Friday, April 11, 2014

Announcements for April 13

Palm Sunday: Blessing of the Palms Begins Early
This Sunday, April 13, both services will begin with the Blessing of the Palms at the Outdoor Altar. The liturgy of the palms begins, respectively, at 7:55 a.m. and 9:40 a.m. Children and families are especially encouraged to come for the blessing of the palms before the 10:00 a.m. service. Following the blessing we will process around Flossmoor.

Outreach Forum Coming to St. John’s after Easter
On the four Sundays following Easter the Sunday morning adult education class will be devoted to presentations by several outreach ministries. The schedule includes South Suburban PADS, Respond Now, the Night Ministry, and St. John’s Parish Garden. A handout with more information is on the information tables.

Easter Flower Contributions
If you would like to contribute to the lilies and special flowers that adorn the church at Easter time, please look for special flower envelopes in the pews.

Sign up for The Watch
In commemoration of Jesus’ last night in the Garden of Gethsemane, it is our custom to keep watch with the Reserved Sacrament at the Altar of Repose during the night of Maundy Thursday until noon on Good Friday. Shifts are one hour. A sign up sheet is in the back of the church.

Holy Week Services
Services are offered every day during Holy Week. The schedule was distributed in the Easter letter and with last week’s e-vangelist. You will be blessed by as full participation as possible.

Good Friday Offering
Since 1922, Episcopalians in the United States have supported the ministries of the Episcopal Church in the Holy Land through the Good Friday offering. Special offering envelopes will be in the pews throughout Holy Week.

Christian Formation Classes on Vacation
Christian formation classes for children and adults will not meet this Sunday or Easter Sunday. Youth Worship will be offered this Sunday, Palm Sunday, but not on Easter.

For Children and Youth on Holy Saturday: Stations of the Cross & Raising the A*******
Children and young people are invited to a special event beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Holy Saturday, April 19. The event will include a version of Stations of the Cross for youth, the welcoming of the Easter light to the Youth Worship chapel, raising the A******* banners buried throughout Lent, and filling Easter eggs for the Easter morning Easter egg hunt.