Friday, September 2, 2016

Announcements for September 4

Jubilation: September 11
St. John’s fall celebration of the people, activities and ministries of the parish will take place Sunday, September 11, following the 10:00 AM service. Come for lunch and catch up with fellow parishioners after the summer. You can also browse program and ministry opportunities and sign up for Sunday School.

As the vestry Godparent to the PADS Group of St. John’s, I would like to ask the congregation to pray for their coming season, starting this October. PADS is a ministry that reaches beyond the doors of St. John the Evangelist into the community in need... Answering the call of Jesus. --Ted Stone

UTO Blue Boxes
Beginning in the 1880’s women of the Episcopal Church have coordinated the United Thank Offering. Central to the UTO are the familiar blue boxes. Pick one up from the information tables and take it home. Every time you are thankful or mindful of a blessing in your life, put a coin or two in the box. Collections from throughout the Episcopal Church are gathered together and grants are made to help people in need and support the mission of the church. To learn more talk with Iris Bestow or check out this website.

Parish Office Closed
The parish office will be closed Monday, September 5, in observance of Labor Day.

Vegetable Abundance
This week: Cantaloupe and green bell peppers.