Friday, April 25, 2014

Reflection for April 27

Reading this short scene [with Thomas and Jesus] in the locked room always reminds me of the power of an encounter with Jesus. So very often I come to God on my own terms, full of my very sure self-knowledge of what I need. My own hands are clenched as I try to hold on to my bundle of needs, fears, weaknesses, and anxieties. I need the answer. I need a different answer. I need more time. I need more patience. I need more of everything. Except those things of which I need less.

And, miraculously, even while prattling on about my own needs, Jesus appears, and offers to help me carry my bundle of needs. And everything is transformed. Opening my fists to reach out to God, there is a welcome falling away of so much. And all of my long lists dissolve into Thomas’ simple confession: “My Lord and my God!” (The Rev. Melody Knowles, Ph.D., Virginia Theological Seminary).