Friday, July 4, 2014

Reflection for July 6

Declaration of Dependence

One of the things that I am always reminded of when I read the Declaration of Independence is that the title of this document reveals only half of the story. Independence from Britain is clearly asserted, but the writing goes further, spelling out exactly what this new experiment in democracy would be dependent upon. This document is also a "declaration of dependence" in that it clearly states its reliance on certain core beliefs and values… The writers make it clear throughout the document that freedom is dependent upon equality and the right to create a fulfilling life.

I find this assertion of core beliefs and values inspiring, because we live in a time when it seems many people can tell you more easily what they don't believe in than what they do believe in. We live in a time when people define themselves more by what they are independent from than what they are dependent upon. This, of course, is natural when a person is questioning beliefs they have held and are in a period of transition, but I sense that many people end up getting stuck in this ‘in between’ stage, thus having a hard time articulating the core beliefs and values that their lives are built upon (The Rev. Dr. Scott Stoner, The Living Compass Wellness Initiative, July 4, 2014).