Friday, May 30, 2014

Announcements for June 1

Parish Picnic and Dedication of Food Garden – This Sunday, June 1 
The annual beginning-of-summer parish picnic will be June 1, following the 10:00 a.m. service. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be served on the south lawn. Bring a dessert or side to share. This year we will also plant seedlings in St. John’s new food garden and bless this new ministry.

Places of Grace and Gladness: One Way to Honor Confirmands
In 2013 St. John’s vestry decided to participate in the Diocesan capital campaign, Places of Grace and Gladness, by offering parishioners the opportunity to make a financial contribution in honor of confirmands (this year’s or previous year’s). Look for more information on the campaign and how you can participate on the information tables. Deadline for contributions is June 8.

Honoring Graduates
If you or a family member is graduating this spring please send us two or three sentences about the graduate and any future plans so that we, as a parish can celebrate their accomplishment and pray for their future endeavors. Feel free to include family members who are not members of the parish. For those graduates who are a part of our parish community, we will honor them during the 10:00 a.m. service on June 15. Please send information to the parish office.

Michael Soto Organ Recital
St. John’s Director of Music, Michael Soto, will present an organ recital on Pentecost Sunday, June 8, beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the church. The program will include Bach’s Prelude & Fugue in A minor, César Franck’s Chorale in A minor, and Marcel Dupré’s Passion Symphony. The event is free to the public, and a free will donation will be collected for The Night Ministry.

Summer Blue Jeans Sunday – June 29
Please plan to stay after church on June 29 and help with landscape work so that our grounds will look their best for the July 4 Ice Cream Social.

Ice Cream Social
We’re gearing up for the St. John’s Annual Community Ice Cream Social scheduled for Thursday, July 4th. Skiddles and Strawberry, our clowns, will entertain us by twisting balloons into amazing animals, hats and other shapes. We’ll have ice cream, cold drinks, hot dogs and cookies. All of this happens immediately following the 10:00 a.m. Flossmoor Children’s Parade and runs through about 12:30 p.m. Your participation is what makes this event a success. Are you able to bring in some wildflowers or flowers from your garden? Can you put up flyers around town? Can you help move tables and tents outside? Can you meet and greet our guests? Can you scoop ice cream or cut watermelon on July 3rd? Do you have a card table or two that we can borrow? How about (and this is for everyone) praying for glorious weather? Contact Gale Michael with offers to help and/or questions.