploration of musical influences and inspirations, featuring works of J.S. Bach, Alan Hovhaness, Jean Langlais, and Maurice DuruflĂ©. The recital will take place at St. John's on Saturday, June 13 at 7:00 pm. A free-will offering will benefit the Grande Prairie Children’s Choir.

A Request from Tuti Arquilla
I’m requesting caring Episcopalians to “baby sit” our home during our estate sale (under the direction of Joanne Fisher): Friday, May 29, 9-2; Saturday, May 30, 9-2; Sunday May 31, 11-3. Food and drinks will be provided and you will be allowed to shop. Call 798-1812. Thanks.

Don’t miss it! Youth Group lock-in is Friday, May 29th, 7:00 pm
Parents: pick up by 8:30 am, Saturday, May 30th. An overnight celebration of a great year together—bring your friends, sleeping bags, yoga mats and a willingness to explore the weird and wonderful. You’ll leave with a newfound appreciation of yourselves and St. John’s. Please return your completed permission slips to the parish office, Dee McManamy or Margi Strombeck before May 29th. Wear comfortable clothing you can be active in AND have clean feet (you’ll find out why). Any questions OR if you need permission slips for you and/or your guests, please call or text Dee McManamy or Margi Strombeck.

Parish Office Closure
The parish office will be closed Monday, May 25, in observance of Memorial Day.

Reflection for May 24

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability (Acts 2:1-4).

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Minutes of the Vestry Meeting - April 21, 2015


Evening Prayer and Thanksgiving & Prayer Requests
The vestry assembled in the church for evening prayer at 7:00 PM followed by offered prayers of thanksgiving and intercession.

Present at the meeting were: the rector, Kristin Orr; the senior warden Diane Walsh- Madden; the junior warden, Anne Edwards; vestry members Bob Burgwald, Nichole Dailor, Rob Carrier, Ted Stone, Jim Whitfield, and Hans Zigmund; the treasurer, Debbi Huggett; and the clerk, Susan Marquis. Vestry members absent were: Bob DeOliveira, Patti Pohrte, and Cynthia Turnquest.

Parish Stewardship

Minutes from the March Meeting
Jim Whitfield made a motion to accept the minutes from the March vestry meeting. Diane Walsh-Madden seconded, and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report
Debbi Huggett reported that for the first quarter of 2015, there were no surprises — either good or bad. Any variances in the treasurer’s report primarily are due to calendar timing. We have not yet used any funds budgeted this year for Youth and Family Ministry. Money from a recently matured Certificate of Deposit was moved to the Money Market fund, and this will show up on next month’s report. Hans Zigmund made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Bob Burgwald, seconded, and the motion passed.

Rector’s Discretionary Account
Anne Edwards moved to accept the first quarter report of the Rector’s Discretionary Account with the revision of the error of the date changed from 12-31-14 to 3-31-15. After a second by Rob Carrier, the motion was approved. 


Rector’s Report
• Pastor Orr, along with Cindy Knoll (of Loaves and Fishes) and Mark Moxley (of the community garden project) have moved the date of the parish picnic one week earlier to May 31st in order not to conflict with the Bishop’s visit on June 7th. The picnic again will be combined with planting the vegetable garden.
• Greg Knoll has volunteered to mow the church lawn for the last five summers, but he no longer will have the time to do this. Pastor Orr asked the vestry to think of ways that we could thank Greg for his significant gift to us, and she asked for recommendations of people who could take on the mowing job.
• The annual vestry retreat will be held on Saturday, May 9th.
• The rector will be gone this summer on her days off and vacation days starting on July 14th and running through August 11th. The Rev. Sam Portaro will serve as supply priest on the two Sundays in July, and the Rev. Stacy Alan will serve on the two Sundays in August.
• Pastor Orr expressed thanks for everyone in the parish who helped out during Holy Week.
• The rector noted that the work day on the church grounds yesterday was wonderful, and she expressed thanks to all who helped, especially Lynn Ruschhaupt, who keeps things going.

Upcoming Parish Events
• Ascension Day Eucharist, Thursday, May 14th
• Bishop Epting’s parish visit, Sunday June 7th. At this time, the bishop would like to meet with people who are not active in the church, preferably off-site at a time other than Sunday morning. The bishop would like to hear what they have to say and perhaps have an opportunity to clear up misperceptions that unchurched people have. This is not a recruiting tool. Pastor Orr asked the vestry to think about when, where, and how we would do this; and we will talk about it next month.

Discussions and Decisions

Pastor Orr distributed a census of those interred in the columbarium and noted how the numbers have been increasing with an average of one per year in the early years, starting in about 1965, and an average of four per year over the last ten years. Diane Walsh-Madden got a referral from Flossmoor Community Church for the company that constructed their columbarium, and Mark Moxley found the names of three more architectural design firms that do this work. Pastor Orr plans to find out which firms are interested in our project.

Ongoing Facilities Work
After having had prior discussions about how to keep facility projects going and how to spread responsibility, the rector and wardens suggested that individual vestry members take on stewardship of projects beginning with assessing and clarifying need, then assessing solutions, organizing bids, and taking information back to the vestry as a whole. Vestry members volunteered for specific projects.
• Rob Carrier - tuckpointing and brickwork
• Jim Whitfield - door to the south lawn that is located across from guild room
• Anne Edwards - stairs from the back of the church to the undercroft, possibly including also the tiles on the sacristy floor
• Ted Stone - handrail on the stairs to the undercroft and (later) rectory fence
• Cynthia Turnquest - absent tonight, but perhaps can do plumbing
• Patti Pohrte - absent tonight but perhaps can do bathroom accessibility
• (no one assigned yet) - transept and storm windows


After prayer, the meeting ended at 9:05 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for May 18th.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis Clerk of the Vestry

Approved:  May 18, 2015

Friday, May 15, 2015

Announcements for May 17

Vestry Meeting
The vestry will meet Monday, May 18, beginning in the church at 7:00 PM with Evening Prayer.

Celebrate Sunday School
This Sunday, May 17, is the last day of Sunday School classes. We will celebrate students and teachers during the 10:00 AM service.

The Picnic is Coming
The annual beginning of summer parish picnic will be Sunday, May 31, following the 10:00 AM service. (This is a week earlier than originally published.) As usual hot dogs and hamburgers will be served. Bring a side or dessert if you wish. We will also plant and bless the parish food garden.

The Bishop is Coming
The Rt. Rev. C. Christopher Epting, assisting bishop in the Diocese of Chicago, will visit St. John’s on Sunday, June 7. Please plan to be present to welcome him to the parish. Read more about Bishop Epting HERE.

Calling All Graduates
If you, or someone in your family, is graduating this spring (at any level) please email or phone the parish office. A couple of sentences with graduation details and future plans, if known, would be great. We will celebrate all parish graduates on May 31.

ECW Potluck
All women of the parish are invited to a potluck luncheon this Wednesday, May 20, beginning at 11:30 AM in the undercroft.

Wear Red for Pentecost Next Sunday
Next Sunday, May 24, is Pentecost, the day on which the church commemorates the giving of the Holy Spirit as recounted in Acts 2:1-4. It is traditional to wear red, symbolizing the “tongues, as of fire” that rested upon the disciples.

Attention Youth Group--Avengers: Age of Ultron this Sunday after church
Wanna go? Let Dee McManamy or Margi Strombeck know. We'll leave right after church. It's our thank-you for your many hours of service for others... you deserve a treat. Also plan on the Youth Group Lock-In Friday, May 29, our last activity for the school year. Don't miss it! Bring a friend, yoga mat and sleeping bag. Lots of fun and weird stuff planned (good weird).

Reflection for May 17

Potable water is fast becoming more precious than oil—a calculation that will transform the global economy. We are learning how climate, consumption, water, oil, and agriculture are all interconnected in a way that calls for a nation-wide reckoning. When it comes to the drought, we are all Californians (The Christian Century, May 13, 2015).

Friday, May 8, 2015

Announcements for May 10

Ascension Day Service
Ascension Day is one of the “seven principal feasts” on the church calendar. It always comes 40 days after Easter, this year May 14. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at 7:00 PM.

Milkweed for Monarchs
Over the past 20 years the monarch butterfly populations has decreased by over 80%, primarily due to lack of habitat, specifically the milkweed plant, which is essential in the monarch life cycle. Several organizations are spearheading efforts to plant milkweed wherever possible. Milkweed seed packets are available in the undercroft. Take as many as you like to plant and share. (More information from the Xerces Society and the Save Our Monarchs Foundation.)

Calling All Graduates
If you, or someone in your family is graduating this spring (at any level) please email or phone the parish office. A couple of sentences with graduation details and future plans, if known, would be great. We will celebrate all parish graduates a little later in the spring.

Annual Interfaith Memorial Service for the Indigent
The 30th annual memorial service will be held Wed., May 20 at noon at the Chicago Temple (First United Methodist Church), 77 W. Washington St. This service is an opportunity for our community to act as a "surrogate family" to people buried within the last year without family or friends to mark their passing.

Grande Prairie Singers Feature Mozart… and Michael!
Sunday, May 17, is the final concert of the Grande Prairie Singers’ season, “Haydn and Mozart: Composers and Friends.” Selections include Mozart's “Ave Verum” (a St. John’s Choir favorite) and “Te Deum in C” and Haydn’s “Great Organ Solo Mass” featuring our own Michael Soto. The concert is at 4:00 p.m. at Flossmoor Community Church. Tickets are $15 in advance ($20 at the door) and $10 for students and are available from Bob or Betsy Burgwald.

Reflection for May 10

Where is the spiritual value of rowing? … The losing of self entirely to the cooperative efforts of the crew as a whole (George Yeoman Pocock, quoted in The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown).

Friday, May 1, 2015

Announcements for May 3

The Parish Picnic is Coming: May 31 
Mark your calendars for the annual parish spring picnic, May 31, following the 10:00 AM service (a change from the originally published date). At the picnic we will also plant this year’s crops in the parish food garden.

Milkweed for Monarchs
Over the past 20 years the monarch butterfly populations has decreased by over 80%, primarily due to lack of habitat, specifically the milkweed plant, which is essential in the monarch life cycle. Several organizations are spearheading efforts to plant milkweed wherever possible. Milkweed seed packets are available in the undercroft. Take as many as you like to plant and share. (More information: The Xerces Society, Save Our Monarchs Foundation)

Yarn Ministry
The knitting group will meet Monday, May 4, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Guild Room.

St. John's shows generosity (and sweet tooth) at bake sale
Once again, St. John parishioners opened their hearts and wallets to the needs of others and raised $383 through the Youth Group coffee hour bake sale to help feed the hungry, locally and beyond, as part of the efforts of the Church World Service's CROP Hunger Walk. Our donations will directly benefit local agencies including Respond Now, Rich Township Food Pantry and South Suburban PADS, to name a few. A resounding THANK YOU from our Youth Group to all of you who showed your support through your baking, donations, purchases and, of course, consumption of all those tasty treats. Extra special thanks to Tonya Eisenberg and Bill Moser, whose surprise (and delicious) contributions were particularly appreciated.

Grande Prairie Singers Feature Mozart… and Michael! 
Sunday, May 17, is the final concert of the Grande Prairie Singers’ season, “Haydn and Mozart: Composers and Friends.” Selections include Mozart's “Ave Verum” (a St. John’s Choir favorite) and “Te Deum in C” and Haydn’s “Great Organ Solo Mass” featuring our own Michael Soto. The concert is at 4:00 p.m. at Flossmoor Community Church. Tickets are $15 in advance ($20 at the door) and $10 for students and are available from Bob or Betsy Burgwald.

Reflection for May 3

For the Human Family
O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (Book of Common Prayer, p. 815).