Thursday, October 5, 2017

Announements for October 8th

College Care Packages
St. John’s Outreach Ministry is sending college freshmen surprise care packages this fall. We’re asking everyone to bring something to contribute to the now 6 young people we’re collecting for. Keep it simple (gum, pencils, Post-it notes)…use your imagination. Stumped? See, text or call Mike Madden or Dee McManamy for suggestions or if you, too, know a college freshman who would like a fun surprise. Boxes will be in the undercroft during coffee hour for the next several Sundays. Remember: Notes of encouragement are always a welcomed addition!

United Thank Offering – IT’S EASY!
Notice the good things that happen each day? Give thanks to God for your Blessings and make an offering for each Blessing. Every penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar offered in thanks through the United Thank Offering (UTO) is given to God’s mission in the world.  Every coin and bill transforms Lives in the United States and around the world. Turn your gratitude for your blessings into blessings for others.