Friday, August 30, 2013

Reflection for September 1

I have been nourished by hundreds of Eucharists. Deep down, where I don't usually notice it, they have fed my soul in a steady, sustaining way. Sometimes they are so rich my heart longs to prostrate itself before the altar in sheer awe and adoration. At other times I practically keel over with boredom. But each celebration is a mysterious source of life and strength, and I cannot explain why that is and how it happens.

All I know is that without this ritual I am diminished. Without it I am not as well nourished, not as steady and strong of soul. It is my mainstay in a very basic way, and I hope all future generations know it as I have. Pray God it will be so (Laurie Gudim, “Take and eat,” posted on Episcopal Cafe).