Friday, November 12, 2010

Reflection for November 14

Reflections on Giving from the Vestry

Most of the time someone is telling us what we need to give them in exchange for goods or services or whatever. Our only choice is to pay what’s being asked if we want what’s being offered Once a year we have the opportunity to decide how much we’re going to give to St. John’s. Whether to give and how much is completely up to us. How do we make that decision? How do we place a value on what our parish provides for us? How does that compare to what we spend in other parts of our everyday life? —Jack Zielinski

The continuation of St. John’s as we know it depends on us. We need to pay it forward so we can continue the legacy that was given to us here at St. John’s. We owe it to those in the outside altar. –John Huntoon