Friday, April 5, 2013

Announcements for April 7

Sunday School Classes Resume
After the Easter break children’s Sunday School classes resume this Sunday, April 7, at 9:00 a.m.

Adult Sunday School Class: Surprised by Hope
During the Easter season the Living Faithfully adult Sunday School class will study N. T. Wright’s book Surprised by Hope. We will use a curriculum that utilizes DVD sessions with Bishop Wright and a participants’ guide. The participants’ guide is available for $10. Sessions begin this Sunday, April 7, at 9:00 a.m. in Classroom 4.

Easter Lilies
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Easter flowers. The glorious beauty of the church helps bring joy to our Easter worship. Contributors are listed on an insert to this Sunday’s service leaflet.

Recycle Your Plastic Easter Eggs
If you have now empty plastic Easter eggs please bring them to the church for use in next year’s Easter egg hunt. Look for the lavender colored collection box near the parish office.