Friday, October 12, 2012

Reflection for October 14

Over the course of my life, I have taken on all manner of spiritual practices, from now-I-lay-me- down-to-sleep to centering prayer. I have prayed with the Psalms, with the rosary, with icons. I have picked up practices and put them down. Some still discipline and nourish my praying life.

But of all the spiritual disciplines I have ever attempted, the habit of steady reading has helped me most and carried me farthest. Of course, reading scripture has been indispensable. But reading fiction—classics of world literature, fairy tales and Greek myths, science fiction and detective novels—has done more to baptize my imagination, inform my faith and strengthen my courage than all the prayer techniques in the world (Deborah Smith Douglas, “Saved by fiction,” Christian Century, October 3, 2012).