Thursday, December 22, 2011

Minutes of the Vestry Meeting - November 21, 2011


Following evening prayer, the vestry assembled in the undercroft meeting room and participated in Bible study before the business portion of the meeting began. Those present were Pastor Kristin Orr, Senior Warden Cyndie Knoll; Junior Warden Frank So; vestry members Candice Barrera, Mary Jean Bond, Bev Keene, Carolyn Oyster, R.J. VanSwol; Treasurer Clay Denton; and Clerk Susan Marquis. Vestry members Anne Edwards, John Huntoon, and Jack Zielinski were absent.

Parish Stewardship


Frank So moved that the minutes from the October 17th meeting be approved. Bev Keene seconded, and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Our higher-than-usual water bill probably was the result of a toilet in the atrium that had been running for perhaps as long as five months. Pastor Orr transferred funds and paid for the roofing project. This will show up in next month’s report. We most likely will end up in the black for 2011 as a result of unanticipated income and savings on salaries. Cyndie Knoll moved that the treasurer’s report be accepted, and M.J. Bond seconded. The motion passed.


Rector’s Report

The roofing project essentially has been closed out. Some additional changes were necessarily made to the original plan. The metal deck and almost all of the wooden frame needed to be replaced, and most or all of the drains needed to be replaced as well. The leak near the columbarium entrance seems to be fixed.

The roofers still need to replace some interior ceiling tiles and put in a downspout or some other solution to keep water from coming down onto areas where people walk.

Pastor Orr is ending her service on Diocesan Council and has been appointed Dean of the Joliet Deanery. She will act as a liaison between deanery parishes and the diocese.

At the recent diocesan convention the appointment of Bishop Christopher Epting was announced. Bishop Epting is the retired bishop of Iowa. He will be serving part-time as an assisting bishop in this diocese and will assume his post in January. Bishop Lee’s convention address and sermon can be found online. Pastor Orr will summarize convention resolutions at a later date.

A convention offering of over $10,000 was collected, much of which will support work in our companion diocese as well as work within our own diocese.

Pastor Orr will start to look into updating/upgrading our parish web page. She has posted holy union/holy matrimony guidelines as well as alcohol and gambling policies.

Wardens’ Reports and/or Reports from Parish Organizations

Cyndie Knoll announced that the theme for the upcoming patronal feast is Amazing gRace. Anne Edwards will be the game leader for the event, and Cynthia Turnquest will again fashion the invitations.

Cyndie noted that at yesterday’s later Eucharist there was an impressive line of people depositing their pledge cards.

Upcoming Parish Events

Saturday, December 3rd: the annual ECW Cookie Walk

Sunday evening, December 4th: St. John’s first Taize service

Discussion and Decisions


Sixty pledges have been made for a total thus far of $169,584. Pastor Orr hopes to get another 30 pledges. The vestry discussed what to do next in order to encourage those who have not yet pledged to do so. It was decided first to use the usual methods of parish communication to remind people about pledging. Written reminders will be mailed to those who have not pledged by the end of the Thanksgiving weekend. Vestry members will make low-key phone calls after that.

Pastor Orr thanked Frank So, Cyndie Knoll, Anne Edwards, and R.J. VanSwol for the personal stewardship reflections that they shared with the parish.

Building Project

Pastor Orr stated that volunteers are needed to search for grants and to assess fund-raising potential. We will revisit this issue later.

A nominating committee was formed to choose a slate of wardens and vestry members prior to the January parish meeting. The committee consists of the rector, the two current wardens, and one member from each vestry class. The vestry members chosen by lot are M.J. Bond, Bev Keene, and Anne Edwards.


The meeting ended with prayer at 8:40 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for December 19th.

--Susan Marquis, Clerk of the Vestry

Approved: December 19, 2011