Announcements for June 6
- Jackie Campbell Memorial Blood Drive this Sunday
The blood drive will take place in the education wing from 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m. Walk-ins are welcome. All donors will need to show picture ID.
- Parish Picnic and Farewell to Jeff Peterson This Sunday
Following the 10:00 a.m. service this Sunday, please stay for hotdogs and hamburgers grilled by St. John’s master griller, Greg Lawrence. It is a wonderful chance to relax and ease into summer in the fellowship of parishioners. If you can, bring a side or dessert; but come, regardless. We will also take this opportunity to thank Jeff Peterson for his music ministry at St. John’s and wish him Godspeed as he heads for his new job at Baylor University.
- Vacation Bible School
Once again, several folk from St. John’s are helping to staff Vacation Bible School at Faith Lutheran Church in Homewood. Sessions are 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., June 14-18 and June 21-25. For more information or to register, visit or call 799-1160.
- Instructed Eucharist Available
Copies of the text from last week’s Instructed Eucharist are available. It is also posted on-line here on the Rector's blog.
- Music Director Search
We are currently soliciting applications for the position of Director of Music at St. John’s. Word of mouth is one of the best advertising tools; everyone is encouraged to spread the word. Color flyers are available on information tables; please take one or two and post them in appropriate places. The full position description is posted on the parish website.