Announcements for June 13
- Parish Directories Available
Updated copies of the parish directory are available. Look for the light green cover and pick yours up. Note that a full year of birthdays and anniversaries is now included in the back.
- Music Director Search
We are currently soliciting applications for the position of Director of Music at St. John’s. Word of mouth is one of the best advertising tools; everyone is encouraged to spread the word. Color flyers are available on information tables; please take one or two and post them in appropriate places. The full position description is posted on the parish website.
- Blood Drive Thanks
Praise God for everyone who donated (or attempted to donate) blood at the blood drive Sunday. Your actions are truly those of Christian compassion.
- Instructed Eucharist Available
Copies of the text from the Instructed Eucharist are available. It is also posted on-line here.
- Daughters of the King Meet Saturday, June 19
The Daughters will meet in the Guild Room, beginning at 9:00 a.m. All women of the parish are welcome.