Friday, April 1, 2016

Announcements for April 3

Thank You
Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to the worship services and activities of Holy Week and Easter. Your efforts help make it a holy time for everyone in the parish.

Sunday School Classes Resume
Sunday School classes for all ages resume this Sunday, April 3.

Easter Flower Acknowledgment
A list of everyone who contributed to the glorious Easter flowers this year will be included as part of the worship leaflet this Sunday.

Yarn Ministry
The knitting and crocheting group will meet Monday, April 4, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Guild Room.

Blue Jeans Sunday – May 1
May 1 is our spring landscape workday. Everyone is encouraged to dress casually, bring a rake or some clippers (or we’ll have some to borrow) and stay after church for a bit to help prepare the church grounds for spring.