Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Minutes of Vestry Meeting - November 18, 2013


After Evening Prayer, vestry members shared individual prayers of thanksgiving and prayer requests.

Present were the rector, Kristin Orr; the senior warden, Audrey Ongman; vestry members Candice Barrera, Anne Edwards, Steve Hofer, Gale Michael, Mark Moxley, and Jim Whitfield; treasurer, Debbi Huggett; and clerk, Susan Marquis. Vestry members Greg Lawrence and Patti Pohrte, and the junior warden, Bill Bestow, were absent.

Parish Stewardship

Approval of Minutes
Regarding the report of a vestry member’s resignation, the rector suggested that the phrase “when the vacancy occurs near the end of the year” be added to the description of the procedure that has been used in the past, that is, “the position will remain open until a new member is voted in at the annual meeting to fill the remainder of the term.” Gale Michael moved that the minutes be accepted as edited. After a second from Jim Whitfield, the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report
Debbi Huggett reported that the Treasurer’s Report contains a new account for the Youth Group. This will need to be part of the budget for 2014. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew account of $1,100 has been added to the report in a separate line. We are falling a little short on revenues, but special offerings at Christmas may give revenues a boost. Debbi asked the vestry to give her any suggestions that would make her reports easier to understand. Audrey Ongman made a motion that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Anne Edwards seconded the motion, and it was approved.


Rector’s Report
- The Brotherhood of St. Andrew’s separate checking account has been closed, but there will be a separate line in the Treasurer’s Report for any income and expense such as the fish fry and PADS breakfasts.
-Pastor Orr thanked those who helped with stewardship conversations and with their commitment to help the parish grow.
- Twenty people attended the first All Souls Day service on November 2nd. This service with votives and pictures of the departed will be scheduled next November as well.
 - Pastor Orr met with Dan Pohrte, who offered his architectural services to the parish pro bono. They discussed two possible locations for an elevator lift, including the pastor’s suggestion of the three levels located at sexton’s room/first floor hall/acolyte room. Mr. Pohrte anticipates doing the preliminary work over the winter. The entire project timeline is unclear since it will be done around his regular work commitments. Other accessibility work such as the bathrooms and entryway may be beyond our financial means at present.
 - The diocesan convention will be held at the end of the week with Gale Michael, Shirley O’Reilly, and Cyndie Knoll serving as representatives, and Doris Sheffer, Don Rubins, and Sue O’Brien as alternates. At the convention Pastor Orr will be re-appointed as Dean of the Joliet Deanery.
 - The rector is in the process of ordering carriage lights to replace those along the public sidewalk that had been vandalized. Mark Moxley is working on lighting along the sidewalk by the columbarium. The current motion-detector light is unreliable and does not illuminate the entire walkway for long enough. The plan is to install pathway lights.

Wardens’ Reports and/or Reports from Parish Organizations
Audrey Ongman reported that the sexton has requested some old towels to be used in cleaning. There may be a sufficient number available from the sacristy. Audrey will check with the Altar Guild directress.

Upcoming Parish Events
  • November 27 at 7:30 PM at Infant Jesus of Prague – Community Thanksgiving service 
  • November 28 at 10 AM – St. John’s Thanksgiving service 
  • December 2 at 9 AM – Advent wreath-making in the undercroft 
  • December 8 – Director of Operations for the diocese, Courtney Reid, will visit St. John’s. She will preach at both services and hold a forum for parishioners at 9:00 AM. 

Discussion and Decisions

The annual patronal feast, celebrating the feast day of St. John the Evangelist, is scheduled this year on Saturday, January 4th. Anne Edwards volunteered to coordinate the event with volunteers Gale Michael, Candice Barrera, Greg Lawrence, and Steve Hofer volunteering for the planning committee. On January 3rd and 4th, all vestry members will decorate, cook, serve, and clean up.

Diocesan Fund Raiser
The diocesan office building recently has undergone major renovations. The plaza was updated, the first floor was opened up providing a space for art exhibits and a planned café, and the fifth floor has become a retreat center and office space for Living Compass. The diocesan staff is hoping to get some level of financial donations from every parish. After discussion, Steve Hofer moved that in the spring the vestry will accept donations in honor of the present class of confirmands and in honor of all past confirmands. The vestry will match parishioner gifts with funds from the budget up to a total of $5,000. Gale Michael seconded the motion, and it was approved.

Nominating Committee
According to the vestry by-laws, a nominating committee is formed every year in order to nominate parishioners for vestry and warden positions. The committee is to be made up of the rector, the wardens, and three vestry members, one from each class, chosen by lot. This year, the vestry members chosen are Candice Barrera, Mark Moxley, and Patti Pohrte.

The meeting ended at 8:35 following prayer. The next vestry meeting is scheduled for December 16th.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis
Clerk of the Vestry

Approved:  December 16, 2013