Friday, April 23, 2010

Announcements for April 25

  • Landscape Work Day: Saturday, April 24
    Church grounds spring clean up day on Saturday, April 24. Please come anytime between 9:30 and 11:00 and help spruce up the grounds for the growing season. Everyone is welcome.

  • School Uniform Program Exceeds Goal
    Our parish goal was to donate at least 269 uniforms to help children in developing countries attend school. That’s one for each parishioner. So far we have purchased 271! Thank God for the children of St. John’s and their faithful commitment to this project. For those who have not yet participated, we will continue to receive donations throughout the Easter season.

  • “Mayfair” Charity Auction set to return May 8
    In honor of Mothers’ Day (May 9), the Brotherhood of St. Andrew invites all last-minute gift shoppers to bring their checkbooks and piggy banks to our Second Annual “Spring Mayfair” Charity Auction, from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 8. Plans include dinner, “live” music, a bake sale, the traditional specialty cake auction, and a silent auction of donated art, gift certificates, and memorabilia. Tickets are $10 for adults, $7 for children, and $25 for families, available at coffee hour or from the parish office. Proceeds will benefit Episcopal Relief and Development nationally, and, locally, St. Mary’s Services for Maternity Counseling. And please be in touch with a Brotherhood member if you have an item to donate for the silent auction.