Friday, November 11, 2016

Announcements for November 11

Annual Pledge Campaign – Pledge Sunday is This Sunday
You may offer your annual pledge cards this Sunday, November 13, during worship. IF you are unable to do so, please return them to the parish office as soon as possible.

United Thank Offering Ingathering This Sunday
If you have been participating in the United Thank Offering, please bring your offering this Sunday, November 13. You may turn in your filled blue boxes, or if you prefer to write a check, please make it out to St. John the Evangelist and note UTO in the memo line.

ReVive (Cathedral Shelter) Christmas Baskets: Several Families Still Need Adoption! 
Provide gifts this Christmas for a senior or family with limited financial means. Information is available in the undercroft. Wrapped and boxed gifts are due in the parish office by November 30.

Parish Kids Shopping Trip for Christmas Baskets
Children and young people of all ages are invited to participate in a shopping trip for a family in the Christmas Basket program. Meet at St. John’s next Sunday, November 20, at 3:00 PM. After shopping we’ll return to the church to wrap the gifts. Please let Pastor Orr know if you can come.

Loaves & Fishes This Sunday
The annual Thanksgiving-themed Loaves and Fishes will follow the 10:00 AM service this Sunday, November 13. Turkey, dressing and mashed potatoes will be served. Bring a side or dessert if you wish. All are welcome!

Parish Dinner Groups
November 13 is the last day to sign up for Parish Dinner Groups. Information and forms for signing up will be found on a table in the undercroft. If you have any questions regarding this unique opportunity to get to know your fellow parishioners a little bit better, please talk to Gale Michael or Pastor Off. Please turn in your forms to Gale, Pastor Orr or the Parish Office.

Blue Jeans Sunday: Next Sunday, November 20
Plan to help out with the fall landscape clean up day. Wear blue jeans and stay a little while after church to help clean up the church grounds for the winter.

Diocesan Convention Meets November 18 - 19 
The 179th annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago meets next week. Thank you to those who have offered themselves as delegates and alternates representing St. John’s: Sue O’Brien, Shirley Reilly, Steve Hofer, Gale Michael, Doris Sheffer and Don Rubins.

Bishop Lee’s Statement Following the Election
Many Bishops and church leaders have offered responses to the recent national election. You may read Bishop Lee’s HERE.