Friday, January 4, 2013

Announcements for January 6

Special Vestry Meeting
The vestry will meet Sunday, January 6, following the 10:00 service to finalize the 2013 budget. Meet in the undercroft conference room.

Sunday School Resumes This Sunday, January 6
Children’s Sunday School classes resume this Sunday following the Christmas break. Youth worship also resumes this week.

Join the Adult Sunday School Class
The adult Living Faithfully class meets on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Education Wing. This Sunday the class begins a new unit on Spiritual Heroes.

Mark Your Calendars for the Annual Meeting
The annual parish meeting will be held Sunday, January 20, following the 10:00 a.m. service. Loaves and fishes will serve lunch, followed promptly by the meeting.

2012 Pledge Payments
For tax purposes, clearly marked 2012 pledge payments received through January 6 will be posted to 2012 statements. After January 6, 2012 payments are still welcome, but will be posted to 2013 statements, listed as previous year pledge payments.

Thank You
A special thank you to everyone who helped bring festivity and holiness to the observance of Christmas at St. John’s: Altar Guild, Choir, and all of the liturgical participants including acolytes, readers, lay Eucharistic ministers and ushers. Thank you also to everyone who contributed for the flowers. A listing is included in this Sunday’s leaflet. And thank you to Alison Deniston, who again donated the luminaria for Christmas Eve.