Thursday, February 22, 2018

Announcements for February 25th

We are selling coupon books for Carson’s Community days to raise funds for the rectory redecorating!  The dates for the Community event are March 1-3 (Thursday-Saturday). The booklets have lots of coupons including a $10.00 off coupon.  We are selling the books for $5.00 and we get to keep all the money raised!  Please see Donna Blackburn to get your books!! 

A Few Reminders
v  EMERGENCY PRAYER LIST — If you or a loved one is in need of immediate prayer, please contact the church office or Ginny McCollum to activate the Emergency Prayer List.
v  INTERCESSORY PRAYER LIST — If you would like to add someone to St. John’s Intercessory Prayer list printed in the church bulletin, please contact the church office. It is just as important to notify the church when a name can be removed from the list.
v  ANY PASTORAL EMERGENCY — In all emergencies,  please contact Fr. Mike on his cell phone no matter the time or day.

Bible Study
The next Bible study/fellowship group will meet at the VanSwol residence on March 3 at 5 pm.  Contact Mary for details.

Practicing Our Faith Book Club
In February, the Practicing Our Faith Book Club is reading Silence by Shusaku Endo, a novel about the persecution of Christians in 17th century Japan, told from the point-of-view of a Jesuit missionary. The book club will meet on Thursday, February 22 at 7:00pm in the Guild Room to discuss the book. New members are always welcome!

Yarn Ministry — Meeting will be March 5th  at 7:00 PM in the Guild Room. 

Grande Prairie Singers Cabaret
On Sunday, March 11th  at 4:00 p.m., the Grande Prairie Singers will perform a cabaret-style concert at Freedom Hall in Park Forest. The theme is jazz and you’ll enjoy the whole chorus, ensembles, and solos of “I Got Rhythm,” “Georgia on My Mind,” and more. Plus Michael Soto’s piano stylings. See him or Betsy Elliot for tickets ($15 in advance, $20 at the door, $10 for students)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Announcements for February 18th

We are selling coupon books for Carson’s Community days to raise funds for the rectory redecorating!  The dates for the Community event are March 1-3 (Thursday-Saturday). The booklets have lots of coupons including a $10.00 off coupon.  We are selling the books for $5.00 and we get to keep all the money raised!  Please see Donna Blackburn to get your books!! 

A Few Reminders
v  EMERGENCY PRAYER LIST — If you or a loved one is in need of immediate prayer, please contact the church office or Ginny McCollum to activate the Emergency Prayer List.
v  INTERCESSORY PRAYER LIST — If you would like to add someone to St. John’s Intercessory Prayer list printed in the church bulletin, please contact the church office. It is just as important to notify the church when a name can be removed from the list.
v  ANY PASTORAL EMERGENCY — In all emergencies,  please contact Fr. Mike on his cell phone no matter the time or day.

Practicing Our Faith Book Club
In February, the Practicing Our Faith Book Club is reading Silence by Shusaku Endo, a novel about the persecution of Christians in 17th century Japan, told from the point-of-view of a Jesuit missionary. The book club will meet on Thursday, February 22 at 7:00pm in the Guild Room to discuss the book. New members are always welcome!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Announcements for February 11th

Have a Heart! Show the Love!
Please take time to stop by the valentine table in the undercroft during the next two weeks to write a short message to our college freshmen.  By now, the shiny has probably worn off the gee-whiz-I’m-at-college feeling, and with these kids all at Midwestern schools, they might be feeling the soul-sapping effects of scarce sunlight and gracious plenty wind and snow.  Let’s lift them up with some goofy mail!  You’ll find all you need to write a simple message in the spirit of Saint Valentine, the patron saint of young people.  Many thanks to Nichole Dailor for this great idea!  If you know a college freshman who would enjoy this, please contact Dee McManamy, and we’ll happily add him/her to the mailing list!

We are selling coupon books for Carson’s Community days to raise funds for the rectory redecorating!  The dates for the Community event are March 1-3 (Thursday-Saturday). The booklets have lots of coupons including a $10.00 off coupon.  We are selling the books for $5.00 and we get to keep all the money raised!  Please see Donna Blackburn to get your books!! 

A Few Reminders
v  EMERGENCY PRAYER LIST — If you or a loved one is in need of immediate prayer, please contact the church office or Ginny McCollum to activate the Emergency Prayer List.
v  INTERCESSORY PRAYER LIST — If you would like to add someone to St. John’s Intercessory Prayer list printed in the church bulletin, please contact the church office. It is just as important to notify the church when a name can be removed from the list.
v  ANY PASTORAL EMERGENCY — In all emergencies,  please contact Fr. Mike on his cell phone no matter the time or day.

Practicing Our Faith Book Club
In February, the Practicing Our Faith Book Club is reading Silence by Shusaku Endo, a novel about the persecution of Christians in 17th century Japan, told from the point-of-view of a Jesuit missionary. The book club will meet on Thursday, February 22 at 7:00pm in the Guild Room to discuss the book. New members are always welcome!

Yarn Ministry – will meet February 12th instead of February 5th at 7:00 p.m. in the Guild Room.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Announcements for February 4th

Have a Heart! Show the Love!
Please take time to stop by the valentine table in the undercroft during the next two weeks to write a short message to our college freshmen.  By now, the shiny has probably worn off the gee-whiz-I’m-at-college feeling, and with these kids all at Midwestern schools, they might be feeling the soul-sapping effects of scarce sunlight and gracious plenty wind and snow.  Let’s lift them up with some goofy mail!  You’ll find all you need to write a simple message in the spirit of Saint Valentine, the patron saint of young people.  Many thanks to Nichole Dailor for this great idea!  If you know a college freshman who would enjoy this, please contact Dee McManamy, and we’ll happily add him/her to the mailing list!

We are selling coupon books for Carsons Community days to raise funds for the rectory redecorating!  The dates for the Community event are March 1-3 (Thursday-Saturday). The booklets have lots of coupons including a $10.00 off coupon.  We are selling the books for $5.00 and we get to keep all the money raised!  Please see Donna Blackburn to get your books!! 

Practicing Our Faith Book Club
In February, the Practicing Our Faith Book Club is reading Silence by Shusaku Endo, a novel about the persecution of Christians in 17th century Japan, told from the point-of-view of a Jesuit missionary. The book club will meet onThursday, February 22 at 7:00pm in the Guild Room to discuss the book. New members are always welcome!

Contribution Envelopes
2018 Contribution envelopes will be available in the undercroft.

Yarn Ministry – will meet February 12th instead of February 5th at 7:00 p.m. in the Guild Room.