Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Minutes from Vestry Meeting - December 17, 2012


Evening Prayer and Thanksgiving Prayer Requests 
The vestry assembled in the church for evening prayer at 7:00 PM. The group then gathered in the undercroft meeting room and offered prayers of thanksgiving and intercession. Attendance All were present at the meeting: the rector, Kristin Orr; senior warden, Frank So; junior warden, Audrey Ongman; vestry members Candice Barrera, Anne Edwards, Steve Hofer, John Huntoon, Bev Keene, Greg Lawrence, Gale Michael, Mark Moxley, and R.J. VanSwol; the treasurer, Clay Denton; and the clerk, Susan Marquis. Parish Stewardship

Approval of Minutes from the November Meeting
Anne Edwards made a motion to approve November’s minutes. Mark Moxley seconded and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report 
Audrey Ongman made the following motion:
Whereas the Rev. Kristin Orr is employed as a minister of the Gospel by the Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist in Flossmoor, IL, which although providing a residence does not provide the full cost of maintaining and furnishing such a residence; the Vestry resolves that of the total compensation to be paid to the Rev. Orr during 2013, that $3000.00 be designated a parsonage allowance within the meaning of that term as used in Section 107 of the IRS Code of 1986. This housing allowance will apply to year 2013 and all future years unless otherwise provided.
Anne Edwards seconded the motion, and it passed.
Clay Denton announced that we will pay for Workers’ Compensation before April 1st. If we do not pay out what we thought we would, we will get money back at the end of the twelve-month period.  R.J. VanSwol moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. After a second from Mark Moxley, the motion passed.


Rector’s Report 
Pastor Orr expressed thanks to Alison Deniston for her leadership of the Cookie Walk and thanks to the vestry nominating committee comprised of Candice Barrera, Steve Hofer, John Huntoon, Audrey Ongman, and Frank So.
The rector received an email from Barry Berg, who, along with other of his family members, has had a lot of association with the outdoor altar and columbarium space. Barry, a member of St. John’s as a child, is an architect who did some design work on the altar and stone circle in front of it. He recently visited Flossmoor from out-of-state and noticed that the circle needed some work. After hearing that the church needs to expand and/or move the columbarium, he offered his architectural services pro bono for that project.
There has been a smooth transition and transfer of data to the new computer in the parish office. We now have WiFi in the office vicinity as well as high speed Internet. The new email address for the parish office is office@stjohnsflossmoor.org.

Wardens’ Reports and/or Reports from Parish Organizations 
The junior warden, Audrey Ongman, asked that people report building problems to her. She is aware that the floor tiles in the vestry room are moving, that floor tiles in the sacristy are curling, and that the roof is leaking in the choir room.

Upcoming Parish Events 
Christmas worship service times have been distributed through the usual parish communication channels..
St. John’s Feast is planned for January 5th
The annual meeting is scheduled for January 20th

Discussion and Decisions 

Budget for 2013 
The rector announced that current pledges are approximately $185,000, which is about $16,000 less than last year. Another $5,000 to $6,000 in pledges still may come in. We have one new pledge. The office sent out reminders to those who had not pledged, and five or six pledges came in as a result. The office sent out thank you notes to those who pledged. Frank So will remind people at the 10:00 AM service on December 23rd to turn in their pledge cards.
Salary expenses for next year will be lower due to fewer hours for both the office manager and sexton.
Pastor Orr has contacted the Dean of Rockefeller Chapel for referrals of candidates for the Christian education director position at St. John’s. A seminarian doing fieldwork also may be a possibility for the job. Pastor Orr will look into the market salary rates for office managers and Christian education directors.

Access Project 
Bev Keene suggested that fundraising for the access project should begin as soon as possible, perhaps by making building fund envelopes available. Greg Lawrence believes that the vestry should explore a phase approach to building. Audrey Ongman suggested that we go to the parish to ask for ideas about raising money. Pastor Orr noted that the vestry needs to keep up conversations about the access project within the parish, with friends, and with family.

St. John’s Feast
The feast committee announced the feast menu of chicken stew, cornbread, salad, bread, and ice cream. The activity after dinner will involve parish guests bringing objects that are special from their time at St. John’s and explaining the meaning of those objects.

Budget Meeting 
The vestry will gather at 11:30 AM on Sunday, January 6th to approve a parish budget for 2013.

Following prayer, the meeting ended at 9:25 PM. The next regular meeting is scheduled for February 18th.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Marquis Vestry Clerk

Approved:  February 18, 2013