Annual Pledge Campaign
Please seriously and prayerfully consider your annual pledge of time, talent and treasure. You may return your pledge card to the parish office, place it in the offering plate on Sunday, or place it on the altar on pledge Sunday, November 22.
All Saints Open House
Pastor Orr will host her annual All Saints Open House at the Rectory Sunday, November 1, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. Parishioners, guests and friends of all ages are welcome.
All Souls Day Service: Remembering the Faithful Departed
The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated on All Souls Day, Monday, November 2, at 7:00 PM. This is a peaceful, moving service at which we remember and give thanks for the saints of God whom we have been blessed to know. If you have names you would like added to the prayers, please call the parish office. You are also encouraged to bring a memento or ofrenda of someone whose memory you cherish to the service.
ReVive (Cathedral Shelter) Christmas Baskets
Information is available in the undercroft on adopting a senior or family for Christmas through the ReVive Christmas Basket program. If you prefer, you may also make a cash contribution and children of the parish will shop and wrap presents for a family. Wrapped and packaged gifts need to be dropped at the parish office before 9:00 AM, Friday, December 4.
Christmas Shopping Spree for Youth Group This Sunday
What better way to get in the holiday spirit than to shop for our Christmas basket family? Meet at St. John’s a little early Sunday afternoon for a 4pm departure. Bring your friends to help us gather gifts for a 5yr old, an 8yr old and their mother. Nothing says “Good Times” better than “Good Works”.
Yarn Ministry Needs the Congregation’s Assistance
We will be collecting for various organizations hand or machine made (store bought) scarves, hats, gloves, and mittens for men, women and children for this winter. We would like to have the items by November 15th. We urgently request all the crocheters, knitters, and shoppers in the parish, please help the Yarn Ministry make this a very successful project. Collections bins will be located in the undercroft and at the office entrance.
Parish Dinner Groups
Sign up for the 2015-2016 Parish Dinner Groups continues through Sunday, November 8. Information and forms for signing up will be found on a table in the undercroft. Please join us even if you are not a “couple” or you can’t host a dinner in your home. If you have any questions regarding this unique opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners a little bit better, please talk to Gale Michael or Pastor Orr.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Reflection for November 1, All Saints Day
The Church is “the communion of Saints,” that is, a people made holy through their mutual participation in the mystery of Christ. This communion exists through history, continues in the present, and endures beyond the grave and gate of death into heaven, for God is not a God of the dead but of the living, and those still on their earthly pilgrimage continue to have fellowship with those whose work is done. The pilgrim Church and the Church at rest join in watching and praying for that great day when Christ shall come again to change and make perfect our common humanity in the image of Christ’s risen glory (Holy Women, Holy Men).
Friday, October 23, 2015
Announcements for October 25
Parish Photograph for the Flossmoor Yearbook: This Sunday, October 25
The Village of Flossmoor is creating a photographic yearbook. Residents, businesses, churches and other organizations are all participating. Our parish photograph will be taken Sunday morning, October 25, following the 10:00 AM service. We hope everyone can participate!
Daylight Saving Time Ends Next Weekend
Next Saturday, October 31, remember to set your clocks BACK one hour before you go to bed.
All Souls Day Service: Remembering the Faithful Departed
The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated on All Souls Day, Monday, November 2, at 7:00 PM. This is a peaceful, moving service at which we remember and give thanks for the saints of God whom we have been blessed to know. We will pray for all those known to the parish who have died in the last year. If you have additional names you would like added to the prayers, please call the parish office. You are also encouraged to bring a memento or ofrenda of someone whose memory you cherish to the service.
Yarn Ministry Needs the Congregation’s Assistance
We will be collecting for various organizations hand or machine made (store bought) scarves, hats, gloves, and mittens for men, women and children for this winter. The first group we have been asked to contribute to is “SoulScarves,” a human warmth project from Grace Place Episcopal Church in Chicago. Grace Place serves breakfast to over 150 predominantly male guests each Saturday morning. We would like to have the items for them by November 15th. The other group will be PADS, for various people in need. We urgently request all the crocheters, knitters, and shoppers in the parish, please help the Yarn Ministry make this a very successful project. Collections bins will be located in the undercroft and at the office entrance.
Parish Dinner Groups
Sign up or the 2015-2016 Parish Dinner Groups continues through Sunday, November 8. Information and forms for signing up will be found on a table in the undercroft. Please join us even if you are not a “couple” or you can’t host a dinner in your home. If you have any questions regarding this unique opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners a little bit better, please talk to Gale Michael or Pastor Orr.
All Saints Open House
Pastor Orr will host her annual All Saints Open House at the Rectory Sunday, November 1, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. Parishioners, guests and friends of all ages are welcome.
The Village of Flossmoor is creating a photographic yearbook. Residents, businesses, churches and other organizations are all participating. Our parish photograph will be taken Sunday morning, October 25, following the 10:00 AM service. We hope everyone can participate!
Daylight Saving Time Ends Next Weekend
Next Saturday, October 31, remember to set your clocks BACK one hour before you go to bed.
All Souls Day Service: Remembering the Faithful Departed
The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated on All Souls Day, Monday, November 2, at 7:00 PM. This is a peaceful, moving service at which we remember and give thanks for the saints of God whom we have been blessed to know. We will pray for all those known to the parish who have died in the last year. If you have additional names you would like added to the prayers, please call the parish office. You are also encouraged to bring a memento or ofrenda of someone whose memory you cherish to the service.
Yarn Ministry Needs the Congregation’s Assistance
We will be collecting for various organizations hand or machine made (store bought) scarves, hats, gloves, and mittens for men, women and children for this winter. The first group we have been asked to contribute to is “SoulScarves,” a human warmth project from Grace Place Episcopal Church in Chicago. Grace Place serves breakfast to over 150 predominantly male guests each Saturday morning. We would like to have the items for them by November 15th. The other group will be PADS, for various people in need. We urgently request all the crocheters, knitters, and shoppers in the parish, please help the Yarn Ministry make this a very successful project. Collections bins will be located in the undercroft and at the office entrance.
Parish Dinner Groups
Sign up or the 2015-2016 Parish Dinner Groups continues through Sunday, November 8. Information and forms for signing up will be found on a table in the undercroft. Please join us even if you are not a “couple” or you can’t host a dinner in your home. If you have any questions regarding this unique opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners a little bit better, please talk to Gale Michael or Pastor Orr.
All Saints Open House
Pastor Orr will host her annual All Saints Open House at the Rectory Sunday, November 1, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. Parishioners, guests and friends of all ages are welcome.
All Souls Day,
Dinner Groups,
Yarn Ministry
Reflection for October 25
To make suggests making something out of something else the way a man makes wooden boxes out of wood. To create suggests making something out of nothing the way a man makes paintings or poems.... When God created the Creation he made something where before there had been nothing, and as the author of The Book of Job puts it, “the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy” (Job 38:7) at the sheer and shimmering novelty of the thing. “New every morning is the love / Our wakening and uprising prove” says the hymn. Using the same old materials of earth, air, fire, and water, every twenty-four hours God creates something new out of them. If you think you’re seeing the same show all over again seven times a week, you’re crazy. Every morning you wake up to something that in all eternity never was before and never will be again. And the you that wakes up was never the same before and will never be the same again either (Frederick Buechner, “Creation,” Wishful Thinking).
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Minutes of the Vestry Meeting - September 21, 2015
Evening Prayer and Thanksgiving & Prayer Requests
The vestry assembled in the church for evening prayer at 7:00 PM followed by offered prayers of thanksgiving and intercession.
Present at the meeting were: the rector, Kristin Orr; the senior warden, Diane Walsh-Madden; the junior warden, Anne Edwards; vestry members Bob Burgwald, Rob Carrier, Nichole Dailor, Bob DeOliveira, Patti Pohrte, Cynthia Turnquest, Ted Stone, and Jim Whitfield; the treasurer, Debbi Huggett; and the clerk, Susan Marquis. Vestry member Hans Zigmund was absent. Landscape architect Scott Mehaffey was present for the first part of the meeting.
Discussion and Decisions — Part 1
Columbarium Project
Scott Mehaffey distributed copies of a summary of what the vestry said it wanted to include in the project. He then presented three different plans with sketches that illustrated design options. Scott distributed copies of the plans and answered questions. He left at 8:20 PM, and the vestry continued its discussion of the options. Pastor Orr suggested that over the next week each vestry member should examine the plans, make a list of the positive and negative aspects of each of the three plans, and submit those lists to her by October 1st.
Parish Stewardship
Minutes from the August meeting
Anne Edwards moved to accept the minutes from the August 17th vestry meeting, and Bob DeOliveira seconded. The motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Debbi Huggett reported that both the revenue and expenses are on course for this year’s budget. Cynthia Turnquest moved to accept the report as presented. Patti Porte seconded, and the motion passed.
Rector’s Report
As the program year began, it was nice to have Chad Senuta from the diocese’s Youth and Campus Ministry visit St. John’s yesterday.
Christian Education begins next Sunday. We are adding a low-key Sunday School program in the nursery with some high school students presenting felt board Bible stories.
Since there is only one child in the Kindergarten-3rd grade category this year, he will join the older class. Youth worship was originally designed for the K-3 group, so that will not be offered this year.
Diane Walsh-Madden and Patti Pohrte are teaching the 4th-to-sixth grade class. Cyndie Knoll is teaching the junior high group, and this year they will be preparing for confirmation.
Adult education opportunities are offered on Sunday morning at 9 AM, Bible Study on Wednesdays at 10 AM, and our Christian book club on the third Thursday of each month at 7 PM.
Dominic Barrington is the new Dean at St. James Cathedral.
Upcoming Events
October 4th — Blessing of the Animals to be held with Faith Lutheran Church at our outdoor altar
Discussion and Decisions — Part 2
Building Maintenance
Pastor Orr announced that tuck pointing on the church will begin on Wednesday, September 23rd. Payment will come from the building maintenance reserve.
Preferred Window and Door submitted a new door proposal that estimated separate costs for the door itself and for a handicap door closure. Jim Whitfield has a new proposal from A Better Door and Window. The vestry decided to table a decision until next month to give the vestry the opportunity to look at the updated proposals.
Fall Pledge Campaign
Pastor Orr said that she and the wardens have talked about the pledge campaign, and she asked the vestry for input, suggestions, and ideas.
Some suggestions included:
• Asking what would happen if people increased their pledge by just a little bit
• Reminding people of what they get here compared with what they get elsewhere
• Asking people to consider what they have gained from being part of this community
• Reminding people of the opportunity to be a member of a face-to-face community of people of diverse ages and interests
• Asking people to write down a prayer for the church based on the question, “What are you grateful for?”
• Asking people to imagine what we could do to make a bigger difference in our community if we had a little more
• Reminding people of our responsibility to keep going what our predecessors set in motion
The vestry was in favor of maintaining the traditional pledge campaign parish mailing consisting of a letter from the senior warden and a nuts-and-bolts financial page. The pledge campaign discussion will continue at the October vestry meeting.
Convention Delegates
A slate of candidates was presented for the annual diocesan convention in November. Gale Michael, Sue O’Brien, and Shirley Reilly were nominated as delegates, and Don Rubins and Doris Sheffer as alternates. Diane Walsh-Madden moved to accept the slate, and Bob Burgwald seconded. The motion was approved.
Following prayer, the meeting closed at 9:45 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for October 19th.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis
Clerk of the Vestry
Approved: October 19, 2015
Evening Prayer and Thanksgiving & Prayer Requests
The vestry assembled in the church for evening prayer at 7:00 PM followed by offered prayers of thanksgiving and intercession.
Present at the meeting were: the rector, Kristin Orr; the senior warden, Diane Walsh-Madden; the junior warden, Anne Edwards; vestry members Bob Burgwald, Rob Carrier, Nichole Dailor, Bob DeOliveira, Patti Pohrte, Cynthia Turnquest, Ted Stone, and Jim Whitfield; the treasurer, Debbi Huggett; and the clerk, Susan Marquis. Vestry member Hans Zigmund was absent. Landscape architect Scott Mehaffey was present for the first part of the meeting.
Discussion and Decisions — Part 1
Columbarium Project
Scott Mehaffey distributed copies of a summary of what the vestry said it wanted to include in the project. He then presented three different plans with sketches that illustrated design options. Scott distributed copies of the plans and answered questions. He left at 8:20 PM, and the vestry continued its discussion of the options. Pastor Orr suggested that over the next week each vestry member should examine the plans, make a list of the positive and negative aspects of each of the three plans, and submit those lists to her by October 1st.
Parish Stewardship
Minutes from the August meeting
Anne Edwards moved to accept the minutes from the August 17th vestry meeting, and Bob DeOliveira seconded. The motion was approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Debbi Huggett reported that both the revenue and expenses are on course for this year’s budget. Cynthia Turnquest moved to accept the report as presented. Patti Porte seconded, and the motion passed.
Rector’s Report
As the program year began, it was nice to have Chad Senuta from the diocese’s Youth and Campus Ministry visit St. John’s yesterday.
Christian Education begins next Sunday. We are adding a low-key Sunday School program in the nursery with some high school students presenting felt board Bible stories.
Since there is only one child in the Kindergarten-3rd grade category this year, he will join the older class. Youth worship was originally designed for the K-3 group, so that will not be offered this year.
Diane Walsh-Madden and Patti Pohrte are teaching the 4th-to-sixth grade class. Cyndie Knoll is teaching the junior high group, and this year they will be preparing for confirmation.
Adult education opportunities are offered on Sunday morning at 9 AM, Bible Study on Wednesdays at 10 AM, and our Christian book club on the third Thursday of each month at 7 PM.
Dominic Barrington is the new Dean at St. James Cathedral.
Upcoming Events
October 4th — Blessing of the Animals to be held with Faith Lutheran Church at our outdoor altar
Discussion and Decisions — Part 2
Building Maintenance
Pastor Orr announced that tuck pointing on the church will begin on Wednesday, September 23rd. Payment will come from the building maintenance reserve.
Preferred Window and Door submitted a new door proposal that estimated separate costs for the door itself and for a handicap door closure. Jim Whitfield has a new proposal from A Better Door and Window. The vestry decided to table a decision until next month to give the vestry the opportunity to look at the updated proposals.
Fall Pledge Campaign
Pastor Orr said that she and the wardens have talked about the pledge campaign, and she asked the vestry for input, suggestions, and ideas.
Some suggestions included:
• Asking what would happen if people increased their pledge by just a little bit
• Reminding people of what they get here compared with what they get elsewhere
• Asking people to consider what they have gained from being part of this community
• Reminding people of the opportunity to be a member of a face-to-face community of people of diverse ages and interests
• Asking people to write down a prayer for the church based on the question, “What are you grateful for?”
• Asking people to imagine what we could do to make a bigger difference in our community if we had a little more
• Reminding people of our responsibility to keep going what our predecessors set in motion
The vestry was in favor of maintaining the traditional pledge campaign parish mailing consisting of a letter from the senior warden and a nuts-and-bolts financial page. The pledge campaign discussion will continue at the October vestry meeting.
Convention Delegates
A slate of candidates was presented for the annual diocesan convention in November. Gale Michael, Sue O’Brien, and Shirley Reilly were nominated as delegates, and Don Rubins and Doris Sheffer as alternates. Diane Walsh-Madden moved to accept the slate, and Bob Burgwald seconded. The motion was approved.
Following prayer, the meeting closed at 9:45 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for October 19th.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis
Clerk of the Vestry
Approved: October 19, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
Announcements for October 18
Vestry Meeting
The vestry meets Monday, October 19, beginning at 7:00 PM in the church.
Parish Photograph for the Flossmoor Yearbook: Next Sunday, October 25
The Village of Flossmoor is creating a photographic yearbook. Residents, businesses, churches and other organizations are all participating. Our parish photograph will be taken Sunday morning, October 25, following the 10:00 AM service. We hope everyone can participate!
Youth Group Meets This Sunday, October 18
The youth group will meet this Sunday, 4:00 – 5:30 PM. We’ll gather in the Youth Room at 4:00 PM. All high school youth and their friends are welcome. Come with your best Santa Claus mindset! Any questions, please text or call Dee McManamy or Margi Strombeck.
ECW Pot Luck
The Episcopal Church Women will be holding a pot lunch this Wednesday, October 21, beginning at 11:30 AM in the undercroft. All women are welcome.
Yarn Ministry Needs the Congregation’s Assistance
We will be collecting for various organizations hand or machine made (store bought) scarves, hats, gloves, and mittens for men, women and children for this winter. The first group we have been asked to contribute to is “SoulScarves,” a human warmth project from Grace Place Episcopal Church in Chicago. Grace Place serves breakfast to over 150 predominantly male guests each Saturday morning. We would like to have the items for them by November 15th. The other group will be PADS, for various people in need. We urgently request all the crocheters, knitters, and shoppers in the parish, please help the Yarn Ministry make this a very successful project. Collections bins will be located in the undercroft and at the office entrance.
PADS Begins Next Weekend
Attention PADS volunteers. Our first weekend is next weekend, October 23 and 24th. Please remember the site has moved to St. Lawrence O'Toole, 4101 St. Lawrence Avenue, Matteson. This is one block South of Rt. 30 off Governors Highway. Look for an email with information about location and parking. Interested in volunteering? We still need help 5-7 AM on Saturdays to clean up. Unsure of making a monthly commitment? Volunteer to be a sub. Contact Margi Strombeck. Thank you for your support of this crucial ministry.
Parish Dinner Groups
Sign up or the 2015-2016 Parish Dinner Groups continues through Sunday, November 8. Information and forms for signing up will be found on a table in the undercroft. Please join us even if you are not a “couple” or you can’t host a dinner in your home. If you have any questions regarding this unique opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners a little bit better, please talk to Gale Michael or Pastor Orr.
All Saints Open House
Pastor Orr will host her annual All Saints Open House at the Rectory Sunday, November 1, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. Parishioners, guests and friends of all ages are welcome.
The vestry meets Monday, October 19, beginning at 7:00 PM in the church.
Parish Photograph for the Flossmoor Yearbook: Next Sunday, October 25
The Village of Flossmoor is creating a photographic yearbook. Residents, businesses, churches and other organizations are all participating. Our parish photograph will be taken Sunday morning, October 25, following the 10:00 AM service. We hope everyone can participate!
Youth Group Meets This Sunday, October 18
The youth group will meet this Sunday, 4:00 – 5:30 PM. We’ll gather in the Youth Room at 4:00 PM. All high school youth and their friends are welcome. Come with your best Santa Claus mindset! Any questions, please text or call Dee McManamy or Margi Strombeck.
ECW Pot Luck
The Episcopal Church Women will be holding a pot lunch this Wednesday, October 21, beginning at 11:30 AM in the undercroft. All women are welcome.
Yarn Ministry Needs the Congregation’s Assistance
We will be collecting for various organizations hand or machine made (store bought) scarves, hats, gloves, and mittens for men, women and children for this winter. The first group we have been asked to contribute to is “SoulScarves,” a human warmth project from Grace Place Episcopal Church in Chicago. Grace Place serves breakfast to over 150 predominantly male guests each Saturday morning. We would like to have the items for them by November 15th. The other group will be PADS, for various people in need. We urgently request all the crocheters, knitters, and shoppers in the parish, please help the Yarn Ministry make this a very successful project. Collections bins will be located in the undercroft and at the office entrance.
PADS Begins Next Weekend
Attention PADS volunteers. Our first weekend is next weekend, October 23 and 24th. Please remember the site has moved to St. Lawrence O'Toole, 4101 St. Lawrence Avenue, Matteson. This is one block South of Rt. 30 off Governors Highway. Look for an email with information about location and parking. Interested in volunteering? We still need help 5-7 AM on Saturdays to clean up. Unsure of making a monthly commitment? Volunteer to be a sub. Contact Margi Strombeck. Thank you for your support of this crucial ministry.
Parish Dinner Groups
Sign up or the 2015-2016 Parish Dinner Groups continues through Sunday, November 8. Information and forms for signing up will be found on a table in the undercroft. Please join us even if you are not a “couple” or you can’t host a dinner in your home. If you have any questions regarding this unique opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners a little bit better, please talk to Gale Michael or Pastor Orr.
All Saints Open House
Pastor Orr will host her annual All Saints Open House at the Rectory Sunday, November 1, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. Parishioners, guests and friends of all ages are welcome.
Reflection for October 18
Be what you see; receive what you are (St. Augustine, Sermon on the Eucharist).
Friday, October 9, 2015
Announcements for October 11
Parish Photograph for the Flossmoor Yearbook: October 25
The Village of Flossmoor is creating a photographic yearbook. Residents, businesses, churches and other organizations are all participating. Our parish photograph will be taken Sunday morning, October 25, following the 10:00 AM service. We hope everyone can participate!
Yarn Ministry Needs the Congregation’s Assistance-
We will be collecting for various organizations hand or machine made (store bought) scarves, hats, gloves, and mittens for men, women and children for this winter. The first group we have been asked to contribute to is “SoulScarves,” a human warmth project from Grace Place Episcopal Church in Chicago. Grace Place serves breakfast to over 150 predominantly male guests each Saturday morning. We would like to have the items for them by November 15th. The other group will be PADS, for various people in need. We urgently request all the crocheters, knitters, and shoppers in the parish, please help the Yarn Ministry make this a very successful project. Collections bins will be located in the undercroft and at the office entrance.
Blessing of the Animals
Thanks to all people and pets who participated. Photos and a list of contest winners are posted in the undercroft. Photos are also available on the parish Facebook page.
New Parking Regulations in Flossmoor
New parking regulations went into effect October 1 in Flossmoor. There is no change to parking regulations on Leavitt, Central and Park. (Parking is still permitted on both sides of Leavitt; regulations on Central and Park remain as they currently are.) If, however, you park on Bruce or Burns, note that parking is now allowed only on the non-hydrant side of the street (the west side). More information and a map are available HERE.
Episcopal Men’s Group 2.0 Reboots, Ready for More!
Back by popular demand, the St. John's Episcopal Men's Group held its inaugural breakfast meeting on Saturday, Oct. 3, and nearly a dozen thoughtful adult Christian males participated. Led in prayerful study and discussion by Deacon John Whennen, attendees uniformly agreed afterward that a bond had formed and something worth cultivating had been created. Come, see for yourself what that "something" is, at the group's next meeting, Saturday, Nov. 7, at 7:30 a.m. in the undercroft. As promised, the meeting ends promptly at 9 a.m., so you all will be able to return your many weekend responsibilities, refreshed and spiritually renewed.
Adult Sunday School
The Living Faithfully adult Sunday School class continues a course on “Lost Christianities,” a look at the diversity within the early Christian movement and the evolution of what is now known as orthodox Christianity. All are welcome; you may join the class at any time. Sundays at 9:00 AM in Classroom 4 in the education wing.
The Village of Flossmoor is creating a photographic yearbook. Residents, businesses, churches and other organizations are all participating. Our parish photograph will be taken Sunday morning, October 25, following the 10:00 AM service. We hope everyone can participate!
Yarn Ministry Needs the Congregation’s Assistance-
We will be collecting for various organizations hand or machine made (store bought) scarves, hats, gloves, and mittens for men, women and children for this winter. The first group we have been asked to contribute to is “SoulScarves,” a human warmth project from Grace Place Episcopal Church in Chicago. Grace Place serves breakfast to over 150 predominantly male guests each Saturday morning. We would like to have the items for them by November 15th. The other group will be PADS, for various people in need. We urgently request all the crocheters, knitters, and shoppers in the parish, please help the Yarn Ministry make this a very successful project. Collections bins will be located in the undercroft and at the office entrance.
Blessing of the Animals
Thanks to all people and pets who participated. Photos and a list of contest winners are posted in the undercroft. Photos are also available on the parish Facebook page.
New Parking Regulations in Flossmoor
New parking regulations went into effect October 1 in Flossmoor. There is no change to parking regulations on Leavitt, Central and Park. (Parking is still permitted on both sides of Leavitt; regulations on Central and Park remain as they currently are.) If, however, you park on Bruce or Burns, note that parking is now allowed only on the non-hydrant side of the street (the west side). More information and a map are available HERE.
Episcopal Men’s Group 2.0 Reboots, Ready for More!
Back by popular demand, the St. John's Episcopal Men's Group held its inaugural breakfast meeting on Saturday, Oct. 3, and nearly a dozen thoughtful adult Christian males participated. Led in prayerful study and discussion by Deacon John Whennen, attendees uniformly agreed afterward that a bond had formed and something worth cultivating had been created. Come, see for yourself what that "something" is, at the group's next meeting, Saturday, Nov. 7, at 7:30 a.m. in the undercroft. As promised, the meeting ends promptly at 9 a.m., so you all will be able to return your many weekend responsibilities, refreshed and spiritually renewed.
Adult Sunday School
The Living Faithfully adult Sunday School class continues a course on “Lost Christianities,” a look at the diversity within the early Christian movement and the evolution of what is now known as orthodox Christianity. All are welcome; you may join the class at any time. Sundays at 9:00 AM in Classroom 4 in the education wing.
Blessing of the Animals,
Men's Group,
Yarn Ministry
Reflection for October 11
On the whole, I do not find Christians, outside of the catacombs, sufficiently sensible of conditions. Does anyone have the foggiest idea what sort of power we so blithely invoke? Or, as I suspect, does no one believe a word of it? The churches are children playing on the floor with their chemistry sets, mixing up a batch of TNT to kill a Sunday morning. It is madness to wear ladies’ straw hats and velvet hats to church; we should all be wearing crash helmets. Ushers should issue life preservers and signal flares; they should lash us to our pews. For the sleeping god may wake someday and take offense, or the waking god may draw us out to where we can never return (Teaching a Stone to Talk, Annie Dillard).
Friday, October 2, 2015
Announcements for October 4
Blessing of the Animals: This Sunday, October 4
This year we again join with the people of Faith Lutheran Church to offer the blessing of the pets. Pets of any size or species are invited to receive individual blessings within the context of a brief service of prayer and praise. Sunday, October 4, 4:30 PM at the Outdoor Altar. The “traditional” contests will also be offered.
New Parking Regulations in Flossmoor
New parking regulations went into effect October 1 in Flossmoor. There is no change to parking regulations on Leavitt, Central and Park. (Parking is still permitted on both sides of Leavitt; regulations on Central and Park remain as they currently are.) If, however, you park on Bruce or Burns, note that parking is now allowed only on the non-hydrant side of the street (the west side). More information and a map are available HERE.
Yarn Ministry
The knitting group will meet Monday, October 5, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Guild Room.
Adult Sunday School
The Living Faithfully adult Sunday School class continues a course on “Lost Christianities,” a look at the diversity within the early Christian movement and the evolution of what is now known as orthodox Christianity. All are welcome; you may join the class at any time. Sundays at 9:00 AM in Classroom 4 in the education wing.
Sing Handel’s Messiah
The Illiana Oratorio Society will begin rehearsals for Handel's Messiah on Monday, October 19, from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM. These rehearsals will be held at First Christian Reformed Church, 16248 South Park Ave, South Holland, IL. There will be seven rehearsals and the concert will be presented on Sunday, December 6 at 2 PM. All are welcome to join! Questions? Check with Gale Michael.
This year we again join with the people of Faith Lutheran Church to offer the blessing of the pets. Pets of any size or species are invited to receive individual blessings within the context of a brief service of prayer and praise. Sunday, October 4, 4:30 PM at the Outdoor Altar. The “traditional” contests will also be offered.
New Parking Regulations in Flossmoor
New parking regulations went into effect October 1 in Flossmoor. There is no change to parking regulations on Leavitt, Central and Park. (Parking is still permitted on both sides of Leavitt; regulations on Central and Park remain as they currently are.) If, however, you park on Bruce or Burns, note that parking is now allowed only on the non-hydrant side of the street (the west side). More information and a map are available HERE.
Yarn Ministry
The knitting group will meet Monday, October 5, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Guild Room.
Adult Sunday School
The Living Faithfully adult Sunday School class continues a course on “Lost Christianities,” a look at the diversity within the early Christian movement and the evolution of what is now known as orthodox Christianity. All are welcome; you may join the class at any time. Sundays at 9:00 AM in Classroom 4 in the education wing.
Sing Handel’s Messiah
The Illiana Oratorio Society will begin rehearsals for Handel's Messiah on Monday, October 19, from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM. These rehearsals will be held at First Christian Reformed Church, 16248 South Park Ave, South Holland, IL. There will be seven rehearsals and the concert will be presented on Sunday, December 6 at 2 PM. All are welcome to join! Questions? Check with Gale Michael.
Reflection for October 4
Of all the saints, Francis is the most popular and admired, but probably the least imitated; few have attained to his total identification with the poverty and suffering of Christ (“Francis of Assisi,” October 4, Holy Women, Holy Men).
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