Friday, July 1, 2016

Announcements for July 3

Fourth of July Ice Cream Social
St. John’s Old Time Community Fourth of July Ice Cream Social begins after the Flossmoor Children’s Parade, Monday, July 4. The parade begins at 10:00 a.m.; we begin serving around 10:15 a.m. Skiddles and Twistina will be twisting balloons into all sorts of fun shapes. Come enjoy free ice cream and cool drinks. Hot dogs will be available for purchase. (Financial contributions to help underwrite the event are still welcome.)

Office Manager
Office Manager Diane Pugh has resigned, effective July 1. Unanticipated changes in her life, including the need to provide additional care for their son and the emergence of new professional opportunities, have left her life extremely busy and complicated. We thank her for her dedicated service and wish her and her family God’s blessings in the future.

Help Local School Kids Start School in the Fall
The Daughters of the King are once again coordinating the collection of school supplies for Respond Now. This year they are particularly requesting that we provide spiral notebooks, folders and backpacks. They will be assembling the backpacks early, so all donations must be in to St. John’s by Wednesday, July 20. Look for a collection box in the west foyer.

Vegetable Abundance
This week: kale.