Friday, November 5, 2010

Reflection for November 7

Reflections on Giving from the Vestry

As Christians we are called to be generous. Generous with our time, talent and treasure. At. St. John’s we have an opportunity to demonstrate that generosity by supporting the faith community. I am so grateful for all of the people here who contribute in countless ways. It is because of them that I found a home here. It is because of them that I want to be generous in my support of St. John’s. —Cyndie Knoll, Junior Warden

When we have our hearts set on something that we “just have to have” we usually seem to be able to scrimp and save and somehow find the resources. Why then do we hesitate in the sharing of our treasures (money and time) when it comes to our God’s service? As generous as we are, we still need to follow our hearts and give a little more of our time and money. –Bev Keene

Being a part of St. John’s allows me to be a part of a compassionate community committed to serving God’s world. Supporting the church allows me both to grow spiritually in that community and also to play a role in reaching out to fulfill others’ needs that, on my own, I might never have known existed. –R.J. VanSwol.