Friday, September 26, 2014

Announcements for September 28

Children’s Sunday School: Regular Classes Continue This Sunday
The Sunday School year has begun! Children ages Kindergarten through Grade 3 meet in the Atrium; Grades 4-6 meet in their classroom in the Education Wing; and Grades 7 and up meet in the Small Conference Room near the parish office.

Adult Sunday School: Sustainable Faith
This fall the curriculum will be “Sustainable Faith: God, the Environment and Human Responsibility,” with material drawn from the public radio series Krista Tippett On Being. You may join the class at any time.

Daughters of the King Collecting Winter Clothes for Respond Now
Throughout the fall the Daughters of the King will be collecting winter clothes. Please bring clean, lightly used coats, mittens, hats or other winter clothing. The clothes will be donated to Respond Now to be given to folks trying to keep warm this coming winter. Look for the collection table in the undercroft. Clothing will be collected through early November.

Pet Blessing October 5 
The annual Blessing of the Animals service will be Sunday, October 5, beginning at 4:30 PM at the outdoor altar. Companion animals of all sizes and species are invited.