Friday, June 25, 2010

Announcements for June 27

  • Ice Cream Social
    We’re gearing up for the St. John’s Annual Community Ice Cream Social scheduled for Monday, July 5th (note the date), immediately following the 10:00 a.m. Flossmoor Children’s Parade. Your participation is what makes this event a success. Are you able to bring in some wildflowers or flowers from your garden? Can you put up flyers around town? Can you help move tables and tents outside? Can you meet and greet our guests? Can you scoop ice cream? Can you make a financial contribution to help underwrite the event? (Look for festive contribution envelopes on the display tables.) How about (and this is for everyone) praying for glorious weather? Contact Gale Michael with questions and/or offers to help.

  • Vestry Task Force on Accessibility
    The Vestry is forming a task force to identify and evaluate any barriers that might provide a challenge to peoples’ participation in worship and programs at St. John’s. The task force is expected to meet four or five times over the course of the summer to produce an “accessibility audit.” If you would like to be a member of the task force, please speak to Senior Warden Donna Blackburn.

  • St. John’s Needs a Few Good Ushers
    Ushers provide an important liturgical ministry, helping to ensure the order and flow of worship. We are seeking additional volunteers—individuals or couples—to join the usher program, especially for the 10:00 a.m. service. Ushers serve approximately once every six weeks. Please speak to John Huntoon if you would like to be a part of this ministry.

  • Welcome to our New Sexton
    We are grateful to Tony Rallins for accepting the position of Interim Sexton.