Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Announcements for January 17

  • Parish Annual Meeting This Sunday
    Sandwiches will be served after the 10:00 service, followed by the annual parish meeting at 11:45.

  • Haiti Relief
    The need for relief in Haiti is immense and will continue for a very long time. Bishop Scantlebury’s letter to the Diocese of Chicago is available at www.episcopalchicago.org. To contribute through Episcopal Relief and Development, please go to www.er-d.org. Paper copies of this information are available in the church.

  • Celebrating the Feast
    Saturday evening’s Celebration of St. John’s Family in honor of our patron saint was a fun-filled event. Why wouldn’t it be? The Vestry hosted it! Anyone who has attended this event in the past knows the Vestry always serves an abundance of tasty hors d’oeuvres, food and beverages. This year was no exception. Who needs caterers when the Vestry can whip up a delicious meal including homemade meatloaf, green bean casserole, cheesy potatoes and oriental coleslaw?

    Parishioners had been encouraged to bring their old photos prior to the event. Trying to match up current faces with past faces was a real challenge. Although most of the photos were identified by lifting up a tab, a few framed pictures were not. Some of us were stumped by a small picture of a young woman dressed in western garb holding a rifle. Do we have an Annie Oakley in our parish?

    Hats off to Junior Warden, Donna Blackburn, who organized this year’s feast, and to each member of the Vestry for working so hard to give us another memorable evening. –Joan Unterburg.

  • ECW Lunch
    The Episcopal Church Women will gather for lunch at 11:30 this Wednesday, January 20. Lunch will be provided, no need to bring a dish. All women of the parish are welcome.

  • Daughters of the King Meetings
    The Mary-Martha Chapter will meet in the Guild Room on Saturday, January 16, 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. (beginning with a light breakfast). Betsy Burgwald will lead a reflection on Psalms. The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 3, 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. All women of the parish are welcome!