Friday, February 22, 2013

Reflection for February 24

I say heaven is a great mystery. If I’m me, and I have an infinite amount of time, what will I do to stop from being bored? ... I would like to see my mother again. But am I going to see my mother again as a thirty-year-old and me as an eighty-year-old? … What is it that constitutes me? How can it be preserved when we’re part of an ever-changing stream? Are we going to be in a changeless state? But if we’re learning, we’re changing. The whole concept is so full of conundrums; one has to have hope in one type of continuity, but a continuity so inconceivably different from what we’re in now that you get a headache from imagining it (Harvard astrophysicist Owen Gingrich, quoted in Heaven, by Lisa Miller).