Friday, June 27, 2014

Reflection for June 29

It takes practice

My eight-year-old grandson Alex’s Presbyterian church also understands the formative importance of practices. His mother helps with communion which is celebrated by intinction. Alex helps by holding the basket of bread and saying to each worshiper, “The bread of life.” His mother offers the cup and says, “The cup of salvation.”

One Sunday they were assigned to take the elements to the people sitting in the balcony. As Susan climbed the balcony stairs she realized that Alex was not following her. She turned around and saw him at the bottom of the stairs. “What are you doing, Alex?” she asked. He gave an answer that’s packed with theological and sacramental significance. He said, “I’m eating the bread of life. I’m hungry” (John M. Buchanan, “It takes practice,” The Christian Century, June 25, 2014).