Friday, April 25, 2014

Announcements for April 27

Outreach Forum This Sunday: PADS
PADS works to relieve homelessness in the south suburbs. Many St. John’s parishioners have been active in PADS for years. Everyone is encouraged to attend the forum this Sunday, April 27, to learn more about the work of PADS and different ways that we can help. The forum begins at 9:00 a.m. in Classroom 4. Darryl Calhoon from South Suburban PADS will be presenting.

Easter Thank You’s
Thanks be to God for the choir, altar guild and friends, all of the liturgical ministers (especially acolytes, lay Eucharistic ministers and lectors), the Agape supper crew, everyone who kept watch through the night, Pat Smith Huntoon (Saturday youth worship) and the Turnquest men (the new fire at the Easter Vigil) for your ministries during Holy Week and Easter.

St. John’s Youth Group Walking to Alleviate Hunger
Sunday, May 4, our youth will participate in the South Suburban CROP Hunger Walk in Park Forest. Sponsored by Christian World Service, hunger walks raise money to alleviate hunger locally and throughout the world. Please help us help others by donating any amount. There’s a matching donation challenge from the Feinstein Foundation, so your dollars will count for even more! Several parishioners have already given generously. We’ll be collecting after the 10 o’clock service on April 20th and April 27th… OR donate online any time before May 4th! by going to this link: and then click through CROP Hunger Walk > Find Your Walk > Illinois > South Suburban CROP Hunger Walk > Donate > I want to support a TEAM > The Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist.

Recycle Plastic Easter Eggs
Please bring empty plastic Easter eggs to the church; they can be reused next year. A collection box is in the foyer near the parish office.

Yarn Ministry
The yarn ministry will meet Monday, May 5, beginning at 7 p.m. in the Guild Room.