Friday, January 24, 2014

Announcements for January 26

New Vestry
At the annual parish meeting, the following individuals were elected to join the vestry: Bill Bestow (Senior Warden); Diane Walsh-Madden (Junior Warden); Nichole Dailor, Ted Stone, and Hans Zigmund (three-year terms); Bob de Oliveira (filling a vacancy for a two-year term). Continuing on the vestry are: Gale Michael, Mark Moxley, Stephen Hofer, Patti Pohrte, and Jim Whitfield.

Annual Reports Available
If you were not able to pick up an annual report at the parish meeting, paper copies are available on the information tables at church. Or you may email the parish office to request an electronic copy.

High School Youth Group
The high school youth group will resume on Sunday, January 26, at the new time of 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. We will be creating valentines that will be given to the residents at a couple of our local senior living centers. Please bring your friends. We will provide snacks!

Yarn Ministry
The yarn ministry will meet Monday, February 3, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Guild Room.